Class RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding extends Object implements SatEncoding
The RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding class implements a SAT encoding specifically for restricted bipolar Abstract Dialectical Frameworks (ADFs). It leverages partial interpretations and completes undecided arguments in a two-valued manner. The class uses Tseitin transformations to generate propositional clauses.

This encoding is restricted because it only applies the encoding to arguments that have undecided dependencies. It also filters completions where the interpretation contradicts the partial interpretation.

Mathias Hofer
  • Constructor Details

    • RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding

      public RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding(AbstractDialecticalFramework adf, PropositionalMapping mapping, Interpretation partial)
      Constructs a new RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding with the specified Abstract Dialectical Framework, propositional mapping, and partial interpretation.
      adf - the Abstract Dialectical Framework
      mapping - the propositional mapping for arguments and links
      partial - the partial interpretation to be used during encoding
  • Method Details

    • encode

      public void encode(Consumer<Clause> consumer)
      Encodes the bipolar Abstract Dialectical Framework (ADF) into a set of SAT clauses. The encoding is restricted to arguments that have undecided dependencies. The encoding applies the Tseitin transformation to convert the acceptance conditions of these arguments into propositional clauses.
      Specified by:
      encode in interface SatEncoding
      consumer - the consumer that accepts the generated SAT clauses