Class SimpleNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ASTAggregate, ASTAggrElement, ASTAggrElementList, ASTAggrFunc, ASTAnswerSet, ASTAriTerm, ASTArithop, ASTBinop, ASTBody, ASTBodyList, ASTBuiltInAtom, ASTChoice, ASTChoiceElement, ASTChoiceElementList, ASTClingoID, ASTClingoMeta, ASTDlvArithmeticID, ASTDlvID, ASTHead, ASTHeadElementsList, ASTID, ASTLiteral, ASTNAFLiteral, ASTNAFLiteralList, ASTNumber, ASTOpt, ASTOptElement, ASTOptElementList, ASTOptFunc, ASTProgram, ASTQuery, ASTRule, ASTRuleList, ASTString, ASTTerm, ASTTermList, ASTVar, ASTWeight

public class SimpleNode extends Object implements Node
A base class representing a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for the ASPParser.

This class implements the basic operations for managing the structure of the tree, including parent-child relationships and visitor acceptance. It provides a foundation that can be extended to represent specific types of nodes in the AST.