Class SerialisationGraphPlotter


public class SerialisationGraphPlotter extends GraphPlotter<SerialisationState,Edge<SerialisationState>>
This class represents a specialization of the GraphPlotter used to visualize the serialisation process of extensions, as realised in SerialisedExtensionReasoner.
The class defines the layout specifications of the visualization:
  • label of a node
  • label of an edge
  • size of a node
  • style and font-size of a node
  • spacing between nodes

Julian Sander
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SerialisationGraphPlotter

      public SerialisationGraphPlotter(Plotter plotter, SerialisationGraph graph)
      Constructs a SerialisationGraphPlotter with the specified plotter and serialisation graph. This constructor initializes the plotter and associates it with a specific serialisation graph, which represents the graph of a generation process of serialisable extensions.
      plotter - The plotter to be used for visualizing the graph. This component handles the graphical rendering.
      graph - The serialisation graph that represents the structure and data of a serialisable extension generation process.
  • Method Details

    • plotGraph

      public static void plotGraph(SerialisationGraph graph, int width, int height, String title)
      Plots the specified graph in a new created frame.
      graph - Graph of a generation process of serialisable extensions
      width - Width of the new frame created.
      height - Height of the new frame created.
      title - Title of the Graph to plot.
    • plotGraph

      public static void plotGraph(SerialisationGraph graph, Plotter groundPlotter, String title)
      Plots the specified graph in the frame of the specified plotter
      graph - Graph of a generation process of serialisable extensions
      groundPlotter - Plotter, which creates the frame
      title - Title of the Graph to plot.
    • createGraph

      public void createGraph(boolean isVertical)
      Description copied from class: GraphPlotter
      Parse the elements of the graph to visual elements and align them in a hierarchical layout in a specified orientation
      createGraph in class GraphPlotter<SerialisationState,Edge<SerialisationState>>
      isVertical - If TRUE layout of graph is "top-to-bottom", if FALSE, layout is "left-to-right"
    • getStyle

      public String getStyle(SerialisationState node)