Class AbstractAssociationRuleMiner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of items contained in the itemsets used for mining association rules.
All Implemented Interfaces:
AssociationRuleMiner<T>, FrequentPatternMiner<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractAssociationRuleMiner<T> extends Object implements AssociationRuleMiner<T>
Abstract layer for association rule miners, bundling common methods for mining association rules.

This abstract class implements the `AssociationRuleMiner` interface and provides common functionality for mining association rules from a database of itemsets. It offers overloaded methods for mining rules with varying levels of constraints on the conclusions and overall limits.

Subclasses should implement specific rule mining algorithms by extending this class and providing their own implementations of the abstract methods.

Matthias Thimm