Class GeneralComparator<T extends Formula,R extends BeliefBase>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of formulas that are compared.
R - The type of the belief base that the interpretation operates on.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparator<T>, Interpretation<R,T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
LastLinkOrder, LatticePartialOrder, NumericalPartialOrder, RuleComparator, SimpleAspicOrder, WeakestLinkOrder

public abstract class GeneralComparator<T extends Formula,R extends BeliefBase> extends AbstractInterpretation<R,T> implements Comparator<T>
This abstract class is the common ancestor for semantical approaches to ranking, i.e. relations that allow a more fine-grained comparison by e.g. utilizing numerical values for arguments.
Matthias Thimm