Interface QuantitativeReasoner<B extends BeliefBase,F extends Formula>

Type Parameters:
B - the belief base type that can be queried
F - the type of formulas that can be queries
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDeductiveArgumentationReasoner, AbstractMlnReasoner, AbstractPafReasoner, AbstractPclReasoner, AlchemyMlnReasoner, ApproximateNaiveMlnReasoner, CompilationReasoner, DefaultMeReasoner, GeneralizedMeReasoner, IssReasoner, IteratingMlnReasoner, MonteCarloPafReasoner, RpclMeReasoner, SimpleDeductiveReasoner, SimpleMlnReasoner, SimplePafReasoner, SimpleSamplingMlnReasoner

public interface QuantitativeReasoner<B extends BeliefBase,F extends Formula> extends Reasoner<Double,B,F>
The general interface for objects that are able to query a belief base with some formula and return a degree (double value) of its acceptability.
Matthias Thimm