Class AbstractExtensionAnalysis

All Implemented Interfaces:
Analysis, ExtensionAnalysis
Direct Known Subclasses:
GroundedAnalysis, PreferredAnalysis

public abstract class AbstractExtensionAnalysis extends AbstractAnalysis implements ExtensionAnalysis
An abstract class for performing extension analysis on a PEAF (Process-Entity-Attribute-Function) theory.

This class is designed to convert a PEAF theory into an EAF (Extended Argumentation Framework) theory, then into a Dung theory, and finally use an extension reasoner to compute the extensions of the Dung theory.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractExtensionAnalysis

      public AbstractExtensionAnalysis(PEAFTheory peafTheory, AbstractExtensionReasoner extensionReasoner, AnalysisType analysisType)
      The default constructor
      peafTheory - The PEAF Theory
      extensionReasoner - The extension reasoner
      analysisType - The type of the analysis
  • Method Details

    • getExtensions

      public List<Set<String>> getExtensions()
      Description copied from interface: ExtensionAnalysis
      Computes and returns a list of extensions.

      Each extension is represented as a set of strings, where each string corresponds to an argument in the argumentation framework. The method returns all extensions that are found according to the specific analysis performed by the implementing class.

      Specified by:
      getExtensions in interface ExtensionAnalysis
      a list of sets, where each set contains strings representing an extension of the argumentation framework.
    • query

      public AnalysisResult query(Set<BArgument> args)
      Description copied from interface: Analysis
      Creates an AnalysisResult to store the results of the analysis
      Specified by:
      query in interface Analysis
      args - the set of arguments necessary for the query
      an AnalysisResult object