Class SccDecomposabilityPrinciple

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SccDecomposabilityPrinciple extends Principle
SCC Decomposability Principle (also SCC-Recursiveness)

A semantics satisfies SCC decomposability iff for all AFs we have: The extensions of F are the same as computing the extensions of each SCC individually and combining the result Can return false even if principle is not violated, in case that the semantics is different to the base function. E.g. SCF2-semantics or CF2-semantics

Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Pietro Baroni et al. 'On the input/output behavior of argumentation frameworks' 2014"
  • Constructor Details

    • SccDecomposabilityPrinciple

      public SccDecomposabilityPrinciple()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Postulate
      The textual name of the postulate
      a string
    • isApplicable

      public boolean isApplicable(Collection<Argument> kb)
      Description copied from interface: Postulate
      Checks whether the given kb represents a non-trivial instance for this postulate, i.e., whether assumptions of this postulates are satisfied (evaluating an approach on a non-applicable instance always succeeds).
      Specified by:
      isApplicable in interface Postulate<Argument>
      Specified by:
      isApplicable in class Principle
      kb - some knowledge base
      true if the knowledge base is a non trivial instance of this postulate.
    • isSatisfied

      public boolean isSatisfied(Collection<Argument> kb, AbstractExtensionReasoner ev)
      Description copied from class: Principle
      Computes whether the given extension reasoner (i.e. semantics) satisfies this principle for this specific instance
      Specified by:
      isSatisfied in class Principle
      kb - some argumentation framework
      ev - an extension reasoner
      true, if this principle is satisfied for this instance and semantics