ClassDescriptionMain factory for retrieving abstract extension reasoners.An enumeration of all available semantics.The DungReasonerCalleeFactory class is responsible for creating instances of Callee based on the specified Command, AbstractExtensionReasoner, and DungTheory parameters.Enumeration of commands supported by the factory, each with a unique ID and label.The DungReasonerGetModelCallee class represents a callee for obtaining a model using a specified AbstractExtensionReasoner and DungTheory.The DungReasonerGetModelsCallee class represents a callee for obtaining multiple models using a specified AbstractExtensionReasoner and DungTheory.The DungReasonerPost class represents a data structure for holding information related to a Dung argumentation reasoner request sent via HTTP POST.The DungReasonerResponse class extends the Response class and represents a response containing information related to a Dung argumentation reasoner result.The DungServicesInfoResponse class extends the Response class and represents a response containing information about Dung argumentation services.