Class SCOOCPrinciple

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SCOOCPrinciple extends Principle
Strong Complete Completeness Outside Odd Cycles Principle (SCOOC)

A semantics satisfied SCOOC iff for every extension E it holds that: for every argument 'a', if neither 'a' nor its attackers are in an odd cycle and E does not attack 'a', then 'a' is in E.

Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Cramer, M., and van der Torre, L. (2019). SCF2-an argumentation semantics for rational human judgments on argument acceptability."
  • Constructor Details

    • SCOOCPrinciple

      public SCOOCPrinciple()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Postulate
      The textual name of the postulate
      a string
    • isApplicable

      public boolean isApplicable(Collection<Argument> kb)
      Description copied from interface: Postulate
      Checks whether the given kb represents a non-trivial instance for this postulate, i.e., whether assumptions of this postulates are satisfied (evaluating an approach on a non-applicable instance always succeeds).
      Specified by:
      isApplicable in interface Postulate<Argument>
      Specified by:
      isApplicable in class Principle
      kb - some knowledge base
      true if the knowledge base is a non trivial instance of this postulate.
    • isSatisfied

      public boolean isSatisfied(Collection<Argument> kb, AbstractExtensionReasoner ev)
      Description copied from class: Principle
      Computes whether the given extension reasoner (i.e. semantics) satisfies this principle for this specific instance
      Specified by:
      isSatisfied in class Principle
      kb - some argumentation framework
      ev - an extension reasoner
      true, if this principle is satisfied for this instance and semantics