Class RandomDecomposer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class RandomDecomposer extends Object
The RandomDecomposer is a concrete implementation of the AbstractDecomposer, designed to randomly partition the arguments of an AbstractDialecticalFramework (ADF).

The decomposition randomly shuffles the arguments in the ADF and then selects a subset of them based on the specified count. This allows for random partitions of the argument set, which can be useful for certain applications like random sampling or stochastic analysis of argumentation frameworks.

Usage of this class involves instantiating it with a specific ADF and then calling the decomposition methods provided by the superclass AbstractDecomposer.

Sebastian Matthias Thimm
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • decompose

      public Collection<Interpretation> decompose(int desired)
      Description copied from interface: Decomposer
      Decomposes the framework or system into a collection of Interpretation objects based on the provided criterion.
      Specified by:
      decompose in interface Decomposer
      desired - an integer representing the desired criterion for decomposition; the meaning of this parameter is implementation-specific (e.g., it could represent the number of desired interpretations or a specific threshold for decomposition)
      a collection of decomposed Interpretation objects based on the specified criterion
    • asTwoValued

      public Decomposer asTwoValued()