Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base contraction operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic belief base expansion operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.Abstract base class for a revision process on belief bases of type TBeliefBase, it provides a method to revise one belief base with another and a method to revise a ordered list of belief bases.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base contraction operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base expansion operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base contraction operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base contraction operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base contraction operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base contraction operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.Abstract base class for a revision process on belief bases of type TBeliefBase, it provides a method to revise one belief base with another and a method to revise a ordered list of belief bases.Implements the list based method of the Revision interface by iterative calling the revision method which revise two belief bases.Implements the revision method with two belief bases by delegating the processing to the revision method bases on an ordered list of belief bases.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.
ClassDescriptionThis is the interface for a classic belief base revision operator, ie.This is the interface for a classic multiple belief base revision operator, ie.