Most libraries have an examples package that contains various example code snippets that show the functionality of the library. In addition, the resources folder contains examplary instance files that can be parsed by the corresponding parser into the classes of the library.
Below is an up-to-date list of available examples and instance files.
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This example creates a belief set of conditional statements and then uses the SimpleCReasoner to compute and print a model for that belief set.
This example creates a belief set of conditional statements and then uses the SimpleCReasoner to compute and print a model for that belief set.
no example code available
Resources:no resources available
This class includes various examples, such as the "Nixon" scenarios, to show how to define MLNs and apply coherence measures using the TweetyProject libraries.
This class includes various examples, such as the "Nixon" scenarios, to show how to define MLNs and apply coherence measures using the TweetyProject libraries.
no resources available
This class demonstrates how to evaluate the inconsistency of a probabilistic conditional logic belief set and how to apply different repairing techniques to make the belief set consistent.
This class demonstrates how to evaluate the inconsistency of a probabilistic conditional logic belief set and how to apply different repairing techniques to make the belief set consistent.
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Resources:no resources available
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Resources:no example code available
Resources:no resources available
no example code available
Resources:no resources available
This example sets up a PEAF theory with a specified number of arguments, adds various support and attack relationships between the arguments, and then uses the `LiExactPEAFInducer` to induce new EAF (Argumentation Framework) theories from the given PEAF theory. The results are printed and saved to files.
This example sets up a PEAFTheory with a number of arguments, defines supports and attacks among them, and then performs exact and approximate analyses to justify a specific argument.
In this example, an extended argumentation framework (EAF) is created with a set of arguments and supports/attacks between them.
This example uses the Deductive Argumentation Framework to create an argumentation framework, add arguments and relationships, and then compute various types of extensions. The example framework and its associated Dung theory are used to compute extensions using different reasoners.
The example is based on the work by Cayrol and Lagasquie-Schiex on bipolarity in argumentation graphs.
This example demonstrates the creation of an argumentation framework with eight arguments, setting up various support and attack relationships between these arguments, and finally writing the resulting framework to a file.
This example demonstrates the creation of a PEAFTheory instance with two arguments, setting up support relationships
add arguments, support, and attack relationships, and check the acceptability of arguments with respect to a given set of arguments. It also prints the framework in a human-readable format.
prints the framework, and uses different inducers to process the framework and output the results.
This example sets up a PEAF theory with a specified number of arguments, adds various support and attack relationships between the arguments, and then uses the `LiExactPEAFInducer` to induce new EAF (Argumentation Framework) theories from the given PEAF theory. The results are printed and saved to files.
This example sets up a PEAFTheory with a number of arguments, defines supports and attacks among them, and then performs exact and approximate analyses to justify a specific argument.
In this example, an extended argumentation framework (EAF) is created with a set of arguments and supports/attacks between them.
This example uses the Deductive Argumentation Framework to create an argumentation framework, add arguments and relationships, and then compute various types of extensions. The example framework and its associated Dung theory are used to compute extensions using different reasoners.
The example is based on the work by Cayrol and Lagasquie-Schiex on bipolarity in argumentation graphs.
This example demonstrates the creation of an argumentation framework with eight arguments, setting up various support and attack relationships between these arguments, and finally writing the resulting framework to a file.
This example demonstrates the creation of a PEAFTheory instance with two arguments, setting up support relationships
add arguments, support, and attack relationships, and check the acceptability of arguments with respect to a given set of arguments. It also prints the framework in a human-readable format.
prints the framework, and uses different inducers to process the framework and output the results.
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Resources:no resources available
no resources available
This example constructs an argumentation framework, adds arguments and attacks to it, and then creates a
Several arguments and attacks between them are added to the framework.
This example constructs an argumentation framework, adds arguments and attacks to it, and then creates a
Several arguments and attacks between them are added to the framework.
no example code available
Resources:no resources available
no resources available
no resources available
no example code available
Resources:no resources available
no resources available
no example code available
Resources:no resources available
no resources available
no example code available
Resources:no example code available
Resources:no example code available