Class ParameterisedArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionOperator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ParameterisedArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionOperator extends MultipleBaseRevisionOperator<ASPRule>
This class represents a selective revision using the base revision approach from [1] for the inner revision and the sceptical argumentative transformation function from [2]. The selective revision operator is parameterised by two notions of attack used by the argumentation framework utilised by the transformation function. In [2] it is shown that there are at least 5 classes of distinct plausible instantiations of this operator: a/a, d/d, sa/sa, sa/a, and ca/ca where "a" stands for Attack, "d" for Defeat, "sa" for Strong Attack and "ca" for Confident Attack. For further details see the parameterisedhierarchy tweety project and [2]. [1] Kruempelmann, Patrick und Gabriele Kern-Isberner: Belief Base Change Operations for Answer Set Programming. In: Cerro, Luis Farinas, Andreas Herzig und Jerome Mengin (Herausgeber): Proceedings of the 13th European conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Band 7519, Seiten 294-306, Toulouse, France, 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [2] Homann, Sebastian: Master thesis: Argumentationsbasierte selektive Revision von erweiterten logischen Programmen. 2013
Sebastian Homann