Interface ExtensionAnalysis

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractExtensionAnalysis, GroundedAnalysis, PreferredAnalysis

public interface ExtensionAnalysis
The `ExtensionAnalysis` interface provides a contract for analyzing and retrieving extensions in the context of argumentation frameworks, particularly within the domain of bipolar argumentation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Computes and returns a list of extensions.
  • Method Details

    • getExtensions

      List<Set<String>> getExtensions()
      Computes and returns a list of extensions.

      Each extension is represented as a set of strings, where each string corresponds to an argument in the argumentation framework. The method returns all extensions that are found according to the specific analysis performed by the implementing class.

      a list of sets, where each set contains strings representing an extension of the argumentation framework.