Interface Collector<U,D>

Type Parameters:
U - the type of the additional result the collector may provide
D - the type of the objects we want to collect
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCollector, TseitinTransformer

public interface Collector<U,D>
The concept of a collector is similar to its sibling Transformer, we want to transform an AcceptanceCondition into a different structure. A collector is however more flexible since it may provide two different results, one is computed while traversing through the acceptance condition beginning from the root to its leaves and the other one is computed on the way back from the leaves to the root.

This is best illustrated by an example, e.g. TseitinTransformer which transforms an acceptance condition into a set of clauses. It starts top-down by rewriting the root connective while the names of the sub-clauses are computed bottom-up.

To minimize the effort for developers see AbstractCollector.

Mathias Hofer