Interface Rule<C extends Formula,P extends Formula>

Type Parameters:
C - the type of formulas for the conclusion
P - the type of formulas for the premises
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbaRule, ASPRule, Assumption, BasicArgument, Conditional, DefeasibleInferenceRule, DefeasibleRule, DelpFact, DelpRule, InferenceRule, InferenceRule, NLPRule, ProbabilisticConditional, RelationalConditional, RelationalProbabilisticConditional, SimplePlRule, StrictInferenceRule, StrictRule

public interface Rule<C extends Formula,P extends Formula> extends Formula
This interface models a general rule, i.e. a structure with some premise (a set of formulas) and some conclusion (a single formula).
Matthias Thimm, Tim Janus