Interface AssociativeFormula<T extends SimpleLogicalFormula>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of formulas
All Superinterfaces:
Collection<T>, Formula, Iterable<T>, List<T>, SequencedCollection<T>, SimpleLogicalFormula
All Known Implementing Classes:
AssociativeDlFormula, AssociativeFolFormula, AssociativeFormulaSupport, AssociativePlFormula, ClassicalHead, Conjunction, Conjunction, Disjunction, Disjunction, ExclusiveDisjunction, ExclusiveDisjunction, Intersection, LdoAssociativeFormula, LdoConjunction, LdoDisjunction, Union

public interface AssociativeFormula<T extends SimpleLogicalFormula> extends SimpleLogicalFormula, List<T>
This interfaces describes associative formulas like a disjunction or a conjunction.
Tim Janus
  • Method Details

    • getFormulas

      List<T> getFormulas()
      all the formulas saved as childs in the associative formula
    • getFormulas

      <C extends SimpleLogicalFormula> Set<C> getFormulas(Class<C> cls)
      Process the formulas of type C that are children of this associative formula
      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of formulas
      cls - the class structure defining the type of formulas which are searched.
      A set of formulas of type C which are members of the associative formula