Class CReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Conditional,ClBeliefSet,RankingFunction>, QualitativeReasoner<ClBeliefSet,PlFormula>, Reasoner<Boolean,ClBeliefSet,PlFormula>

public class CReasoner extends AbstractConditionalLogicReasoner
This class models a c-reasoner for conditional logic. Reasoning is performed by computing a minimal c-representation for the given knowledge base.
A c-representation for a conditional knowledge base R={r1,...,rn} is a ranking function k such that k accepts every conditional in R (k |= R) and if there are numbers k0,k1+,k1-,...,kn+,kn- with
k(w)=k0 + \sum_{w verifies ri} ki+ + \sum_{w falsifies ri} kj- for every w. A c-representation is minimal if k0+...+kn- is minimal. This reasoner uses mathematical optimization for solving the above problem and is usually faster than the brute force approach.

See Gabriele Kern-Isberner. Conditionals in nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2087. 2001.
Matthias Thimm