Class FolFormula

All Implemented Interfaces:
Formula, ClassicalFormula, ComplexLogicalFormula, Conjunctable, Disjunctable, Invertable, LogicStructure, ProbabilityAware, QuantifiedFormula, SimpleLogicalFormula
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssociativeFolFormula, Equivalence, ExistsQuantifiedFormula, FolAtom, ForallQuantifiedFormula, Implication, MlFormula, Negation, NLPNot, SpecialFormula

public abstract class FolFormula extends RelationalFormula
The common abstract class for formulas of first-order logic. NOTE: "RelationalFormula" and "FolFormula" differ in their meaning as follows:
  • A relational formula is any formula over a first-order signature, i.e. even a conditional
  • A first-order formula is the actual first-order formula in the classical sense.
Matthias Thimm, Tim Janus