Interface Postulate<S extends Formula>

Type Parameters:
S - The type of formulas this postulate is about.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdmissibilityPrinciple, AllowingAbstentionPrinciple, CFReinstatementPrinciple, ConflictFreePrinciple, DefencePrinciple, DirectionalityPrinciple, ImAdjunctionInvariance, ImAttenuation, IMaximalityPrinciple, ImConsistency, ImContradiction, ImDominance, ImEqualConflict, ImExchange, ImFreeFormulaDilution, ImFreeFormulaIndependence, ImIrrelevanceOfSyntax, ImMINormalization, ImMISeparability, ImMonotony, ImNormalization, ImPenalty, ImPostulate, ImSafeFormulaIndependence, ImSuperAdditivity, ImWeakDominance, INRAPrinciple, ModularizationPrinciple, NaivetyPrinciple, NonInterferencePrinciple, Principle, RaAbstraction, RaAdditionOfAttackBranch, RaAdditionOfDefenseBranch, RaAttackVsFullDefense, RaCardinalityPrecedence, RaCounterTransitivity, RaDefensePrecedence, RaDistDefensePrecedence, RaIncreaseOfAttackBranch, RaIncreaseOfDefenseBranch, RaIndependence, RankingPostulate, RaNonAttackedEquivalence, RaQualityPrecedence, RaSelfContradiction, RaSigmaCompatibility, RaSkeptSigmaCompatibility, RaStrictAdditionOfDefenseBranch, RaStrictCounterTransitivity, RaTotal, RaVoidPrecedence, ReductAdmissibilityPrinciple, ReinstatementPrinciple, SccDecomposabilityPrinciple, SCOOCPrinciple, SemiDirectionalityPrinciple, SemiQualifiedAdmissibilityPrinciple, StrongAdmissibilityPrinciple, WeakDirectionalityPrinciple, WeakReinstatementPrinciple

public interface Postulate<S extends Formula>
Models a general (rationality) postulate, i.e. a property that can be satisfied or violated by some approach. This class contains methods for checking whether an approach satisfies certain instances wrt. this postulate.
Matthias Thimm
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The textual name of the postulate
    Checks whether the given kb represents a non-trivial instance for this postulate, i.e., whether assumptions of this postulates are satisfied (evaluating an approach on a non-applicable instance always succeeds).
    Checks whether this postulate is satisfied by the given approach ev wrt.
  • Method Details

    • isApplicable

      boolean isApplicable(Collection<S> kb)
      Checks whether the given kb represents a non-trivial instance for this postulate, i.e., whether assumptions of this postulates are satisfied (evaluating an approach on a non-applicable instance always succeeds).
      kb - some knowledge base
      true if the knowledge base is a non trivial instance of this postulate.
    • isSatisfied

      boolean isSatisfied(Collection<S> kb, PostulateEvaluatable<S> ev)
      Checks whether this postulate is satisfied by the given approach ev wrt. the given instance kb (note that evaluating an approach on a non-applicable instance always succeeds).
      kb - some knowledge base
      ev - some approach
      true if the postulate is satisfied on the instance
    • getName

      String getName()
      The textual name of the postulate
      a string