Interface GeneralGraph<T extends Node>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of nodes in the graph, which extends the `Node` class.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractDialecticalFramework, DirHyperGraph<T>, Graph<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBipolarFramework, AbstractEAFTheory, ArgumentTree, BpmnModel, ClaimBasedTheory, Compilation, DeductiveArgumentationFramework, DefaultGraph, DungTheory, EAFTheory, EvidentialArgumentationFramework, ExecutableDungTheory, HyperGraph, IncompleteTheory, InducedTheory, NamedPEAFTheory, NecessityArgumentationFramework, PEAFTheory, PerceivableStructuredArgumentationFramework, PetriNet, ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework, ReachabilityGraph, SerialisationGraph, SetAf, SimpleGraph, SocialAbstractArgumentationFramework, StructuredArgumentationFramework, WeightedArgumentationFramework, WeightedDungTheory

public interface GeneralGraph<T extends Node> extends Iterable<T>
The `GeneralGraph` interface represents a general structure for graphs where each graph consists of nodes and edges. This interface provides methods for retrieving nodes, edges, and subgraphs (restrictions of the graph).

The `GeneralGraph` interface is parameterized with the type `T`, which extends `Node`. This allows for flexibility in defining different types of graphs with specific types of nodes.

Sebastian Franke