Class SActionQuerySet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<SActionQuery>, Collection<SActionQuery>, BeliefBase

public class SActionQuerySet extends ActionQuerySet<SActionQuery>
This class models a set of action queries in the language "S" which is based on the query language "P" discussed in the paper: [Gelfond, Michael and Lifschitz, Vladimir: Action Languages. ETAI: Electronic Transactions on AI, 1998.]
Sebastian Homann
  • Constructor Details

    • SActionQuerySet

      public SActionQuerySet()
      Creates a new empty action query set for the query language S.
    • SActionQuerySet

      public SActionQuerySet(Collection<SActionQuery> c)
      Creates a new belief set with the given collection of queries.
      c - a collection of formulae.
  • Method Details

    • ground

      public SActionQuerySet ground()
      Creates a new SActionQuerySet consisting of all possible groundings
      a new SActionQuerySet consisting of all possible groundings of the contained queries.
    • getConjunctionOfAllQueries

      public SActionQuery getConjunctionOfAllQueries()
      Returns a conjunction of all contained queries. The resulting action query is satisfied iff all queries contained in this query set are satisfied.
      a conjunction of all contained queries.
    • getMinimalSignature

      public Signature getMinimalSignature()
      Description copied from interface: BeliefBase
      Returns the signature of the language of this knowledge base.
      the signature of the language of this knowledge base.