Class NecessityArgumentationFramework

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<NecessityArgumentationFramework>, Iterable<BArgument>, Collection<BArgument>, BeliefBase, GeneralGraph<BArgument>, Graph<BArgument>

public class NecessityArgumentationFramework extends AbstractBipolarFramework implements Comparable<NecessityArgumentationFramework>
This class implements a bipolar abstract argumentation framework with necessities. ie. if an argument a supports b, then the acceptance of a is required for the acceptance of b. If a set of arguments E supports an argument b, then the acceptance of b requires the acceptance of at least one argument of E.


Nouioua. AFs with Necessities: Further Semantics and Labelling Characterization. 2013


Polberg, Oren. Revisiting Support in Abstract Argumentation Systems. 2014
Lars Bengel