Class StrongExpansionEquivalence

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StrongExpansionEquivalence extends Object implements Equivalence<DungTheory>
This class defines strong expansion equivalence for argumentation frameworks wrt. some semantics, i.e., two AFs F andG are strong expansion equivalent iff they possess the same set of extensions wrt. the semantics when conjoined with some AF H that only adds arguments and attacks originating from new arguments. Can be characterized by a syntactic kernel.
Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Baumann, Ringo. 'Normal and strong expansion equivalence for argumentation frameworks.' Artificial Intelligence 193 (2012): 18-44."
  • Constructor Details

    • StrongExpansionEquivalence

      public StrongExpansionEquivalence(EquivalenceKernel kernel)
      Initialize Strong Expansion Equivalence with the given kernel
      kernel - an equivalence kernel
    • StrongExpansionEquivalence

      public StrongExpansionEquivalence(Semantics semantics)
      Initializes a Strong Expansion Equivalence instance with a kernel for the given semantics
      semantics - some semantics
  • Method Details

    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(DungTheory theory1, DungTheory theory2)
      Description copied from interface: Equivalence
      Checks whether the specified objects are equivalent
      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface Equivalence<DungTheory>
      theory1 - an object of type Equivalence
      theory2 - an object of type Equivalence
      true, iff both object are equivalent wrt. this equivalence notion
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(Collection<DungTheory> theories)
      Description copied from interface: Equivalence
      Checks whether the specified collection of objects are pairwise equivalent
      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface Equivalence<DungTheory>
      theories - A collection of objects of type Equivalence
      true, iff all objects are equivalent wrt. this equivalence notion
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Equivalence
      Return the name of this equivalence notion
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Equivalence<DungTheory>
      name of this equivalence notion