Interface Decomposer

All Known Implementing Classes:
MostBipolarParentsDecomposer, MostComplexAcceptanceConditionDecomposer, RandomDecomposer

public interface Decomposer
The Decomposer interface defines a contract for decomposing an argumentation framework or a logic system into multiple parts based on a desired criterion.
Mathias Hofer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    decompose(int desired)
    Decomposes the framework or system into a collection of Interpretation objects based on the provided criterion.
  • Method Details

    • decompose

      Collection<Interpretation> decompose(int desired)
      Decomposes the framework or system into a collection of Interpretation objects based on the provided criterion.
      desired - an integer representing the desired criterion for decomposition; the meaning of this parameter is implementation-specific (e.g., it could represent the number of desired interpretations or a specific threshold for decomposition)
      a collection of decomposed Interpretation objects based on the specified criterion