Class LdoDisjunction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<LdoFormula>, Collection<LdoFormula>, List<LdoFormula>, SequencedCollection<LdoFormula>, Formula, AssociativeFormulaSupport.AssociativeSupportBridge, AssociativeFormula<LdoFormula>, ClassicalFormula, Conjunctable, Disjunctable, Invertable, ProbabilityAware, SimpleLogicalFormula

public class LdoDisjunction extends LdoAssociativeFormula
This class represents a disjunction in ldo logic.
Matthias Thimm, Tim Janus
  • Constructor Details

    • LdoDisjunction

      public LdoDisjunction(Collection<? extends LdoFormula> formulas)
      Creates a new disjunction with the given inner formulas.
      formulas - a collection of formulas.
    • LdoDisjunction

      public LdoDisjunction()
      Creates a new (empty) disjunction.
    • LdoDisjunction

      public LdoDisjunction(LdoFormula first, LdoFormula second)
      Creates a new disjunction with the two given formulae
      first - a propositional formula.
      second - a propositional formula.
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public LdoFormula clone()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Creates a deep copy of this formula
      Specified by:
      clone in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      Specified by:
      clone in class LdoFormula
      the cloned formula
    • createEmptyFormula

      public LdoDisjunction createEmptyFormula()
      an empty version of the AssociativeFormula
    • getOperatorSymbol

      public String getOperatorSymbol()
      A String representing the operator which connects two items of the associative formula.
    • getEmptySymbol

      public String getEmptySymbol()
      A String representing an empty version of the Associative Formula implementation