The following step-by-step guide can be used for installing the TweetyProject libraries via Maven on the command line. This works for all Linux derivatives/Max OS X (the guide is given for Ubuntu Linux but works similarly for other systems).
- Install Maven
$ sudo apt-get install maven
- Create empty Maven project
$ mvn archetype:generate
- Add TweetyProject as dependency
$ cd mytweetyapp
$ nano pom.xml
<project ...>
- Configure Maven for automatic dependency inclusion (recommended for beginners)
<project ...>
- Write code
$ nano src/main/java/mytweety/mytweetyapp/
package mytweety.mytweetyapp;
public class App{
public static void main( String[] args ) {
PlFormula helloWorld = new Proposition("HelloWorld");
System.out.println(helloWorld); }
- Compile and run
$ mvn package
$ java -cp target/mytweetyapp -1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
mytweety.mytweetyapp.App HelloWorld