Interface SatEncoding

All Known Implementing Classes:
BipolarSatEncoding, ConflictFreeInterpretationSatEncoding, KBipolarSatEncoding, RestrictedBipolarSatEncoding, RestrictedKBipolarSatEncoding, TwoValuedModelSatEncoding

public interface SatEncoding
The SatEncoding interface represents a generic SAT encoding mechanism. Implementations of this interface are responsible for encoding specific structures into SAT clauses and providing them to a given consumer.
Mathias Hofer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    encode(Consumer<Clause> consumer)
    Encodes the structure into a set of SAT clauses and provides them to the given consumer.
  • Method Details

    • encode

      void encode(Consumer<Clause> consumer)
      Encodes the structure into a set of SAT clauses and provides them to the given consumer. The consumer is expected to accept the generated clauses, which represent the logical encoding of the structure.
      consumer - the consumer that will accept the generated SAT clauses