Class AbstractPlReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
KernelProvider<PlFormula>, QualitativeReasoner<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>, Reasoner<Boolean,PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>
Direct Known Subclasses:
NaiveQbfReasoner, SatReasoner, SimplePlReasoner

public abstract class AbstractPlReasoner extends Object implements QualitativeReasoner<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>, KernelProvider<PlFormula>
Abstract class for propositional logic reasoners.
Matthias Thimm
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPlReasoner

      public AbstractPlReasoner()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • query

      public abstract Boolean query(PlBeliefSet beliefbase, PlFormula formula)
      Description copied from interface: QualitativeReasoner
      Queries the given belief base with the provided formula and returns a boolean result. The result indicates whether the formula is entailed or satisfied by the belief base according to the qualitative reasoning method implemented by the reasoner.
      Specified by:
      query in interface QualitativeReasoner<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>
      Specified by:
      query in interface Reasoner<Boolean,PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>
      beliefbase - The belief base to be queried.
      formula - The formula for which the query is made.
      `TRUE` if the formula is entailed or satisfied by the belief base, `FALSE` otherwise.
    • query

      public boolean query(PlFormula formula, PlFormula formula2)
      Checks whether the first formula entails the second.
      formula - some formula
      formula2 - a formula
      true if the second formula is entailed be the first formula.
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(PlFormula p1, PlFormula p2)
      Checks whether the two formulas are equivalent
      p1 - a formula
      p2 - a formula
      true iff the two formulas are equivalent
    • getKernels

      public Collection<Collection<PlFormula>> getKernels(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, PlFormula formula)
      Description copied from interface: KernelProvider
      Retrieves the set of kernels for the given formula from the given set of formulas.
      Specified by:
      getKernels in interface KernelProvider<PlFormula>
      formulas - a set of formulas.
      formula - a formula.
      the collection of kernels