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SActionQuery - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax
This class represents a single action query in the action query language S, which is based on the query language "P" discussed in the paper: Action Languages.
SActionQuery(PlFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.SActionQuery
Creates a new action query with the given propositional formula and no grounding requirements.
SActionQuery(PlFormula, Set<GroundingRequirement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.SActionQuery
Creates a new action query with the given propositional formula and grounding requirements.
SActionQuerySatisfactionTester - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.query.analysis
This class provides methods capable of checking if a given transition system satisfies a set of action queries in the action query language S.
SActionQuerySatisfactionTester(ASPSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.analysis.SActionQuerySatisfactionTester
Creates a new instance of this satisfaction tester using the given answer set solver.
SActionQuerySet - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax
This class models a set of action queries in the language "S" which is based on the query language "P" discussed in the paper: [Gelfond, Michael and Lifschitz, Vladimir: Action Languages.
SActionQuerySet() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.SActionQuerySet
Creates a new empty action query set for the query language S.
SActionQuerySet(Collection<SActionQuery>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.SActionQuerySet
Creates a new belief set with the given collection of queries.
SAD - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
SAD - Enum constant in enum
Strongly Admissible semantics
SAFEFORMULAINDEPENDENCE - Static variable in class
SafetyReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.deductive
a set of arguments S is safe wrt.
SafetyReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.deductive.SafetyReasoner
SafExample - Class in
Example code for using social abstract argumentation.
SafExample - Class in Unnamed Package
Example code for using social abstract argumentation.
SafExample() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for creating an instance of SimulationParameters.
SafExample() - Constructor for class SafExample
SAFExample() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.examples.RankingPostulatesExample
Evaluates the SAFRankingReasoner against all postulates and prints the results.
SAFRankingReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
This class implements the social abstract argumentation approach as proposed by [Bonzon, Delobelle, Konieczny, Maudet.
SAFRankingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.SAFRankingReasoner
Create a new SAFRankingReasoner with default parameters.
SAFRankingReasoner(double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.SAFRankingReasoner
Create a new SAFRankingReasoner with the given epsilon for the SimpleProductSemantics.
SAFRankingReasoner(double, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.SAFRankingReasoner
Create a new SAFRankingReasoner with the given epsilon and the given tolerance for the SimpleProductSemantics.
SAFRankingReasoner(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.SAFRankingReasoner
Create a new SAFRankingReasoner with the given epsilon, the given precision and the given tolerance for the SimpleProductSemantics.
sample() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.syntax.ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework
Samples a random DungTheory from this framework wrt.
sample() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.Probability
Returns a sample wrt.
sample() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.ProbabilityFunction
Samples one element from the domain of this probability function, depending on its probability.
sample(Random) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.ProbabilityFunction
Samples one element from the domain of this probability function, depending on its probability.
sample(S, A) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Samples the next state for executing a in s (given the corresponding probabilities)
sample(S, Policy<S, A>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Samples an episode wrt.
sampleFormula() - Method in class
Returns a random formula
sampleFormula(ProbabilityFunction<Byte>) - Method in class
Samples a single formula.
sampleT1BeliefState() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T2BeliefState
Returns a T1-belief state that is a projection of this belief state, i.e.
SasAgent - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured
This class represents an agent in a structured argumentation system.
SasAgent(StructuredArgumentationFramework, UtilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured.SasAgent
Creates a new (non-single-step) SasAgent with the given (local) view and utility function.
SasAgent(StructuredArgumentationFramework, UtilityFunction, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured.SasAgent
Creates a new SasAgent with the given (local) view and utility function.
SAT - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.parser.QdimacsParser.Answer
sat1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.LingelingTest
sat1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.MinisatTest
sat1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.PicosatTest
Sat4jSolver - Class in
Uses the Sat4j library for SAT solving (note that currently only the light version is used).
Sat4jSolver() - Constructor for class
Creates a new solver with default parameters (maxvar=1000000, nbclauses=500000).
Sat4jSolver(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new solver with the given parameters.
SatBasedInconsistencyMeasure - Class in
A common base class for inconsistency measure implementations based on SAT encodings.
SatBasedInconsistencyMeasure() - Constructor for class
Create a new SAT-based inconsistency measure with the given SAT solver.
SatBasedInconsistencyMeasure(SatSolver) - Constructor for class
Create a new SAT-based inconsistency measure with the given SAT solver.
SatCompleteReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Uses a SAT solver to determine complete extensions.
SatCompleteReasoner(SatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SatCompleteReasoner
Constructs a new complete reasoner.
SatEncoding - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.encodings
The SatEncoding interface represents a generic SAT encoding mechanism.
satisfiable() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.IndexedSatSolverState
Checks whether the current SAT solver state is satisfiable with the current set of clauses.
satisfiable() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.SatSolverState
Computes if the current state is satisfiable.
satisfiable() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState
satisfiable() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.SynchronizedSatSolverState
satisfiable() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.minisat.MinisatSatSolver
satisfiable() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.sat.SatSolver
Checks if the formula is satisfiable without any assumptions.
satisfiable(int[]) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.IndexedSatSolverState
Checks whether the current SAT solver state is satisfiable given a set of assumptions.
satisfiable(int[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.lingeling.LingelingSatSolver
Checks if the current formula is satisfiable under the given assumptions.
satisfiable(int[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.minisat.MinisatSatSolver
satisfiable(int[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.picosat.PicosatSatSolver
satisfiable(int[]) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.sat.SatSolver
Checks if the formula is satisfiable under the given assumptions.
satisfied() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.Interpretation
satisfied(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.Interpretation.Builder
satisfied(Argument) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.Interpretation
satisfies(B) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Interpretation
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies the given knowledge base.
satisfies(Collection<PlFormula>) - Method in class
satisfies(Collection<PlFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semantics.QbPossibleWorld
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies the given formula.
satisfies(Collection<S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.AbstractInterpretation
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies all given formulas.
satisfies(Collection<S>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Interpretation
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies all given formulas.
satisfies(Set<FolFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.semantics.HerbrandInterpretation
Checks whether this Herbrand interpretation satisfies each of the formulas in the given set of first-order formulas.
satisfies(Set<FolFormula>) - Method in class
Checks whether this Herbrand interpretation satisfies each of the formulas in the given set of first-order formulas.
satisfies(AbaTheory<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
satisfies(Assumption<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
satisfies(AspicArgument<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.LastLinkOrder
satisfies(AspicArgument<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.SimpleAspicOrder
satisfies(AspicArgument<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.WeakestLinkOrder
satisfies(AspicArgumentationTheory<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.LastLinkOrder
satisfies(AspicArgumentationTheory<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.RuleComparator
satisfies(AspicArgumentationTheory<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.SimpleAspicOrder
satisfies(AspicArgumentationTheory<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.WeakestLinkOrder
satisfies(InferenceRule<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.RuleComparator
satisfies(LdoFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.semantics.LdoInterpretation
satisfies(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.AbstractArgumentationInterpretation
satisfies(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.StratifiedLabeling
satisfies(Argument) - Method in class
satisfies(ClaimArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
satisfies(ClaimBasedTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
satisfies(DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.semantics.LdoInterpretation
satisfies(DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.StratifiedLabeling
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.AbstractPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.CoherentPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.FoundedPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.InvolutaryPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.JustifiablePASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.NeutralPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.OptimisticPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.PASemantics
Checks whether the given probabilistic extension satisfies the given argumentation theory wrt.
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.RationalPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.SemiFoundedPASemantics
satisfies(ProbabilisticExtension, DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.SemiOptimisticPASemantics
satisfies(SocialAbstractArgumentationFramework) - Method in class
satisfies(Formula, Set<Interpretation<FolBeliefSet, FolFormula>>) - Method in class
Checks whether this Herbrand interpretation satisfies the given formula.
satisfies(ClBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(ClBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.RankingFunctionThreeValued
satisfies(Conditional) - Method in class
satisfies(Conditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.RankingFunctionThreeValued
satisfies(DlAxiom) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.semantics.DlInterpretation
satisfies(DlBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.semantics.DlInterpretation
satisfies(FolBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.semantics.HerbrandInterpretation
satisfies(FolBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(FolBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.ReferenceWorld
satisfies(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.semantics.HerbrandInterpretation
Checks whether this Herbrand interpretation satisfies the given formula.
satisfies(FolFormula) - Method in class
satisfies(FolFormula) - Method in class
satisfies(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
satisfies(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.ReferenceWorld
satisfies(MlBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(PclBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics.ProbabilityDistribution
satisfies(ProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics.ProbabilityDistribution
satisfies(PossibleWorld, Conditional) - Static method in class
Checks whether the given possible world w satisfies the given conditional (B|A), i.e.
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semantics.QbPossibleWorld
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies the given formula.
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
satisfies(PlBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semantics.QbPossibleWorld
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies the given formula.
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
satisfies(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted
satisfies(RclBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.semantics.RelationalRankingFunction
satisfies(RelationalConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.semantics.RelationalRankingFunction
satisfies(DefaultTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
satisfies(RpclProbabilityDistribution<?>, RelationalProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AbstractRpclSemantics
satisfies(RpclProbabilityDistribution<?>, RelationalProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AggregatingSemantics
satisfies(RpclProbabilityDistribution<?>, RelationalProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AveragingSemantics
satisfies(RpclProbabilityDistribution<?>, RelationalProbabilisticConditional) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.RpclSemantics
Checks whether the given probability distribution satisfies the given conditional wrt.
satisfies(RelationalProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.CondensedProbabilityDistribution
satisfies(RelationalProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.RpclProbabilityDistribution
satisfies(RpclBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.CondensedProbabilityDistribution
satisfies(RpclBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.RpclProbabilityDistribution
satisfies(PriestWorldAdapted, Conditional) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.RankingFunctionThreeValued
Checks whether the given possible world w satisfies the given conditional (B|A), i.e.
satisfies(ASPRule) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics.AnswerSet
satisfies(Program) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics.AnswerSet
satisfies(R) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.LatticePartialOrder
satisfies(R) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder
satisfies(S) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Interpretation
Checks whether this interpretation satisfies the given formula.
satisfies(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.AbstractArgumentationInterpretation
satisfies(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.LatticePartialOrder
satisfies(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder
satisfies3VL(PlFormula) - Method in class
Determines the 3-valued truth value of the given formula.
satisfies3VL(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
Determines the 3-valued truth value of the given formula.
satisfies3VL(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted
Determines the 3-valued truth value of the given formula.
satisfies4VL(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld
Determines the 4-valued truth value of the given formula.
SatLinkStrategy - Class in
Computes the LinkType via two Sat-calls.
SatLinkStrategy(IncrementalSatSolver) - Constructor for class
SatQueryBuilder - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.query
SatQueryBuilder class
SatQueryBuilder(AbstractDialecticalFramework) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.query.SatQueryBuilder
Constructor with AbstractDialecticalFramework
SatReasoner - Class in
Uses the default SAT reasoner to perform reasoning in propositional logic
SatReasoner() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SatSolver - Class in
Abstract class for specifying SAT solvers.
SatSolver - Interface in org.tweetyproject.sat
A minimalistic, low-level and stateful SAT solver interface.
SatSolver() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SatSolverExample - Class in
Example code illustrating the use of external SAT solvers such as Lingeling and CaDicaL, and related utilities.
SatSolverExample() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SatSolverState - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat
A high level representation of a sat solver state.
SatStableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Uses a SAT solver to determine stable extensions.
SatStableReasoner(SatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SatStableReasoner
Constructs a new stable reasoner.
SCC_DECOMPOSABILITY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The SCC decomposability principle
SccCF2Reasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for CF2 extensions using scc-recursiveness.
SccCF2Reasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SccCF2Reasoner
SccDecomposabilityPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
SCC Decomposability Principle (also SCC-Recursiveness)
SccDecomposabilityPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.SccDecomposabilityPrinciple
SCEPTICAL - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ParameterisedArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionOperator.TransformationType
Represents a skeptical transformation type.
ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunction - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision
This class represents the sceptical transformation function for literals as introduced in [1].
ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunction(Collection<ASPRule>, AttackStrategy, AttackStrategy) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunction
Creates a new sceptical transformation function for literals.
ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunctionTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics
ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunctionTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunctionTest
SCF_GreedyKApproximationReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Starting from the complete set of arguments, this algorithms greedily determines an approximation to a k-stable extension by iteratively removing arguments (that resolve a maximal number of conflicts) until the set is conflict-free.
SCF_GreedyKApproximationReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SCF_GreedyKApproximationReasoner
SCF2 - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
SCF2_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
SCF2Reasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for SCF2 extensions using scc-recursiveness.
SCF2Reasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SCF2Reasoner
SCOOC - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The Strong Completeness Outside Odd Cycles (SCOOC) principle
SCOOCNaiveReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
reasoner for SCOOC-naive semantics.
SCOOCNaiveReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SCOOCNaiveReasoner
SCOOCPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
Strong Complete Completeness Outside Odd Cycles Principle (SCOOC)
SCOOCPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.SCOOCPrinciple
ScoringPreferenceAggregator<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation
This class extends the interface for preference aggregation with scoring Scorings are implemented separately.
ScoringPreferenceAggregator(WeightVector) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.ScoringPreferenceAggregator
Constructor with given weight vector
ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.preferences.test
The class ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest contains tests for the class ScoringPreferenceAggregator.
ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.preferences.test.ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest
ScreenedMaxichoiceConsolidation - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision
This class implements the screened maxi-choice consolidation operator from [1].
ScreenedMaxichoiceConsolidation(Program, SelectionFunction<ASPRule>, ASPSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision.ScreenedMaxichoiceConsolidation
Creates a new screened maxi-choice consolidation operator with the given screen, selection function and a link to an answer set solver.
ScreenedRemainderSets - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision
This class represents the set of Screened Consistent Remainder Sets as defined in [1].
ScreenedRemainderSets(Program, Program, ASPSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision.ScreenedRemainderSets
Creates a new set of screened remainder sets of program p that all contain the screened rules r.
Script - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.TaskType
SdInconsistencyMeasure - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.analysis
This class implements the inconsistency measure $I_sd$ from [Ulbricht, Thimm, Brewka.
SdInconsistencyMeasure(ASPSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.analysis.SdInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new inconsistency measure based on the given solver.
SE - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
SE_ADM - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_CANNOT_FIND_SOLVER - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating that the solver could not be found.
SE_CANNOT_OPEN_INPUT - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating that the input file could not be opened.
SE_CF - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_CF2 - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_CO - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_ERROR - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating a general error.
SE_GR - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_ID - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_IO_FAILED - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating an I/O failure.
SE_NO_BINARY - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating that the binary could not be found.
SE_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating insufficient permissions to execute the solver.
SE_PR - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_SST - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_ST - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_STG - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
SE_SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Error code indicating a syntax error.
second - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.Pair
SeeAcceptabilityReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Implements the SEE approach ("selective extension enumeration") to determine the set of acceptable arguments of an AF wrt.
SeeAcceptabilityReasoner(SatSolver, Semantics, InferenceMode) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SeeAcceptabilityReasoner
Creates a new IaqAcceptabilityReasoner.
SeemAcceptabilityReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Implements the SEEM approach ("selective extension enumeration with MaxSAT") to determine the set of credulously acceptable arguments of an AF wrt.
SeemAcceptabilityReasoner(MaxSatSolver, Semantics, InferenceMode) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SeemAcceptabilityReasoner
Creates a new IaqAcceptabilityReasoner.
select(RemainderSets<ASPRule>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision.MonotoneGlobalMaxichoiceSelectionFunction
select(RemainderSets<T>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision.SelectionFunction
Select exactly one remainder set from the set of remainder sets.
select(ScreenedRemainderSets) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision.MonotoneGlobalMaxichoiceSelectionFunction
Selects the maximal remainder set from the set of all remainder sets according to a total order on all extended logic programs.
SelectionCommandParameter - Class in org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter
This class expands the CommandParameter with a selection-array containing strings the parameter supports
SelectionCommandParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.SelectionCommandParameter
Creates a new parameter.
SelectionCommandParameter(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.SelectionCommandParameter
Creates a new parameter.
selectionFunction(Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedAdmissibleReasoner
Select a subset of the initial sets of the AF, i.e.
selectionFunction(Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedGroundedReasoner
Select a subset of the initial sets of the AF, i.e.
selectionFunction(Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedStronglyAdmissibleReasoner
Select a subset of the initial sets of the AF, i.e.
selectionFunction(Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedUnchallengedReasoner
Select a subset of the initial sets of the AF, i.e.
SelectionFunction<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision
This interface models a general selection function for remainder sets
SelectiveRevisionOperator<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision
This class implements a selective revision operator following [Ferme:1999].
SelectiveRevisionOperator(TransformationFunction<T>, BaseRevisionOperator<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.SelectiveRevisionOperator
Creates a new selective revision operator for the given transformation function and inner revision.
SELFCONTRADICTION - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
SelfSupportingReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.evidential
a set of arguments S is self-supporting iff all arguments in S are e-supported by S.
SelfSupportingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.evidential.SelfSupportingReasoner
semantics - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.LotteryDialogueTest
The semantics to be used for evaluating the argumentation framework in the simulation.
semantics - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.LotteryDialogueTest2
The argumentation semantics used
semantics() - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
Returns the semantics of the problem.
semantics(String) - Method in class
Sets the semantics to be used in the ABA reasoner post request.
semantics(String) - Method in class
Sets the semantics specified in the Dung reasoner response.
semantics(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the semantics and returns this instance for method chaining.
Semantics - Enum in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics
This enum lists all semantics.
Semantics - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution
Provides access to the computational building blocks of SAT based ADF semantics.
SemanticsStep - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.query
SemanticsStep class
SEMI_DIRECTIONALITY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The semi-directionality principle
SEMI_STABLE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ExtensionRankingSemantics
class for extension ranking semantics
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
SemiDirectionalityPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
Semi Directionality Principle
SemiDirectionalityPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.SemiDirectionalityPrinciple
SemiFoundedPASemantics - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics
P is semi-founded wrt.
SemiFoundedPASemantics() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.SemiFoundedPASemantics
SemiOptimisticPASemantics - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics
P is semi-optimistic wrt.
SemiOptimisticPASemantics() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.SemiOptimisticPASemantics
SEMIQUAL_ADM - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The semi qualified admissibility principle
SemiQualifiedAdmissibilityPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
Semi-Qualified Admissibility Principle
SemiQualifiedAdmissibilityPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.SemiQualifiedAdmissibilityPrinciple
SemiQualifiedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for semi-qualified sigma-semantics.
SemiQualifiedReasoner(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SemiQualifiedReasoner
initialize reasoner with the given semantics as base function.
Semiring<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.algebra
This class represents a generic Semiring, an algebraic structure with two binary operations (addition and multiplication), and two corresponding identity elements (zeroElement and oneElement).
Semiring(BinaryOperator<T>, BinaryOperator<T>, T, T) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.algebra.Semiring
Constructs a Semiring instance.
SEMISTABLE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
Send - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.TaskType
SequenceFlow - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax
A class to represent edges of the sequence flow in a BPMN Model
SequenceFlow(BpmnNode, BpmnNode) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.SequenceFlow
SequenceFlow(BpmnNode, BpmnNode, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.SequenceFlow
SequenceFlowParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn
Parse an edge of the sequence flow in a BPMN model
SequenceFlowParser(RootParser) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.SequenceFlowParser
Create a new instance
SequentialExecution - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution
SequentialExecution class
SequentialExecution(Semantics, IncrementalSatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.SequentialExecution
SerialisableExtensionReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Ancestor class for serialisable AF reasoners
SerialisableExtensionReasoner(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisableExtensionReasoner
Constructs a serialisable extension reasoner for the given semantics
SerialisableExtensionReasonerExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples
This class summarises examples displaying the usage of SerialisableExtensionReasoner for different types of serialisable semantics.
SerialisableExtensionReasonerExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples.SerialisableExtensionReasonerExample
SerialisableRankingReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
Implements the serialisable ranking semantics from [Blümel, Thimm.
SerialisableRankingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.SerialisableRankingReasoner
Creates a new serialisable ranking reasoner that uses SimpleInitialReasoner for determining initial sets.
SerialisableRankingReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.SerialisableRankingReasoner
Creates a new serialisable ranking reasoner that uses the given reasoner for determining initial sets (this object should return all initial sets via getModels().
SerialisableRankingReasonerExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.examples
An example class that demonstrates the usage of the SerialisableRankingReasoner.
SerialisableRankingReasonerExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.examples.SerialisableRankingReasonerExample
Default Constructor
SerialisationAnalysisPlotter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.util
This class summarizes static methods used to plot serialisability analyses, consisting of plotting the underlying argumentation framework and the serialisation graphs regarding the specified semantics.
SerialisationAnalysisPlotter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.util.SerialisationAnalysisPlotter
SerialisationEquivalence - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence
This class defines 'Serialisation' equivalence for Argumentation Frameworks wrt.
SerialisationEquivalence(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.SerialisationEquivalence
Initializes a new instance of this equivalence notion for the given semantics
SerialisationGraph - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics
A Graph-based representation of the Serialisation Sequences of some Argumentation Framework wrt.
SerialisationGraph(DungTheory, Collection<SerialisationSequence>, Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationGraph
Construct a serialisation graph for the given argumentation framework and set of serialisation sequences
SerialisationGraph(DungTheory, Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationGraph
Construct a serialisation graph for the given argumentation framework and semantics
SerialisationGraphPlotter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.util
This class represents a specialization of GraphPlotters used to visualize the process of generating extensions by serialising sets of arguments, as realised in SerialisableExtensionReasoner.
SerialisationGraphPlotter(Plotter, SerialisationGraph) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.util.SerialisationGraphPlotter
Constructs a SerialisationGraphPlotter with the specified plotter and serialisation graph.
SerialisationNode - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics
Representation of a 'state' in the serialisation process, consisting of the current DungTheory and a (partial) Extension.
SerialisationNode(DungTheory, Extension<DungTheory>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationNode
Initializes a serialisation state for the given theory and extension with terminal set to false
SerialisationNode(DungTheory, Extension<DungTheory>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationNode
Initializes a new serialisation state for the given theory and extension and terminal value
SerialisationSequence - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics
Representation of a serialisation sequence, i.e., a sequence of initial sets of the respective reducts.
SerialisationSequence() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
Initializes an empty serialisation sequence
SerialisationSequence(Collection<? extends Argument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
Initializes a serialisation sequence with arguments as the first element
SerialisationSequence(List<? extends Collection<? extends Argument>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
Initializes a serialisation sequence starting with the given List of initial sets
SerialisationSequenceTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.sequence
Tests to verify the code in the class SerialisationSequence.
SerialisationSequenceTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.sequence.SerialisationSequenceTest
SerialisedAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Serialised version of the admissible semantics
SerialisedAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedAdmissibleReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the admissible semantics
SerialisedCompleteReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Serialised version of the complete semantics
SerialisedCompleteReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedCompleteReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the complete semantics
SerialisedGroundedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Serialised version of the grounded semantics
SerialisedGroundedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedGroundedReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the grounded semantics
SerialisedPreferredReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Serialised version of the preferred semantics
SerialisedPreferredReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedPreferredReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the preferred semantics
SerialisedStableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Serialised version of the stable semantics
SerialisedStableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedStableReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the stable semantics
SerialisedStronglyAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
This class represents a reasoner to compute the extensions of the strongly admissible Semantics by serialising unattacked initial sets.
SerialisedStronglyAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedStronglyAdmissibleReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the strongly admissible semantics
SerialisedUnchallengedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable
Serialised reasoner for the unchallenged semantics The unchallenged semantics amounts to exhaustively adding unattacked and unchallenged initial sets
SerialisedUnchallengedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.serialisable.SerialisedUnchallengedReasoner
Initializes a SerialisableExtensionReasoner for the unchallenged semantics
Service - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.TaskType
set(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.GeneralValuedBitSet
sets the value of the bit at position i
set(int, Boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.ThreeValuedBitSet
Setter value
set(int, Collection<? extends Argument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
set(int, LdoFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
set(int, RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
set(int, ComplexConcept) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
set(int, PlFormula) - Method in class
set(int, ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
set(int, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
set(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Constant
set(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.StringTerm
set(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Variable
set(Proposition, PriestWorld.TruthValue) - Method in class
Sets the value of the given proposition.
set(Proposition, FourValuedWorld.TruthValue) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld
Sets the value of the given proposition.
set(Proposition, ThreeValuedWorld.TruthValue) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
Sets the value of the given proposition.
set(Proposition, PriestWorldAdapted.TruthValue) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted
Sets the value of the given proposition.
set(S, A) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.FixedPolicy
Sets the action for the given state.
set(T) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.Term
Changes the java-object representation of the term to the given value.
set(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TermAdapter
setAdditionalArguments(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.EFOLReasoner
Sets the additional arguments given to the call of the EProver binary (Default value is "--auto-schedule").
setAdditionalOptions(Set<String>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Set additional options for solvers.
SetAf - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax
This class implements a SetAF in the sense of Nielson/Parson:
SetAf() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Initializes a new enpty SetAf
SetAf(SetAf) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Creates a new theory from the given DirHyperGraph.
SetAfSignature - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax
This class captures the signature of a SetAf theory, i.e.
SetAfSignature() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAfSignature
Creates a new (empty) SetAf signature.
SetAfSignature(Collection<? extends Argument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAfSignature
Creates a new signature with the given set of arguments.
SetAfSignature(Argument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAfSignature
Creates a new signature with the single given argument.
SetAfTheoryTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.examples
Examples of SetAf Theories and their semantics
SetAfTheoryTest - Class in Unnamed Package
Examples of SetAf Theorys and their semantics
SetAfTheoryTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.examples.SetAfTheoryTest
SetAfTheoryTest() - Constructor for class SetAfTheoryTest
setAggregateElements(List<AggregateElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the elements that the aggregate ranges over.
setAlchemyInferenceCommand(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.AlchemyMlnReasoner
Sets the console command for Alchemy inference (default is 'infer').
setAmount(Integer) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.update.Update
sets the third element of this triple
setAnswer(String) - Method in class
Sets the answer for this object.
setAnswer(String) - Method in class
Sets the answer provided by the DeLP response.
setAnswer(String) - Method in class
Sets the answer provided by the Dung reasoner response.
setAnswersetProcessing(CredibilityRevision.AnswersetProcessing) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.revision.CredibilityRevision
Sets the processing strategy for answer sets.
setAssumptions(Collection<Assumption<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Set Assumption
SetAttack - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
This class models an attack between a set of arguments and an argument.
SetAttack - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax
This class models an attack between two arguments.
SetAttack(Collection<BArgument>, BArgument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetAttack
initializes the arguments used in this attack relation
SetAttack(Set<Argument>, Argument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAttack
Default constructor; initializes the two arguments used in this attack relation
SetAttack(ArgumentSet, BArgument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetAttack
Default constructor; initializes the arguments used in this attack relation
SetAttack(BArgument, BArgument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetAttack
initializes the arguments used in this attack relation
SetAttack(Argument, Argument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAttack
Default constructor; initializes the two arguments used in this attack relation
setAttacks(BitSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.EnumeratingDungTheoryGenerator
Sets a new pattern of attacks from which the generator continues to generate new frameworks.
setAttacks(List<List<Integer>>) - Method in class
Sets the attacks information in the Dung reasoner request.
setAttacks(List<List<Integer>>) - Method in class
Sets the attacks information in the Dung reasoner response.
setBackend_timeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the backend timeout for the service.
setBeliefbase(Reader) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Sets the belief base from a reader.
setBeliefbase(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Sets the belief base from a string representation.
setBinary(String) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GlpkSolver
Sets the path to the binary.
setBinary(String) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.LpSolve
Sets the path to the binary.
setBinaryLocation(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.EFOLReasoner
Changes the path of the EProver binary.
setBinaryLocation(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.Prover9FolReasoner
Changes the path of the Prover9 binaries.
setBinaryLocation(String) - Method in class
Changes the path of the Prover9 binaries.
setBody(ASPBodyElement...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Set this rule's body to the given ASPBodyElements.
setClaim(Claim) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.ClaimArgument
setClaims(HashSet<Claim>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.ClaimBasedTheory
setClassicalNegationSymbol(String) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.LogicalSymbols
Sets the symbol for classical negation.
setCmd(String) - Method in class
Sets the command for the ABA reasoner post request.
setCmd(String) - Method in class
Sets the command type for the DeLP request.
setCmd(String) - Method in class
Sets the command type in the Dung reasoner request.
setCmd(String) - Method in class
Sets the command for this post.
setCmd(String) - Method in class
Sets the command string for this Post object.
setCmdOptions(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.SpassFolReasoner
Sets the command line options that will be used by SPASS when executing the query.
setCmdOptions(String) - Method in class
Sets the command line options that will be used by SPASS when executing the query.
setCommands(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the list of commands for the service.
setComparator(Comparator<Pair<Proposition, Boolean>>) - Method in class
Changes the used comparator to sort the representation structure and resorts the representation.
SetComparator<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order
SetComparator(Comparator<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.SetComparator
Constructs an new set comparator
setCompcriterion(String) - Method in class
Sets the completeness criterion specified in the DeLP request.
setCompcriterion(String) - Method in class
Sets the completeness criterion specified in the DeLP response.
setConclusion(C) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.util.rules.Rule
Set the conclusion of this rule.
setConclusion(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpRule
setConclusion(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.syntax.RelationalConditional
setConclusion(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPRule
setConclusion(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Sets the conclusion (claim) of the rule.
setConclusion(PlFormula) - Method in class
setConclusion(Proposition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.BasicArgument
setConclusion(ASPHead) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
setConclusion(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Set the conclusion of this rule.
setConclusion(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Assumption
setConclusion(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.InferenceRule
setConclusion(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
Change the conclusion
setConclusion(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
setConditionality(double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.BinarySupport
setConditionality(double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetSupport
setConditionality(double) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.Support
Sets the conditionality of the support, represented by a probability value.
setConditonalStructure(ConditionalStructure) - Method in interface
Sets the ConditionalStructure that is used as data basis for the rule.
setConditonalStructure(ConditionalStructure) - Method in class
setConfigurationFilePath(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
setConsequenceOperation(IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.ConsequenceOperation) - Method in class
Sets the consequence operation for this IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.
setConstraintTerms(List<Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
setContradictionSymbol(String) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.LogicalSymbols
Sets the symbol for contradiction.
setCriteria(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.CustomStringListCommandParameter
Sets the criteria for this object.
setCurrentSize(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.EnumeratingDungTheoryGenerator
Sets a new number of arguments for this generator and resets the generation process, so that the generator restarts going through all possible attacks
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParserTokenManager
Sets the debug stream for the parser.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class
Sets the debug stream for the parser.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class
Set debug output.
setDefaultEnumerator(AbstractMusEnumerator<PlFormula>) - Static method in class
Sets the default MUS enumerator.
setDefaultGeneralSolver(Solver) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.Solver
Sets the default solver for non-linear (general) optimization problems.
setDefaultIntegerLinearSolver(Solver) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.Solver
Sets the default solver for integer linear optimization problems.
setDefaultLinearSolver(Solver) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.Solver
Sets the default solver for linear optimization problems.
setDefaultReasoner(FolReasoner) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.FolReasoner
Set default reasoner with given
setDefaultReasoner(AbstractMlReasoner) - Static method in class
Set default modal reasoner with given
setDefaultSolver(SatSolver) - Static method in class
Sets the default SAT solver.
setEdges(Set<Edge<PetriNetNode>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Setter Edges
setElapsedTime(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureResult
Sets the elapsed time for the computation.
setElement(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.update.Update
sets the fourth element of this triple
setElements(List<ChoiceElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
Set the choice elements of this choice atom.
setElements(List<OptimizationElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationStatement
Sets the optimization elements of this optimization statement.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email address for this response.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email associated with the request.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email for this object.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email associated with the DeLP request.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email associated with the DeLP response.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email associated with the Dung reasoner request.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email associated with the Dung reasoner response.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email address for this response.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email address for this response.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email address for this post.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the email address associated with the inconsistency report or request.
setEntry(int, int, Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.matrix.Matrix
Sets the entry at the given coordinates.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.solver.PooledIncrementalSatSolver.Builder
The executor used to perform the creation of the sat solver states.
setFileHandler(RevisionComparePresenter.FileHandler) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionComparePresenter
Sets a file handler which is responsible to filter the open file dialog and to load the selected file.
setFileHandler(SimpleRevisionComparePresenter.FileHandler) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionComparePresenter
Sets a file handler responsible for filtering the open file dialog and loading the selected file.
setFinal() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Place
specify that this place is a designated final place
setFinal() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Transition
Mark a transition as "final", that is, it fixes the final state
setFirst(E) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Pair
sets the first element of this pair
setFirst(E) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Triple
sets the first element of this triple
setFirstFormula(RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
Sets the left side formula of the implication left => right
setFirstFormula(PlFormula) - Method in class
Sets the left side formula of the implication left => right.
setFlowType(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.BufferedBpmnEdge
Setter for FlowType
setFol_signature(String) - Method in class
Sets the first-order logic (FOL) signature.
setFol_signature(String) - Method in class
Sets the fol_signature for this object.
setFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the data format for this post.
setFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation.
setFormula(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
set formula
setFormula(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
sets formula
setFormula(AggregateAtom) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateHead
Sets the aggregate atom that makes up this rule head.
setFormula(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.QuantifiedFormulaSupport
Sets the formula that this quantified formula ranges over.
setFormulaNames(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.TPTPParser
Set the regular expression that restricts which formulas will be parsed.
setFormulaRoles(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.TPTPParser
Set the regular expression that restricts which formulas will be parsed.
setFormulas(Pair<RelationalFormula, RelationalFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Equivalence
Sets the formulas of the equivalence.
setFormulas(Pair<RelationalFormula, RelationalFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
Sets the formulas of the implication.
setFormulas(Pair<PlFormula, PlFormula>) - Method in class
Sets the formulas of the equivalence.
setFormulas(Pair<PlFormula, PlFormula>) - Method in class
Sets the formulas of the implication.
setFormulas(RelationalFormula, RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Equivalence
Sets the formulas of the equivalence.
setFormulas(RelationalFormula, RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
Sets the formulas of the implication.
setFormulas(PlFormula, PlFormula) - Method in class
Sets the formulas of the equivalence.
setFormulas(PlFormula, PlFormula) - Method in class
Sets the formulas of the implication.
setFrom(PEEAFTheory.Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Attack
Sets the argument that the attack originates from
setFunction(ASPOperator.AggregateFunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Sets the aggregate function.
setHead(ASPHead) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Set the head of this rule.
setHead(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Set the head of this rule.
setHelptextPath(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
setId(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.BufferedBpmnEdge
Setter for id
setId(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnEdge
set the ID of this edge
setId(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnElement
set the element's ID
setId(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNetNode
Setter id
setId(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Place
setter id
setId(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.Marking
Setter id
setIncludePath(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.TPTPParser
Set the location of included files.
setInitial() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Place
specify that this place is a designated initial place
setIntegerMaximum(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.ASPSolver
Set the upper integer bound.
setInterval(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.IntegerCommandParameter
sets new selection parameter
setIntervalset(NumberSet<S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
set interval
setKappas(Collection<KappaValue>) - Method in interface
Sets the Collection of KappaValue that is used as data basis for the rule
setKappas(Collection<KappaValue>) - Method in class
setKappas(Collection<KappaValue>) - Method in class
setKb(String) - Method in class
Sets the knowledge base (KB) for the ABA reasoner post request.
setKb(String) - Method in class
Sets the knowledge base for this object.
setKb(String) - Method in class
Sets the knowledge base (KB) provided in the DeLP request.
setKb(String) - Method in class
Sets the knowledge base (KB) provided in the DeLP response.
setKb(String) - Method in class
Sets the knowledge base identifier for this post.
setKb(String) - Method in class
Sets the knowledge base reference or identifier used during the evaluation.
setKb_format(String) - Method in class
Sets the format of the knowledge base (KB).
setKb_format(String) - Method in class
Sets the kb_format for this object.
setLeft(int, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the left relation term and operator.
setLeft(List<Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
Sets the term tuple of the aggregate element.
setLeft(Term<?>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the left relation term and operator.
setLeftGuard(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the left relation term (left guard).
setLeftGuard(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the left relation term (left guard).
setLeftGuard(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
Set the left guard (comparison term)
setLeftIterative(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
switches the flag indicating if the left method shall use iterative algorithms
setLeftOperator(BaseRevisionOperator<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
Select the left revision method.
setLeftOperator(BaseRevisionOperator<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Selects the left revision method.
setLeftOperator(ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Sets the operator of the left aggregate relation.
setLeftOperator(ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
Set the left comparison operator.
setLeftTerm(Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Statement
Sets the left term of this statement.
setLevel(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
Sets the level (priority) of this optimization statement.
setLevel(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Set the level attribute of this constraint.
setLevel(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
Sets the level (priority) of this optimization statement.
setLiteral(ASPBodyElement) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultNegation
Set the default negated literal.
setLowerBound(S) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
sets lower bound
setMaxNumOfModels(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.ASPSolver
Set the maximum number of models to be generated.
setMaxtokens(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Place
Setter maxtokens
setMeasure(String) - Method in class
Sets the measure for this post.
setMeasure(String) - Method in class
Sets the specific measure or metric related to the inconsistency detected.
setMeasures(List<HashMap<String, String>>) - Method in class
Sets the list of measures associated with the inconsistency analysis.
setName(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
Sets the name
setName(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.Argument
sets the name of the argument
setName(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.BufferedBpmnEdge
Setter for name
setName(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnElement
set the element's name
setName(String) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.TypedStructure
Changes the name of the Structure
setName(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
setName(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNetNode
Setter name
setNewBeliefs(Reader) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Sets the new beliefs from a reader.
setNewBeliefs(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Sets the new beliefs from a string representation.
setNr_of_arguments(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of arguments in the Dung reasoner request.
setNr_of_arguments(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of arguments in the Dung reasoner response.
setObj1(E) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.Quadruple
sets the first element of this triple
setObj2(F) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.Quadruple
sets the second element of this triple
setObj3(G) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.Quadruple
sets the third element of this triple
setObj4(H) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.Quadruple
sets the fourth element of this triple
setObjectToBePrinted(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.Writer
Sets the object of this writer.
setOperation(Operation) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.update.Update
sets the second element of this triple
setOperator(ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
Sets the operator of this arithmetic term.
setOptimizeFunction(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationStatement
Sets the optimization function.
setOptions(String) - Method in class
Sets the options parameter of the sat solver.
setOptions(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.grounder.GringoGrounder
Set additional command line options for gringo.
setOptions(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.ClingoSolver
Set the command line options for Clingo.
setOptions(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.DLVSolver
Set additional command line options for DLV.
setOptLiterals(List<ASPBodyElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
Sets the literals tuple of this optimization element.
setOptTerms(List<Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
Sets the term tuple of this optimization element.
setOrder(Comparator<AspicArgument<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
Sets a new order over the arguments
setOrderedBefore(T, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.Order
Adds that object1 is ordered before object2
setOutputWhitelist(Collection<Predicate>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Sets the whitelist of predicates.
setParallelism(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.Configuration.Builder
Sets the parallelism level used for parallel execution.
setParameterSet(ParameterSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.ParameterTrainer
setParameterSet(ParameterSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.svm.MultiClassRbfTrainer
setParameterSet(ParameterSet) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.Trainer
Sets the parameters for this trainer (calling this method must ensure that the next time train(TrainingSet<S,T> trainingSet) is used it uses these parameters.
setPathToClingo(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.ClingoSolver
Sets the location of the Clingo solver on the hard drive.
setPathToDLV(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.DLVSolver
Sets the location of the DLV solver on the hard drive.
setPathToGrounder(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.grounder.GringoGrounder
Set the path to the gringo binary
setPathToOctave(String) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.OctaveSqpSolver
Set path
setPEAFTheory(PEAFTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.AbstractAnalysis
Setter for peafTheory
setPenalty(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.OptimizationProblem
Sets the penalty for violated minimum.
setPetriNet(PetriNet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
Setter petriNet
setPlaces(List<Place>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Setter places
setPoolSize(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.solver.PooledIncrementalSatSolver.Builder
setPossibility(PossibleWorld, Double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfpossibilistic.PossibilityDistribution
Sets the possibility for the given possible world.
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoArgument
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.Atom
Changes the predicate of the atom.
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolAtom
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
setPreferenceOrderIndex(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.update.Update
sets the first element of this triple
setProbabilityFunction(ProbabilityFunction<MarkingEdge>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
sets the probability function of this graph
setProvideInitialTokensAtStartEvents(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.bpmn_to_petri.PetriNetParser
Specify if the BPMN start events should get an initial token in the corresponding places of parsed Petri net
setQuantifierVariables(Set<Variable>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.QuantifiedFormulaSupport
Sets the set of variables that are quantified within this formula.
setQuantifierVariables(Set<Variable>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
sets variables
setQuantifierVariables(Set<Variable>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
sets vairables
setQuery(String) - Method in class
Sets the query string in the DeLP request.
setQuery(String) - Method in class
Sets the query string in the DeLP response.
setQuery(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Sets the query of the program.
setQuery_assumption(String) - Method in class
Sets the query assumption for the ABA reasoner post request.
setQuery_assumption(String) - Method in class
Sets the query_assumption for this object.
setRank(HerbrandInterpretation, Integer) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.semantics.RelationalRankingFunction
Sets the rank for the given Herbrand interpretation.
setRank(PossibleWorld, Integer) - Method in class
Sets the rank for the given possible world.
setRank(PriestWorldAdapted, Integer) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.RankingFunctionThreeValued
Sets the rank for the given possible world.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply message for this response.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply for this object.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply message in the DeLP response.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply message in the Dung reasoner response.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply message for this response.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply message for this response.
setReply(String) - Method in class
Sets the reply for this response.
setResult(PreferenceOrder<T>) - Method in class
Sets the result in for this update event
setRight(int, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the right relation term and operator.
setRight(List<ASPBodyElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
Sets the literal tuple of this aggregate element.
setRight(Term<?>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the right relation term and operator.
setRightGuard(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the right relation term (right guard).
setRightGuard(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Set the right relation term (right guard).
setRightGuard(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
Set the right guard (comparison term)
setRightIterative(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
switches the flag indicating if the right method shall use iterative algorithms
setRightOperator(BaseRevisionOperator<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
Select the right revision method.
setRightOperator(BaseRevisionOperator<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Selects the right revision method.
setRightOperator(ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Sets the operator of the right aggregate relation.
setRightOperator(ASPOperator.BinaryOperator) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
Set the right comparison operator.
setRightTerm(Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Statement
Sets the right term of this statement.
setRule(AbaRule<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Deduction
Set Rule
setRuleFormulaGenerator(RuleFormulaGenerator<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
Set a new generator to transform rules into words of the language they range over
setSatSolver(IncrementalSatSolver) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.Configuration.Builder
Sets the IncrementalSatSolver to be used in the Configuration.
setScriptLocation(String) - Method in class
Set the path.
setSecond(F) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Pair
sets the second element of this pair
setSecond(F) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Triple
sets the second element of this triple
setSecondFormula(RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
Sets the right side formula of the implication left => right
setSecondFormula(PlFormula) - Method in class
Sets the right side formula of the implication left => right
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.DummyAgentGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.LotteryGameGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.ProbabilisticLotteryAgentGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.RandomLotteryAgentGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.UtilityBasedAgentGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim.GroundedGameAgentGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim.GroundedGameGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.agents.sim.AgentGenerator
Set the seed for the generation.
setSeed(long) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.agents.sim.MultiAgentSystemGenerator
Set the seed for the generation.
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.DefaultDungTheoryGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.DungTheoryGenerator
Set the seed for the generation.
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.EnumeratingDungTheoryGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.FileDungTheoryGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.IsoSafeEnumeratingDungTheoryGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.KwtDungTheoryGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.PodlaszewskiCaminadaDungTheoryGenerator
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Sets the seed for the used random number generator.
setSelections(String[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.SelectionCommandParameter
sets new selection parameter
setSemantics(String) - Method in class
Sets the semantics to be used in the ABA reasoner post request.
setSemantics(String) - Method in class
Sets the semantics for this object.
setSemantics(String) - Method in class
Sets the semantics in the Dung reasoner request.
setSemantics(String) - Method in class
Sets the semantics specified in the Dung reasoner response.
setSemantics(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the list of semantic elements for the service.
setSemantics(List<HashMap<String, String>>) - Method in class
Sets the list of semantics for this response.
setSemantics(Semantics) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.Input
set the semantics of this labeling
setSemantics(Semantics) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClInheritedReasoner
manually sets the semantics
setSemantics(RpclSemantics) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParser
setter semantics
setSemantics(RpclSemantics) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParser
Sets the semantics to be used for parsing the probability distribution.
setSignature(Collection<Proposition>) - Method in class
Changes the signature of the world.
setSignature(ActionSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.parser.CParser
Sets the action signature for this parser.
setSignature(DlSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.parser.DlParser
Sets the signature for this parser.
setSignature(FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.FolParser
Sets the signature for this parser.
setSignature(FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.TPTPParser
Sets the signature for this parser.
setSignature(FolSignature) - Method in class
Sets the signature for this parser.
setSignature(FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParser
setter signature
setSignature(FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParser
Sets the signature to be used for interpreting the parsed terms.
setSignature(PlSignature) - Method in class
Sets the signature of this parser.
setSignature(S) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
Sets the signature that is attached to his belief base to a copy of the given signature.
setSolver(String) - Method in class
Sets the solver in the Dung reasoner request.
setSolver(String) - Method in class
Sets the solver specified in the Dung reasoner response.
setSolver(ASPSolver) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Sets the ASPSolver instance for this SimpleRevisionCompareModel instance.
setSolver(ASPSolver) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.revision.PreferenceHandling
Sets the ASPSolver instance for this PreferenceHandling instance.
setSortingType(NumericalPartialOrder.SortingType) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder
Set the sorting type for ranking values.
setSourceRef(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.BufferedBpmnEdge
Setter for SourceRef
setStartingPoint(Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.rootFinder.RootFinder
sets the starting point of this root finder.
setStartingPointsLMult(Map<Statement, Double>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.LagrangeSolver
Setter starting pints
setState(Marking) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Set the state (token distribution) according to the provided marking
setStateDecorator(Function<SatSolverState, SatSolverState>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.solver.PooledIncrementalSatSolver.Builder
setStatus(String) - Method in class
Sets the status for this object.
setStatus(String) - Method in class
Sets the status of the DeLP response.
setStatus(String) - Method in class
Sets the status of the Dung reasoner response.
setStatus(String) - Method in class
Sets the status for this response.
setStrictlyLessOrEquallyAcceptableThan(T, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.LatticePartialOrder
Defines comparable element "a" to be strictly less or equally acceptable than comparable element "b".
SetSupport - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
This class models a support between a set of arguments and an argument.
SetSupport(Collection<BArgument>, Collection<BArgument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetSupport
initializes the arguments used in this support relation
SetSupport(ArgumentSet, ArgumentSet) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetSupport
Default constructor; initializes the arguments used in this support relation
SetSupport(BArgument, BArgument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetSupport
initializes the arguments used in this support relation
setSymbolArrow(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.parser.AbaParser
Sets the symbol used to separate the head and body in rules.
setSymbolComma(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.parser.AbaParser
Sets the symbol used for separating assumptions.
setSymbolComma(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.parser.AspicParser
Sets a new symbol used for parsing parameter separators
setSymbolDefeasible(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.parser.AspicParser
Sets a new symbol used for parsing defeasible function arrows
setSymbolStrict(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.parser.AspicParser
Sets a new symbol used for parsing strict function arrows
setSymbolTrue(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.parser.AbaParser
Sets the symbol representing 'true' in rules.
setTargetFunction(Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.OptimizationProblem
Sets the target function of this problem.
setTargetRef(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.BufferedBpmnEdge
Setter for Target
setTempDirectory(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.SimpleMlnReasoner
Sets the path of the directory for temporary files.
setTempFolder(File) - Static method in class
Set the folder for temporary files created by a MaxSAT solver.
setTempFolder(File) - Static method in class
Set the folder for temporary files created by SAT solver.
setThird(G) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Triple
sets the third element of this triple
setTime(double) - Method in class
Sets the time value for this object.
setTime(double) - Method in class
Sets the time taken for the DeLP operation.
setTime(double) - Method in class
Sets the time taken for the Dung reasoner operation (in seconds).
setTime(double) - Method in class
Sets the duration or time taken to analyze the inconsistency.
setTimeFunction(Supplier<Long>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureEvaluator
Sets the function used to measure time in ms.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout in seconds for the ABA reasoner post request.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value for this object.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value (in seconds) specified in the DeLP request.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value (in seconds) specified in the DeLP response.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value (in seconds) in the Dung reasoner request.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value for this post.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureEvaluator
Sets the timeout.
setTmpFolder(File) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GlpkSolver
Sets the path for the temporary folder.
setTo(PEEAFTheory.Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Support
Set the argument that the support link targets
setTo(PEEAFTheory.Element) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Attack
The element (attack, support or argument) that originates the attack
setTokens(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Place
setter tokens
setTokenSensitivity(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.analysis.DeadEndMeasure
specify before determining the values whether the value should be token sensitive A token sensitive measure assigns higher inconsistency values if more tokens remain in non-final places
SetTools<E> - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons.util
This class provides some methods for set operations.
SetTools() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTools
Default Constructor
setTopRule(InferenceRule<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
Changes the TopRule
setTransition(Transition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.MarkingEdge
Setter Transition
setTransitions(List<Transition>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Setter transitions
SetTrie<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons.util
This class implements a set-trie, a data structure for storing sets efficiently.
SetTrie() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTrie
Creates a new empty set-trie.
SetTrie(boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTrie
Creates a new empty set-trie, optionally configured for minimal subset storage.
setType(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.OptimizationProblem
Sets the type of this problem, either OptimizationProblem.MINIMIZE or OptimizationProblem.MAXIMIZE.
setUnit_time(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit time for this object.
setUnit_time(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit time specified in the DeLP response.
setUnit_time(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit time specified in the Dung reasoner response.
setUnit_timeout(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit timeout for the ABA reasoner post request.
setUnit_timeout(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit timeout value specified in the DeLP request.
setUnit_timeout(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit timeout value in the Dung reasoner request.
setUnit_timeout(String) - Method in class
Sets the unit of time for the timeout of this post.
setup() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.LingelingTest
setup() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.MinisatTest
setup() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.PicosatTest
setUp() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.test.MinimalViolationInconsistencyMeasureLPSolveTest
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriTest
setUp() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.test.ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest
Perform pre-test initialization.
SetUp() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.AbaTest
setUpBefore() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.BasicFunctionalityTest
setUpBefore() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.EvidentialArgumentationTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.BasicFunctionalityTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.DeductiveArgumentationTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.EvidentialArgumentationTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.NecessityArgumentationTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.TranslationTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ExtensionInconsistencyMeasure
Sets up the argumentation framework used in the tests before all tests are executed.
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.GraphStructureInconsistencyMeasure
Sets up test frameworks before all tests are executed.
setUpperBound(S) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
Set upper bound
setValue(double) - Method in class
Sets the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency.
setValue(File[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.FileListCommandParameter
sets the instantiated parameter argument value, value has to be one of the options contained in selections
setValue(Integer) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.IntegerCommandParameter
sets the instantiated parameter argument value, value has to be one of the options contained in selections
setValue(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.SelectionCommandParameter
sets the instantiated parameter argument value, value has to be one of the options contained in selections
setValue(String[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.CustomStringListCommandParameter
Sets the value of this object.
setValue(String[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.StringListCommandParameter
Sets the value of this object.
setVariables(Map<String, Variable>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.FolParser
sets variables
setWeight(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Ark
Setter Weight
setWeight(Argument, Argument, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Sets the weight of an attack between the specified attacker and attacked arguments in the framework.
setWeight(Attack, double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.WeightedDungTheory
sets the weight of the given attack to the given value
setWeight(Attack, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Sets the weight of a given attack in the framework.
setWeight(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Set the weight attribute of this constraint.
setWeight(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
Sets the weight of this optimization statement.
setWeight(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.WeightedDirectedEdge
Sets the weight of this edge to the specified value.
setWorldRepresentation(Comparator<Pair<Proposition, Boolean>>) - Method in class
Changes the internal representations of the worlds, normally the propositions of a world are ordered alphabetically but this behavior can be changed using this method.
setWorldSorting(Comparator<NicePossibleWorld>) - Method in class
Changes the ordering of the PossibleWorlds for representation purposes, before using this method proof if the goal can be easier achieved using the setWorldRepresentation() method that allows changing the ordering of the literals in the world representation.
SFR_GreedyKApproximationReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Starting from the complete set of arguments, this algorithms greedily determines an approximation to a k-stable* extension by iteratively removing arguments (without losing full range) that remove the maximal number of conflicts.
SFR_GreedyKApproximationReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SFR_GreedyKApproximationReasoner
shallowCopy() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
ShapleyCulpabilityMeasure<S,T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis
This class implements the Shapley culpability measure.
ShapleyCulpabilityMeasure(BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure<S>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.ShapleyCulpabilityMeasure
Creates a new Shapley culpability measure that bases on the given inconsistency measure.
Shell - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons.util
Provides several ways to run unix commands on different OSes.
Shell() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Shell
Default Constructor
show() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.Plotter
Show the frame after adding some plots
show() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.PlotterMultiFrame
showExamples(Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.ExampleFinder
prints a theory for each set of extensions (of the second semantics) that can occur, given the set of extensions for the first semantics
showExamples(Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>, Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.ExtendedExampleFinder
prints a theory for each set of extensions (of the third semantics) that can occur, given the set of extensions for the first and second semantics
showOverview() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.ExampleFinder
prints an overview over all found examples
showOverview() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.ExtendedExampleFinder
prints an overview over all found examples
showWeights() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.ImprovedRiveretTheoryLearner
show Weights
sign(PclBeliefSet, ProbabilisticConditional) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.MeanDistanceCulpabilityMeasure
sign(PclBeliefSet, ProbabilisticConditional) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.SignedCulpabilityMeasure
Determines the sign of the culpability of the given conditional in the given belief set, i.e.
Signal - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.EventType
Signature - Interface in org.tweetyproject.commons
A signatures lists the atomic language structures for some language.
SIGNATURE_SIZE - Static variable in class
SIGNATURE_SIZE - Static variable in class
signatureGrow() - Method in class
signatureShrink() - Method in class
SignedCulpabilityMeasure - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis
Classes implementing this interface represent signed culpability measures, i.e.
SimpleAccumulator - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.accumulator
This implementation of an accumulator simply sums up the categorizations of the argument trees.
SimpleAccumulator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.accumulator.SimpleAccumulator
Default Constructor
SimpleAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the admissible extensions.
SimpleAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleAdmissibleReasoner
SimpleAdmissibleSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for SetAf theories performs inference on the admissible extensions.
SimpleAdmissibleSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleAdmissibleSetAfReasoner
SimpleAFLearner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning
Naive implementation of the iterative algorithm for learning argumentation frameworks from labelings
SimpleAFLearner(Collection<Argument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.SimpleAFLearner
initialize the Learner with a set of arguments
SimpleAspicOrder<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order
SimpleAspicOrder<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics
A simple comparator for Aspic Arguments, that compares their top rules according to a given list of rules
SimpleAspicOrder() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.SimpleAspicOrder
Creates a comparator for AspicArguments, that always returns 0
SimpleAspicOrder() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics.SimpleAspicOrder
Creates a comparator for AspicArguments, that always returns 0
SimpleAspicOrder(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics.SimpleAspicOrder
Creates a comparator for AspicArguments from a list of AspicInferneceRules This will return a value <0, ==0 or >0 if the first argument's top rule is <,=,> the second argument's top rule
SimpleAspicOrder(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.SimpleAspicOrder
Creates a comparator for AspicArguments from a list of AspicInferneceRules This will return a value <0, ==0 or >0 if the first argument's top rule is <,=,> the second argument's top rule
SimpleAspicReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner
SimpleAspicReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner.SimpleAspicReasoner
Creates a new instance
SimpleASPRulesTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTest
asp rules test
SimpleAttackConstraint - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax
Implementation of the acceptance conditions used for learning argumentation frameworks from labelings Notation: for each acceptance condition we also store the argument a it is associated with In the condition itself we then use !b and b to represent !r_(ba) and r_(ba) respectively e.g.
SimpleAttackConstraint(SimpleAttackConstraint, SimpleAttackConstraint) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.SimpleAttackConstraint
compute acceptance condition by combining two acceptance conditions for the same argument a
SimpleAttackConstraint(SimpleAttackConstraint, SimpleAttackConstraint, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.SimpleAttackConstraint
compute acceptance condition by combining two acceptance conditions for the same argument a after combining the acceptance condition is transformed into DNF this leads to better computability in later steps see: thesis.util.ModelComputation
SimpleAttackConstraint(Argument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.SimpleAttackConstraint
initialize empty acceptance condition for the given argument in tha case any incoming attack is optional
SimpleAttackConstraint(Argument, Input) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.SimpleAttackConstraint
compute acceptance condition for the given argument with respect to the given input labeling
SimpleBeliefBaseTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.test.QCIRTest
SimpleBeliefBaseTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.test.QDIMACSTest
SimpleCharStream - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream - Class in
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, using default values for the starting line, starting column, buffer size, and character encoding.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `SimpleCharStream` using the specified input stream, starting at the first line and column, with a default buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, starting line, and starting column, using a default buffer size of 4096 and the default character encoding.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `SimpleCharStream` using the specified input stream, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, starting line, starting column, and buffer size, using the default character encoding.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `SimpleCharStream` using the specified input stream, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream and encoding.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream and character encoding, using default values for the starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, character encoding, and a default buffer size of 4096 characters.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `SimpleCharStream` using the specified input stream and character encoding, starting at the first line and column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, encoding, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, character encoding, starting line, and starting column, using a default buffer size of 4096.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, character encoding, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `SimpleCharStream` using the specified input stream, character encoding, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, encoding, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, character encoding, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input stream, character encoding, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `SimpleCharStream` using the specified input stream, character encoding, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified reader.
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, using default values for the start line, start column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input reader.
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class
Constructor for `SimpleCharStream` with a specified `Reader`, using default starting line, column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified reader, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, start line, and start column, using a default buffer size of 4096.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input reader, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for `SimpleCharStream` with a specified `Reader`, starting line, and starting column.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified reader, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a new SimpleCharStream instance with the specified input stream, start line, start column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Constructs a SimpleCharStream with the specified input reader, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for `SimpleCharStream` with a specified `Reader`, starting line, starting column, and buffer size.
SimpleClInheritedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
calculates claim based inherited extensions
SimpleClInheritedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClInheritedReasoner
empty constructor
SimpleClInheritedReasoner(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClInheritedReasoner
constructor for direct initialization of semantics
SimpleClNaiveReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
calculates claim based naive extensions
SimpleClNaiveReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClNaiveReasoner
SimpleClPreferredReaonser - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
calculates claim based preferred reasoner
SimpleClPreferredReaonser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClPreferredReaonser
SimpleClSemistableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
a simple claimbased semi stable reasoner
SimpleClSemistableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClSemistableReasoner
SimpleClStableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
a claim based stable reaonser
SimpleClStableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClStableReasoner
SimpleClStagedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
calculates claim based staged extensions
SimpleClStagedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleClStagedReasoner
SimpleCompleteReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the complete extensions.
SimpleCompleteReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleCompleteReasoner
SimpleCompleteSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for SetAf theories performs inference on the complete extensions.
SimpleCompleteSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleCompleteSetAfReasoner
SimpleConflictFreeReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the conflict-free extensions.
SimpleConflictFreeReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleConflictFreeReasoner
SimpleConflictFreeSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for SetAf theories performs inference on the conflict-free extensions.
SimpleConflictFreeSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleConflictFreeSetAfReasoner
SimpleCReasoner - Class in
This class models a brute force c-reasoner for conditional logic.
SimpleCReasoner() - Constructor for class
Creates a new simple c-representation reasoner.
SimpleCReasoner(boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new c-representation reasoner
SimpleDeductiveReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.reasoner
This class implements a brute force approach to deductive argumentation.
SimpleDeductiveReasoner(Categorizer, Accumulator) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.reasoner.SimpleDeductiveReasoner
Creates a new reasoner for the given belief base, categorizer, and accumulator.
SimpleDefaultReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.reasoner
Implements a naive reasoner for default logic based on exhaustive application of defaults in process trees.
SimpleDefaultReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.reasoner.SimpleDefaultReasoner
Defaul Constructor
simpleDominance - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.CounterTransitivityReasoner.solver
Strategy based on simple dominance relationships between arguments.
simpleDominance(DungTheory, LatticePartialOrder<Argument, DungTheory>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.CounterTransitivityReasoner
only ranks two arguments if one is better according to quality and cardinality
SimpleDpllSolver - Class in
This class provides a simple reference implementation of the DPLL (Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland) algorithm for satisfiability testing, see e.g
SimpleDpllSolver() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SimpleDpllSolverTest - Class in
SimpleDpllSolverTest() - Constructor for class
SimpleEagerReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
simple reasoner for eager semantics
SimpleEagerReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleEagerReasoner
SimpleEagerSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
simple reasoner for eager semantics
SimpleEagerSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleEagerSetAfReasoner
SimpleExample(int) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.examples.MlnExample
Constructs the Simple Example MLN with a given domain size.
SimpleExtendedAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Simple reasoner for computing admissible sets of extended theories.
SimpleExtendedAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.SimpleExtendedAdmissibleReasoner
Default constructor for SimpleExtendedAdmissibleReasoner.
SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Simple reasoner for computing complete extensions of extended theories.
SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner
Default constructor for SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner.
SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Simple reasoner for computing conflict-free sets of extended theories.
SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner
Default constructor for SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner.
SimpleFolReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner
Uses a naive brute force search procedure for theorem proving.
SimpleFolReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.SimpleFolReasoner
SimpleFunction<T,S> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.math.func
Encapsulates common methods of mathematical functions with a single parameter.
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolver - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This class implements a simple genetic optimization algorithm for solving optimization problems with box or equality constraints on float variables.
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolver(int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolver
Creates a new simple genetic optimization solver.
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverCombinatorics - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverCombinatorics class
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverCombinatorics(int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverCombinatorics
Creates a new simple genetic optimization solver.
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverCombinatorics.FitnessComparator - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
Compares individuals by the fitness (value of the target function)
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverEx - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for the Genetic Optimization Solver.
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverEx() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverEx
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.test
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.test.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverTest
SimpleGraph<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.graphs
An extended version of the DefaultGraph which supports removing of nodes as well as some utility functions for d-separation
SimpleGraph() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
create a new SimpleGraph instance
SimpleGraph(Graph<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
create a copy of the given graph
SimpleGroundedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the grounded extension.
SimpleGroundedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleGroundedReasoner
SimpleGroundedSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for SetAf theories performs inference on the grounded extension.
SimpleGroundedSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleGroundedSetAfReasoner
SimpleIdealReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the ideal extension.
SimpleIdealReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleIdealReasoner
SimpleIdealSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for setAf theories performs inference on the ideal extension.
SimpleIdealSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleIdealSetAfReasoner
SimpleInitialReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Basic Implementation of a reasoner for initial sets A set of arguments S is considered initial iff it is non-empty and minimal among the non-empty admissible sets Ref: Yuming Xu and Claudette Cayrol.
SimpleInitialReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleInitialReasoner
SimpleInitialReasoner.Initial - Enum in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
The Initial enum represents the initial status of arguments in a Dung theory.
SimpleLink - Class in
A simple immutable representation of ADF links.
SimpleLink(Argument, Argument) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleLink with the specified source and target arguments.
SimpleLink(Argument, Argument, LinkType) - Constructor for class
SimpleLogicalFormula - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
A formula of a logical language
SimpleMinimalModelProvider - Class in
comptes all minimal models given a set of models
SimpleMinimalModelProvider(ModelProvider<?, PlBeliefSet, InterpretationSet<Proposition, PlBeliefSet, PlFormula>>) - Constructor for class
standard constructor with model provider
SimpleMlnReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner
This class implements a simple reasoner for MLNs.
SimpleMlnReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.SimpleMlnReasoner
SimpleMlReasoner - Class in
This class implements inference for modal logic using a brute-force approach.
SimpleMlReasoner() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SimpleModelEnumerator - Class in
enumerates all models naivly
SimpleModelEnumerator() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SimpleNaiveReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for naive extensions.
SimpleNaiveReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleNaiveReasoner
SimpleNode - Class in org.tweetyproject.graphs
A simple node of a graph with a name.
SimpleNode - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
A base class representing a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for the ASPParser.
SimpleNode(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleNode
Constructs a new SimpleNode with the specified node identifier.
SimpleNode(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleNode
Creates a new node with the given name.
SimpleNode(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleNode
Constructs a new SimpleNode with the specified parser and node identifier.
SimpleOrderTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.AspicTest
SimplePafReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.reasoner
This class implements a naive algorithm for computing probabilities of extensions in probabilistic argumentation frameworks from [Li, Oren, Norman.
SimplePafReasoner(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.reasoner.SimplePafReasoner
Creates a new reasoner.
SimplePlInterpolantEnumerator - Class in
Implements an exhaustive search approach to compute all interpolants of a knowledge base wrt.
SimplePlInterpolantEnumerator(AbstractPlReasoner) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SimplePlInterpolantEnumerator that uses the given PL reasoner for entailment queries.
SimplePlInterpolantEnumeratorExample - Class in
Illustrates the use of the SimplePlInterpolantEnumerator
SimplePlInterpolantEnumeratorExample() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SimplePlLogicArgument - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax
Represents a simple propositional logic argument in deductive argumentation.
SimplePlLogicArgument(Collection<SimplePlRule>, PlFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlLogicArgument
Constructs a simple propositional logic argument with the given support and claim.
SimplePlLogicArgument(Derivation<SimplePlRule>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlLogicArgument
Constructs a simple propositional logic argument from a derivation.
SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax
According to a simple logic knowledge base (propositional version only in this implementation) is a set of literals---in this implementation rules with empty body---and a set of simple rules, @see SimplePlRule
SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase
Default constructor for creating an empty deductive knowledge base.
SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase(Collection<SimplePlRule>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase
Constructor for creating a deductive knowledge base with an initial collection of rules.
SimplePlLogicExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.examples
Example code for simple logic argumentation.
SimplePlLogicExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.examples.SimplePlLogicExample
Default Constructor
SimplePlLogicParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.parser
Parses a simple logic knowledge base out of an input text.
SimplePlLogicParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.parser.SimplePlLogicParser
Default Constructor
SimplePlReasoner - Class in
Naive classical inference (checks all interpretations for satisfiability).
SimplePlReasoner() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SimplePlRule - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax
Represents a simple propositional logic rule.
SimplePlRule() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Default constructor.
SimplePlRule(PlFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Constructs a rule with the specified conclusion and an empty set of premises.
SimplePlRule(PlFormula, Set<PlFormula>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Constructs a rule with the specified conclusion and set of premises.
SimplePreferredReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the preferred extensions.
SimplePreferredReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimplePreferredReasoner
SimplePreferredSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for setaf theories performs inference on the preferred extensions.
SimplePreferredSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimplePreferredSetAfReasoner
SimplePrimeImplicantEnumerator - Class in
computes the prime implicants given a set of minimal models
SimplePrimeImplicantEnumerator(MinimalModelProvider<Proposition, PlBeliefSet, PlFormula>) - Constructor for class
SimpleProductSemantics - Class in
The simple product semantics from [Leite, Martins; IJCAI 2011, Def.
SimpleProductSemantics(double) - Constructor for class
Creates a new simple product semantics with the given epsilon parameter for the simple vote aggregation function.
SimpleProductSemantics(double, double) - Constructor for class
Creates a new simple product semantics with the given epsilon parameter for the simple vote aggregation function.
SimpleProgramTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.AspifParserTest
SimpleQueryTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.test.DlReasonerTest
SimpleQueryTest() - Method in class
SimpleQueryTest1() - Method in class
SimpleQueryTest1() - Method in class
SimpleQueryTest2() - Method in class
SimpleQueryTest2() - Method in class
SimpleQueryTest3() - Method in class
SimpleQueryTest4() - Method in class
SimpleRealValuedFunction - Interface in org.tweetyproject.math.func
A real-valued function.
SimpleRecursiveExtendedAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Simple reasoner for computing admissible sets of recursive extended theories.
SimpleRecursiveExtendedAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.SimpleRecursiveExtendedAdmissibleReasoner
Default constructor for SimpleRecursiveExtendedAdmissibleReasoner.
SimpleRecursiveExtendedCompleteReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Simple reasoner for computing complete extensions of recursive extended theories.
SimpleRecursiveExtendedCompleteReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.SimpleRecursiveExtendedCompleteReasoner
Default constructor for SimpleRecursiveExtendedCompleteReasoner.
SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Simple reasoner for computing conflict-free sets of recursive extended theories.
SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner
Default constructor for SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner.
SimpleRelationalCReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.reasoner
This class models a relational brute force c-reasoner for relational conditional logic.
SimpleRelationalCReasoner(boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.reasoner.SimpleRelationalCReasoner
Creates a new relational c-representation reasoner.
SimpleResolutionBasedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the resolution-based family of semantics.
SimpleResolutionBasedReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleResolutionBasedReasoner
SimpleRevisionCompareModel - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui
The data-model used to compare two different revision approaches.
SimpleRevisionCompareModel() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Constructs a SimpleRevisionCompareModel instance with default settings.
SimpleRevisionCompareModel(ASPSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Constructs a SimpleRevisionCompareModel instance with the specified ASP solver.
SimpleRevisionComparePresenter - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui
This class couples the SimpleRevisionCompare View and Model, it needs to know the implementation used to load external belief base files, see FileHandler interface.
SimpleRevisionComparePresenter(SimpleRevisionCompareModel, SimpleRevisionCompareView) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionComparePresenter
Default Ctor: registers the view as listener to the correct model.
SimpleRevisionComparePresenter.FileHandler - Interface in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui
This interface is used by the SimpleRevisionComparePresenter to handle the file loading.
SimpleRevisionCompareView - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui
The default view for a revision compare.
SimpleRevisionCompareView() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareView
Default Ctor: Creates the view
SimpleSafSampler - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.util
This class implements a belief base sampler for structured argumentation frameworks.
SimpleSafSampler(Signature) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.util.SimpleSafSampler
Creates a new SimpleSafSampler for the given signature.
SimpleSafSampler(Signature, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.util.SimpleSafSampler
Creates a new SimpleSafSampler for the given signature.
SimpleSamplingMlnReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner
This MLN reasoner employs simple random sampling from the set of interpretations to compute the probability of a formula.
SimpleSamplingMlnReasoner(double, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.SimpleSamplingMlnReasoner
Creates a new SimpleSamplingMlnReasoner for the given Markov logic network.
SimpleSccCompleteReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the complete extensions.
SimpleSccCompleteReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleSccCompleteReasoner
SimpleSccRecursiveReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Universal scc-recursive reasoner initialize with any reasoner for a scc-recursive semantics
SimpleSccRecursiveReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleSccRecursiveReasoner
initialize the scc-recursive reasoner with the given reasoner as base function
SimpleSemiStableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner calculates claim based semi stable extensions
SimpleSemiStableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleSemiStableReasoner
SimpleSemiStableSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for setaf theories performs inference on the semi-stable extensions.
SimpleSemiStableSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleSemiStableSetAfReasoner
SimpleStableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the stable extensions.
SimpleStableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleStableReasoner
SimpleStableSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for setaf theories performs inference on the stable extensions.
SimpleStableSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleStableSetAfReasoner
SimpleStageReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This reasoner for Dung theories performs inference on the stage extensions.
SimpleStageReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SimpleStageReasoner
SimpleStageSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
This reasoner for setaf theories performs inference on the stage extensions.
SimpleStageSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.SimpleStageSetAfReasoner
SimpleTermTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTest
term test
simpleUpdate(DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries.SubgraphProbabilityFunction
Updates this probability function with the given theory using "simple redistribution", cf.
SimpleWeightedAdmissibleReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner
* This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the apha gamma admissible extensions.
SimpleWeightedAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner.SimpleWeightedAdmissibleReasoner
Default Constructor
SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the complete extensions.
SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner.SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner
Default Constructor
SimpleWeightedConflictFreeReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the alpha conflict-free extensions.
SimpleWeightedConflictFreeReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner.SimpleWeightedConflictFreeReasoner
Default Constructor
SimpleWeightedGroundedReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the alpha-gamma-grounded extensions.
SimpleWeightedGroundedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner.SimpleWeightedGroundedReasoner
Default Constructor
SimpleWeightedPreferredReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the alpha-gamma-preferred extensions.
SimpleWeightedPreferredReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner.SimpleWeightedPreferredReasoner
Default Constructor
SimpleWeightedStableReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the alpha-gamma-stable extensions.
SimpleWeightedStableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.reasoner.SimpleWeightedStableReasoner
Default Constructor
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.matrix.Matrix
Simplifies every entry.
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AbsoluteValue
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Constant
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Difference
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Exp
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Fraction
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Logarithm
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Maximum
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Minimum
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Power
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Product
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Root
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Term
Simplifies this term in an equivalent way:
- Replaces products that contain a zero by the constant zero
- Removes a term one from products
- Removes a term zero from sums
- Aggregates constants in sums, products, and minimums
- Evaluates functional terms on constants
- Simplifies fractions where possible.
simplify() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Variable
SimulatedAnnealing - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This class implements the simulated annealing algorithm for combinatrics problems It is natively implemented
SimulatedAnnealing(double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimulatedAnnealing
SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProb - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
implements the Simulated Annealing algorithm for optimization problems
SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProb(double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProb
SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProbEx2 - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for Simulated Annealing on optimization problems.
SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProbEx2() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProbEx2
SimulationParameters - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.sim
Objects of this class store additional simulation parameters that should be shared among the generating components of a simulation.
SimulationParameters() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.sim.SimulationParameters
Default constructor for creating an instance of SimulationParameters.
SimulationResult<S,T,R> - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.sim
Instances of this class summarize information on a performed simulation.
SimulationResult(List<AgentGenerator<T, R>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.sim.SimulationResult
Creates a new SimulationResult for the given set of agent generators.
SingleFormulasTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.test.QCIRTest
SinglePeakWeightVector - Class in org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation
The single peak implementation of the weight vector, where only the highest rated value in each preference order scores (1,0,0,0,0,0)
SinglePeakWeightVector(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.SinglePeakWeightVector
constructor for weight vector with peak value
SingleSetSignature<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons
This class models a signature as a set of formulas.
SingleSetSignature() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
Creates a new empty signature.
SingleSetSignature(Set<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
Creates a new signature with the given set of elements.
SingleValeWeightVector - Class in org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation
SingleValeWeightVector class
SingleValeWeightVector(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.SingleValeWeightVector
constructor setting the value for the least chosen element
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.DialogueTrace
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.MultiAgentSystem
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
size() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.Interpretation
Returns the number of arguments in this interpretation.
size() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf.AbstractDialecticalFramework
Returns the number of arguments in this AbstractDialecticalFramework.
size() - Method in interface
Returns the number of literals in this clause.
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.CacheMap
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.InterpretationTrieSet
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.LazyMap
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.MinusSetView
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.ThreeValuedBitSet
Return size
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.UnionCollectionView
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.UnionSetView
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Returns the number of arguments in this set.
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Extension
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Labeling
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.MinMaxNumbering
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.StratifiedLabeling
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
Returns the number of elements in this signature, i.e.
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTrie
Returns the number of sets currently stored in the trie.
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics.ProbabilityDistribution
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.ReferenceWorld
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.RpclProbabilityDistribution
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.GeneralValuedBitSet
Return size
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.ProbabilityFunction
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AssociativeOperation
Returns the number of the terms in this operation.
size() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
returns the size of the set
SIZE_OF_KNOWLEDGEBASES - Static variable in class
SIZE_OF_KNOWLEDGEBASES - Static variable in class
SKEPTICAL - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.commons.InferenceMode
Skeptical inference assesses a formula as true iff it is contained in every model
skepticalQuery(AbstractDialecticalFramework, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.AbstractDialecticalFrameworkReasoner
SMALLEST_CONJUNCTS - Enum constant in enum
smallest conjuncts
SmokersExample(int) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.examples.MlnExample
Constructs the Smokers Example MLN with a given domain size.
SmoothedPenalizingCreepingMachineShop - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis
This class is capable of restoring consistency of a possible inconsistent probabilistic conditional belief set.
SmoothedPenalizingCreepingMachineShop(OptimizationRootFinder, CulpabilityMeasure<ProbabilisticConditional, PclBeliefSet>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.SmoothedPenalizingCreepingMachineShop
Creates a new creeping machine shop based on the given culpability measure.
SmoothingFunction - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.func
A function that smoothes two values with a smooting factor, i.e.
SmoothingFunction(double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.func.SmoothingFunction
Creates a new smoothing function with the given factor.
SOAD - Enum constant in enum
Solid Admissible semantics
SocialAbstractArgumentationFramework - Class in
This class implements a social abstract argumentation framework from [Joao Leite, Joao Martins.
SocialAbstractArgumentationFramework() - Constructor for class
Creates a new empty social abstract argumentation framework
SocialAbstractArgumentationFramework(Graph<Argument>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new social abstract argumentation framework from the given graph.
SocialMapping<L> - Class in
Implements a mapping from arguments to social value.
SocialMapping(AbstractSocialSemantics<L>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new mapping wrt.
SolidAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for solid admissibility a set of arguments E solid-defends an argument a, iff for all attackers b of a it holds that all arguments c which attack b are in E see: Liu, X., and Chen, W.
SolidAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.SolidAdmissibleReasoner
solve(CombinatoricsProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.AntColonyOptimization
solves the problem and connects the config and initializes the rest
solve(CombinatoricsProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.IteratedLocalSearch
Solves the given combinatorics problem using the Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm.
solve(CombinatoricsProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverCombinatorics
Returns the solution according the problem; problem has to be minimizing (which only contains variables with defined upper and lower bounds).
solve(CombinatoricsProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimulatedAnnealing
solve(CombinatoricsProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.StochasticLocalSearch
Solves the given combinatorics problem using an iterative neighborhood search algorithm.
solve(CombinatoricsProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.TabuSearch
Return the best solution encountered
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsSimplex
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.BfgsSolver
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.CombinatoricsSolver
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GlpkSolver
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GradientDescent
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GurobiOptimizer
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.HessianGradientDescent
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.IteratedLocalSearchOnConstrProb
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.LagrangeSolver
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.LpSolve
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.OctaveSqpSolver
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolver
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProb
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.Solver
Computes a solution to the given constraint satisfaction or optimization problem, i.e.
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProb
solve(GeneralConstraintSatisfactionProblem) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.TabuSearchOnConstrProb
solve(Term, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer
Returns the variable assignment that maximizes/minimizes the given term (which only contains variables with defined upper and lower bounds).
solve(Term, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GurobiOptimizer
Returns the variable assignment that maximizes/minimizes the given term (which only contains variables with defined upper and lower bounds).
solve(Term, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolver
Returns the variable assignment that maximizes/minimizes the given term (which only contains variables with defined upper and lower bounds).
solver - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.analysis.AspInconsistencyMeasureTest
solver(String) - Method in class
Sets the solver specified in the Dung reasoner response.
Solver - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This abstract class models an abstract solver for constraint satisfaction or optimization problems.
Solver() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.Solver
solverErrorCode - Variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
The error code associated with the exception.
solverErrorText - Variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
The textual message associated with the exception.
SolverException - Exception Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner
This class models a generic exception for ASP (Answer Set Programming) solvers.
SolverException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Creates a new `SolverException` with the specified message and error code.
SolverTest() - Method in class
SomePEAFInducerExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples
SomePEAFInducerExample class
SomePEAFInducerExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples.SomePEAFInducerExample
Sort - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax
A sort of first-order logic.
Sort(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Ctor: Creates an empty Sort with the given name.
Sort(String, Set<Constant>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Ctor: Creates a Sort with the given name and the given constants.
Sort(Sort) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Copy-Ctor creates a deep copy of the Sort
sortByValue(Map<PlFormula, Double>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfpossibilistic.PossibilisticGammaOperator
Convert an unsorted Map to a map sorted by value in ascending order
sortingType - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder
The method used for ordering the numerical values according to acceptability.
sortMarkings() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
fix the sorting to prepare linear algebra analysis in particular, assert a fixed ordering for index-based matrix/vector-access
sortTerms(Collection<? extends Term<?>>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Sorts the set of given terms by their sorts, i.e.
spanNumber() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.ReferenceWorld
Returns the span number of this reference world, i.e.
SpassFolReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner
Invokes SPASS (, an automated theorem prover for first-order logic, modal logic and description logics.
SpassFolReasoner(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.SpassFolReasoner
Constructs a new instance pointing to a specific SPASS
SpassFolReasoner(String, Shell) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.reasoner.SpassFolReasoner
Constructs a new instance pointing to a specific SPASS Prover.
SPASSMlReasoner - Class in
Invokes SPASS (, an automated theorem prover for first-order logic, modal logic and description logics.
SPASSMlReasoner(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance pointing to a specific SPASS
SPASSMlReasoner(String, Shell) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance pointing to a specific SPASS Prover.
SPASSTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test
JUnitTest to test SPASS (test cases from TPTPTest)
SPASSTest - Class in
JUnit Test class for SPASS Prover for modal formulas.
SPASSTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.SPASSTest
SPASSTest() - Constructor for class
SPASSWriter - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer
This class prints single first-order logic formulas and knowledge bases to the SPASS format.
SPASSWriter - Class in
This class prints single first-order modal logic formulas and knowledge bases to the SPASS format.
SPASSWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.SPASSWriter
Creates a new SPASSWriter.
SPASSWriter() - Constructor for class
Creates a new SPASSWriter.
SPASSWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.SPASSWriter
Creates a new SPASSWriter.
SPASSWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SPASSWriter.
special_formula_flag - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.writer.QdimacsWriter
Will be set to true/false if the input can be simplified to a tautology/contradiction.
SpecialCharactersTest() - Method in class
SpecialFormula - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax
This class captures the common functionalities of the special formulas tautology and contradiction.
SpecialFormula - Class in
This class captures the common functionalities of the special formulas tautology and contradiction.
SpecialFormula() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.SpecialFormula
Default Constructor
SpecialFormula() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
specialToken - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
specialToken - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
specialToken - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
specialToken - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
specialToken - Variable in class
A reference to special tokens that occur before this token but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
splitStringInput(String, String) - Static method in class
Splits the input string using the specified delimiter.
SQUARE_CLOSE - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
SQUARE_CLOSE - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
SQUARE_OPEN - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
SQUARE_OPEN - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
SST - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
SST - Enum constant in enum
Semi Stable semantics
ST - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
ST - Enum constant in enum
ST - Enum constant in enum
Stable semantics
stable() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.query.SemanticsStep
Return stable
stable(AbstractDialecticalFramework) - Static method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.Semantics
STABLE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.kernel.EquivalenceKernel
STABLE kernel
STABLE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
StableExample() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples.PrincipleExample
StableKernel - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.kernel
Kernel SK = (A, R') for strong equivalence wrt.
StableKernel() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.kernel.StableKernel
StableReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.reasoner
This reasoner for ABA theories performs inference on the stable extensions.
StableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is deprecated and scheduled for removal since version 1.19. Use alternative reasoners for stable interpretations in ADFs.
StableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.evidential
a set of arguments S is stable iff it is conflict-free, self-supporting and for any argument a e-supported by bbase, where a is not in S, S e-support attacks either a or every set of arguments minimally e-supporting a.
StableReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.necessity
a set of arguments S is stable iff the set of arguments deactivated by S equals A\S, where A is the set of all arguments in the argumentation framework.
StableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.reasoner.StableReasoner
StableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.evidential.StableReasoner
StableReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.necessity.StableReasoner
StableReasoner(IncrementalSatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.StableReasoner
Constructs a new StableReasoner using the given incremental SAT solver.
StableReasoning() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.EvidentialArgumentationTest
StableReasoning() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.NecessityArgumentationTest
StableVerifier - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.verifier
Verifies if a given interpretation is stable by comparing it with the ground interpretation of its omega reduct.
StableVerifier(Supplier<SatSolverState>, AbstractDialecticalFramework, PropositionalMapping) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.verifier.StableVerifier
STAGE - Enum constant in enum
Stage semantics
STAGE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
STAGE2 - Enum constant in enum
Stage2 semantics
STAGE2_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
Stage2Reasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for Stage2 semantics using scc-recursiveness definition see: Dvorak, Gaggl: Incorporating Stage Semantics in the SCC-recursive Schema for Argumentation Semantics 2012
Stage2Reasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.Stage2Reasoner
STANDARD_AGGFUNCTION - Static variable in class
STANDARD_EVENTS - Static variable in class
STANDARD_EVENTS - Static variable in class
STANDARD_INFERENCE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.reasoner.RpclMeReasoner
Integer constant for standard inference.
STANDARD_SMOOTHING_FACTOR - Static variable in class
StandardEquivalence - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence
This class defines 'standard' equivalence for Argumentation Frameworks wrt.
StandardEquivalence(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.StandardEquivalence
Initializes a new instance of this equivalence notion for the given semantics
StandardFolWriter - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer
Writes FOL formulas and knowledge bases in the standard TweetyProject format, see parser.FolParser.
StandardFolWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.StandardFolWriter
Creates new writer
StandardFolWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.StandardFolWriter
Creates new writer
StandardFolWriterExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.examples
Shows how to use the StandardFolWriter.
StandardFolWriterExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.examples.StandardFolWriterExample
START_EVENT - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnModel.BpmnNodeType
StartEvent - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax
A class to represent the starting events of a BPMN Model
StartEvent() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.StartEvent
Create a new instance
StartEventParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn
Parse a start event of a BPMN model
StartEventParser(RootParser) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.StartEventParser
Create a new instance
State - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem
Represents a state in an action transition system, which is a representation of an interpretation of all fluent names in an action description.
State - Interface in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp
A state in a Markov Decision Process
State(Set<FolAtom>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.State
Creates a new State with a set of fluents that are mapped to true.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionComparePresenter
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionComparePresenter
statement(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTClingoMeta
Sets the meta-statement associated with this AST node.
Statement - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.equation
This class models a mathematical statement, i.e.
Statement(Term, Term) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Statement
Creates a new statement with the given terms.
Statement() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Return Rule
Statements() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Return RuleList
StateProcessor - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.processor
The StateProcessor interface defines a contract for processing a set of states and translating them into logical clauses for further operations such as SAT solving or reasoning.
staticFlag - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
staticFlag - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
staticFlag - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
staticFlag - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
staticFlag - Static variable in class
Whether the parser is static.
StaticLaw - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax
This class represents a static rule in C, which has the following form: "caused H if G" where H is a propositional formula over the set of fluents and G is a propositional formula over the set of fluents and the set of actions
StaticLaw() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
Creates an empty static law.
StaticLaw(FolFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
Creates an empty static law of the form "caused headFormula if True"
StaticLaw(FolFormula, Set<GroundingRequirement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
Creates an empty static law of the form "caused headFormula if True requires requirements"
StaticLaw(FolFormula, FolFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
Creates an empty static law of the form "caused headFormula if ifFormula"
StaticLaw(FolFormula, FolFormula, Set<GroundingRequirement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
Creates an empty static law of the form "caused headFormula if ifFormula" requires requirements
status(String) - Method in class
Sets the status of the DeLP response.
status(String) - Method in class
Sets the status of the Dung reasoner response.
STEP_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.PenalizingCreepingMachineShop
The step length for the line search.
STG - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
STG2 - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
stickyUpdate(DungTheory, double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries.SubgraphProbabilityFunction
Updates this probability function with the given theory using "sticky redistribution", cf.
StochasticLocalSearch - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
local search
StochasticLocalSearch(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.StochasticLocalSearch
StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProb - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
Stochastic Local Search On Constraint Problem
StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProb(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProb
StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProbEx - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for Simulated Annealing on optimization problems.
StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProbEx() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.StochasticLocalSearchOnConstrProbEx
stocks() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestQueries
StrategyBasedExample() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.examples.RankingPostulatesExample
Evaluates the StrategyBasedRankingReasoner against all postulates and prints the results.
StrategyBasedRankingReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Matt, Toni.
StrategyBasedRankingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.StrategyBasedRankingReasoner
Default Constructor
StratifiedLabeling - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics
This class implements stratified labelings as in [Thimm, Kern-Isberner, 2013].
StratifiedLabeling() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.StratifiedLabeling
Creates a new empty stratified labeling.
StratifiedLabelingExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples
Example code for using stratified labelings by Thimm/Kern-Isberner.
StratifiedLabelingExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples.StratifiedLabelingExample
StratifiedLabelingReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
This class implements a stratified labeling reasoner.
StratifiedLabelingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.StratifiedLabelingReasoner
Creates a new reasoner using sceptical inference and grounded semantics.
StratifiedLabelingReasoner(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.StratifiedLabelingReasoner
Creates a new reasoner for the given semantics.
stream() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.Execution
Must only be called once, it is up to the implementation what happens it is called more than once.
stream() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.ParallelExecution
stream() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.SequentialExecution
stream() - Method in interface
Returns a stream of literals contained in this clause.
StreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure<S> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams
General interface for inconsistency measures working on streams.
StreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.StreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure
StreamInconsistencyEvaluationExample - Class in
Illustrates stream-based inconsistency measurement.
StreamInconsistencyEvaluationExample() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
StreamInconsistencyEvaluationExample2 - Class in
Illustrates stream-based inconsistency measurement.
StreamInconsistencyEvaluationExample2() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
STRENGTHEN - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.preferences.Operation
Operation to strengthen a preference.
strengthenElement(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.ranking.Functions
strengthens the given element in the function
strengthenElement(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.ranking.LevelingFunction
strengthens the given element in the leveling function
strengthenElement(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.ranking.RankingFunction
strengthens the given element in the ranking function
strengthenElementInLF(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
strengthens the given element in this preference order in its leveling function
strengthenElementInRF(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
strengthens the given element in this preference order in its ranking function
STRICTADDITIONOFDEFENSEBRANCH - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
STRICTCOUNTERTRANSITIVITY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
StrictInferenceRule<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax
Indefeasible implementation of InferenceRule<T>
StrictInferenceRule() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.StrictInferenceRule
Constructs an empty instance
StrictInferenceRule(T, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.StrictInferenceRule
Constructs a strict inference rule p -> c
StrictNegation - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class models the strict negation of an atom (as opposed to a default negation: DefaultNegation).
StrictNegation(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
Creates a new negation with the given name.
StrictNegation(Predicate, List<Term<?>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
Creates a new negation with the given predicate and terms.
StrictNegation(ASPAtom) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
Creates a new negation with the given atom.
StrictNegation(StrictNegation) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
strictNotClonable() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestRules
StrictRule - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax
This class models a strict rule in defeasible logic programming.
StrictRule(FolFormula, Set<FolFormula>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.StrictRule
Default constructor; initializes head and body of the strict rule
strictRules() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestRules
String() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
STRING - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
STRING - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
StringListCommandParameter - Class in org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter
This class models a string list command parameter for Work-in-Progress, do not use!
StringListCommandParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.plugin.parameter.StringListCommandParameter
constructor with identifier and description
StringPreferenceOrder() - Method in class
Get a StringPreferenceOrder
StringTerm - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax
This class represents terms which are objects identified by a string.
StringTerm(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.StringTerm
Ctor: Creates a string term with the given String as value, uses the Sort "Thing"
StringTerm(String, Sort) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.StringTerm
Ctor: Create a string term with the given value and sort.
StringTerm(StringTerm) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.StringTerm
Copy-Ctor: Creates a deep copy of the StringTerm
STRONG_ADMISSIBILITY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The strong admissibility principle
StrongAdmissibilityPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
Principle of Strong Admissibility
StrongAdmissibilityPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.StrongAdmissibilityPrinciple
StrongAttack - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This notion of attack models the strong attack relation.
StrongConfidentAttack - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This notion of attack models the strong confident attack relation.
StrongEquivalence - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence
This class defines 'Strong' equivalence for Argumentation Frameworks wrt.
StrongEquivalence(EquivalenceKernel) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.StrongEquivalence
Initialize Strong Equivalence with the given kernel
StrongEquivalence(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.StrongEquivalence
Initializes a Strong Equivalence Instance with a kernel for the given semantics
strongerAttack(Attack, Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Determines the stronger attack between two given attacks based on their weights.
STRONGLY_ADMISSIBLE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
STRONGLY_UNDISPUTED_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
StronglyAdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Reasoner for strong admissibility
StronglyAdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.StronglyAdmissibleReasoner
StronglyUndisputedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Implements the strongly undisputed semantics, as proposed in [Thimm.
StronglyUndisputedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.StronglyUndisputedReasoner
simple constructor
StrongUndercut - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This notion of attack models the strong undercut relation.
StructuredArgumentationFramework - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax
This class represents a structured argumentation framework, i.e.
StructuredArgumentationFramework() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.StructuredArgumentationFramework
Creates a new empty structured argumentation framework.
StructuredArgumentationSystem - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured
This class represents a structured argumentation system, i.e.
StructuredArgumentationSystem(PerceivableStructuredArgumentationFramework) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured.StructuredArgumentationSystem
Creates a new StructuredArgumentationSystem
StructuredArgumentationSystem(PerceivableStructuredArgumentationFramework, Collection<? extends SasAgent>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured.StructuredArgumentationSystem
Creates a new StructuredArgumentationSystem with the given collection of agents.
STRUCTURENAME - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
STRUCTURENAME - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
SubgraphProbabilityFunction - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries
Represents a probability function on the subgraphs of some Dung theory.
SubgraphProbabilityFunction(DungTheory) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries.SubgraphProbabilityFunction
Creates a new uniform probability function for the given theory, i.e.
SubgraphProbExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.examples
Example code for showing how to work with subgraph probability distributions and updates.
SubgraphProbExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.examples.SubgraphProbExample
subGraphTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.ProbTester
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
subList(int, int) - Method in class
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
subProblem() - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
Returns the sub-problem of the problem.
SubsetIterator<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons.util
Iterates over all subsets of a given set.
SubsetIterator(Set<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SubsetIterator
Creates a new subset iterator for the given set.
SubsetIteratorExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons.examples
Class SubsetIteratorExample
SubsetIteratorExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.examples.SubsetIteratorExample
Default Constructor
subsets(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTools
This method computes all subsets of the given set of elements of class "E".
subsets(Collection<? extends E>, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTools
This method computes all subsets of the given set of elements of class "E" with the given size.
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.AlwaysQuery
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.HoldsQuery
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.NecessarilyQuery
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.QueryProposition
Returns a new query proposition of the same type, in which all variables in inner formulas and actions are replaced according to the given map.
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.FolAction
Substitutes terms in all non-zero-arity atoms in this action according to the given map.
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaElement
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.ComplexLogicalFormulaAdapter
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.ComplexLogicalFormula
Substitutes all occurrences of all terms "v" in map.keyset() in this formula by map.get(v) and returns the new formula.
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.LogicProgram
Substitutes all occurrences of all terms "v" in map.keyset() in this formula by map.get(v) and returns the new formula.
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.RelationalFormula
Substitutes all occurrences of all terms "v" in map.keyset() in this formula by map.get(v) and returns the new formula.
NOTE: variables bound to quantifiers are not substituted in their inner formulas even if they appear in the map.
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPElement
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
substitute(Map<? extends Term<?>, ? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPProgram
Substitutes multiple terms in all rules of the nested logic program according to the provided map.
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaElement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Assumption
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.InferenceRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Negation
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.DefeasibleInferenceRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.StrictInferenceRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpFact
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.StrictRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.FunctionalTerm
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.ComplexLogicalFormula
Substitutes all occurrences of term "v" in this formula by term "t" and returns the new formula.
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.LogicProgram
Substitutes all occurrences of term "v" in this formula by term "t" and returns the new formula.
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.Term
Substitutes all occurrences of term "v" in this term by term "t" and returns the new term.
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.RelationalFormula
Substitutes all occurrences of term "v" in this formula by term "t" and returns the new formula.
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TermAdapter
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Conjunction
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Equivalence
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolAtom
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolFormula
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Negation
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.SpecialFormula
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.syntax.MlnFormula
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.syntax.RelationalConditional
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.syntax.RelationalProbabilisticConditional
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateHead
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPBodyElement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPElement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceElement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ComparativeAtom
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultNegation
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationStatement
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPNot
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPProgram
Substitutes a term in all rules of the nested logic program.
substitute(Term<?>, Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPRule
substitute(PlFormula, Proposition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semantics.QbPossibleWorld
Substitutes all occurrences of the proposition v with the possible truth values and returns a set of the possible substitutions.
SUD - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
suite() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultificationTest
sum(double[]) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.VectorTools
Computes the sum of the elements in v
Sum - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.term
This class models a sum of two terms.
Sum() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
Creates a new (empty) sum.
Sum(Collection<? extends Term>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
Creates a new sum with the given list of terms.
Sum(Term, Term) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
Creates a new sum with the given terms.
SUM - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.AggregateFunction
Calculates the sum of the elements.
SUM_PLUS - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.AggregateFunction
Calculates the sum, treating all elements as positive values.
SumAggregator - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.func
This aggregation function models the sum function.
SumAggregator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.func.SumAggregator
SUMFUZZY_MEASURE - Static variable in class
static constant for the Sum-version of the measure
sumOfValues(ArrayList<ElementOfCombinatoricsProb>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.KnapSack
calculates sum of values
sumOfWeights(ArrayList<ElementOfCombinatoricsProb>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.KnapSack
sumOfWeights(ArrayList<ElementOfCombinatoricsProb>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman
sumOfWeights(ArrayList<ElementOfCombinatoricsProb>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.CombinatoricsProblem
Return if the solution sol is valid under the constraints of the problem
SUPERADDITIVITY - Static variable in class
supp(int, int) - Method in class
The vote aggregation function
supp(int, int) - Method in class
support(Collection<Collection<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Returns the support of this rule wrt.
support(Collection<S>, Collection<Collection<S>>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Returns the support of the given itemset wrt.
support(S, Collection<Collection<S>>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Returns the support of the given item wrt.
Support - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
This interface captures common methods of different interpretations of the support relation in bipolar abstract argumentation theories.
SUPPORTING - Enum constant in enum
Supporting link: link provides support
supports - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.InducibleEAF
A subset of supports from PEAF
SupportVectorMachine - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.svm
Realizes a support vector machine classifier utilizing LIBSVM.
SvmExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.examples
Illustrates the use of support vector machine learning.
SvmExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.examples.SvmExample
Default Constructor
SVMTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.test
tests SVM
SVMTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.test.SVMTest
Default Constructur
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserTokenManager
Switches to the specified lexical state.
SwitchTo(int) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParserTokenManager
Switches the parser to the specified lexical state.
SwitchTo(int) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParserTokenManager
Switch to specified lex state.
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTokenManager
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class
Switches the lexer to the specified lexical state.
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class
Switches the lexical analyzer to a specified lexical state.
symmetricDifference(Collection<E>, Collection<E>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTools
Returns the symmetric difference of the two sets s and t, i.e.
SynchronizedSatSolverState - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state
A synchronized wrapper of SatSolverState.
SynchronizedSatSolverState(SatSolverState) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.SynchronizedSatSolverState
SynchronousProtocol - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents
This class models a synchronous protocol for multi-agent systems.
SynchronousProtocol(MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.SynchronousProtocol
Creates a new (non-rigid) synchronous protocol for the given multi-agent system and unlimited number of steps.
SynchronousProtocol(MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.SynchronousProtocol
Creates a new synchronous protocol for the given multi-agent system and unlimited number of steps.
SynchronousProtocol(MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.SynchronousProtocol
Creates a new (non-rigid) synchronous protocol for the given multi-agent system and the given number of steps.
SynchronousProtocol(MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.SynchronousProtocol
Creates a new synchronous protocol for the given multi-agent system.
SyntacticEnumeratingIterator - Class in
Generates all syntactic variations of knowledge bases
SyntacticEnumeratingIterator(PlSignature, int, File, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new sampler.
SyntacticEnumeratingPlBeliefSetSamplerExample - Class in
Illustrates the use of the belief base enumerators.
SyntacticEnumeratingPlBeliefSetSamplerExample() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SyntacticRandomPlBeliefSetSamplerExample - Class in
Illustrates the use of the belief base enumerators.
SyntacticRandomPlBeliefSetSamplerExample() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
SyntacticRandomSampler - Class in
This sampler implements a random generation algorithm for generating formulas, based on the syntax tree of propositional formulas.
SyntacticRandomSampler(Signature, Probability, Probability, Probability, double) - Constructor for class
Creates a new sampler.
SyntacticRandomSampler(Signature, Probability, Probability, Probability, double, int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new sampler.
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