Class SActionQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionQuery, Formula

public class SActionQuery extends Object implements ActionQuery
This class represents a single action query in the action query language S, which is based on the query language "P" discussed in the paper: Action Languages. by Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz, ETAI: Electronic Transactions on AI, 1998. An action query is represented by a propositional formula over propositions of one of the following kinds: HoldsQuery, AlwaysQuery, NecessarilyQuery.
Sebastian Homann
  • Constructor Details

    • SActionQuery

      public SActionQuery(PlFormula formula)
      Creates a new action query with the given propositional formula and no grounding requirements.
      formula - a propositional formula
    • SActionQuery

      public SActionQuery(PlFormula formula, Set<GroundingRequirement> requirements)
      Creates a new action query with the given propositional formula and grounding requirements.
      formula - a propositional formula
      requirements - a set of requirements
  • Method Details

    • getSignature

      public Signature getSignature()
      Description copied from interface: Formula
      Returns the signature of the language of this formula.
      Specified by:
      getSignature in interface Formula
      the signature of the language of this formula.
    • getFormula

      public PlFormula getFormula()
      Retrieves the propositional formula represented by this action query.
      the formula represented by this action query.
    • getActionSignature

      public ActionSignature getActionSignature()
      Retrieves the action signature of this action query.
      the action signature of this action query.
    • getInnerFormulas

      public Set<FolFormula> getInnerFormulas()
      Returns all inner formulas that are contained in query propositions in this action query.
      all inner formulas of this action query.
    • getInnerActions

      public Set<FolAction> getInnerActions()
      Retrieves all actions that occur in action sequences within necessarily queries in this action query.
      all actions, which occur in action sequences in necessarily queries in this action query.
    • getInnerAtoms

      public Set<FolAtom> getInnerAtoms()
      Retrieves all inner atoms that occur in state formulas and actions within this action query.
      all inner atoms, which occur in state formulas and actions in this action query.
    • getInnerVariables

      public Set<Variable> getInnerVariables()
      Retrieves all inner variables that occur in state formulas and actions within this action query.
      all inner variables, which occur in state formulas and actions in this action query.
    • getGroundingRequirements

      public Set<GroundingRequirement> getGroundingRequirements()
      Returns all grounding requirements, that have to be met, when this action query is grounded.
      a set of grounding requirements.
    • getAllGrounded

      public Set<SActionQuery> getAllGrounded()
      Retrieves the set of all grounded instances of this action query.
      the set of all grounded instances of this causal rule.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object