Class BeliefSet<T extends Formula,S extends Signature>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the beliefs in this belief set.
S - The type of signature attached to this belief set.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<T>, Collection<T>, BeliefBase
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractBipolarFramework, ActionDescription, ActionQuerySet, ArgumentationKnowledgeBase, ClBeliefSet, CrMasBeliefSet, DefeasibleLogicProgram, DlBeliefSet, DungTheory, ExtendedTheory, FolBeliefSet, MarkovLogicNetwork, MlBeliefSet, PclBeliefSet, PlBeliefSet, RclBeliefSet, RecursiveExtendedTheory, RpclBeliefSet, SetAf, SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase

public abstract class BeliefSet<T extends Formula,S extends Signature> extends Object implements BeliefBase, Collection<T>
This class models a belief set, i.e. a set of formulae of some formalism, and a signature.
Matthias Thimm, Tim Janus, Anna Gessler