Class DimacsSatSolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
BeliefSetConsistencyTester<PlFormula>, ConsistencyTester<BeliefSet<PlFormula,?>>, ConsistencyWitnessProvider<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>
Direct Known Subclasses:
CmdLineSatSolver, Sat4jSolver

public abstract class DimacsSatSolver extends SatSolver
Interface for SAT solvers which work on the Dimacs format. It adds some utility methods for directly manipulating clauses in Dimacs format.
Matthias Thimm
  • Constructor Details

    • DimacsSatSolver

      public DimacsSatSolver()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • setTempFolder

      public static void setTempFolder(File tempFolder)
      Set the folder for temporary files created by SAT solver.
      tempFolder - some temp folder.
    • convertToDimacs

      public static List<String> convertToDimacs(Collection<PlFormula> formulas)
      Converts the given set of formulas to their string representation in Dimacs CNF. Note that a single formula may be represented as multiple clauses, so there is no simple correspondence between the formulas of the set and the Dimacs representation.
      formulas - a collection of formulas
      a list of strings in Dimacs CNF.
    • convertToDimacs

      public static List<String> convertToDimacs(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, Map<Proposition,Integer> prop_index, List<String> additional_clauses)
      Convert to dimacs
      formulas - a collection of formulas
      prop_index - a map mapping propositions (=signature) to the indices that are used for writing the clauses.
      additional_clauses - additional clauses to be considered
      a list of strings in Dimacs CNF.
    • getWitness

      public Interpretation<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula> getWitness(Collection<PlFormula> formulas)
      If the collection of formulas is consistent this method returns some model of it or, if it is inconsistent, null.
      Specified by:
      getWitness in interface ConsistencyWitnessProvider<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula>
      Specified by:
      getWitness in class SatSolver
      formulas - a set of formulas
      some model of the formulas or null.
    • getWitness

      public abstract Interpretation<PlBeliefSet,PlFormula> getWitness(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, Map<Proposition,Integer> prop_index, Map<Integer,Proposition> prop_inverted_index, List<String> additional_clauses)
      If the collection of formulas is consistent this method returns some model of it or, if it is inconsistent, null.
      formulas - a set of formulas
      prop_index - mapping propositions to numbers used for representing the SAT instance
      prop_inverted_index - inverted index of prop_index
      additional_clauses - additional clauses in text form to be added (already correctly formatted in CNF!)
      some model of the formulas or null.
    • isSatisfiable

      public boolean isSatisfiable(Collection<PlFormula> formulas)
      Checks whether the given set of formulas is satisfiable.
      Specified by:
      isSatisfiable in class SatSolver
      formulas - a set of formulas.
      "true" if the set is consistent.
    • isSatisfiable

      public abstract boolean isSatisfiable(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, Map<Proposition,Integer> prop_index, List<String> additional_clauses)
      Checks whether the given set of formulas is satisfiable.
      formulas - a set of formulas.
      prop_index - maps propositions to the number that shall be used to represent it (a natural number > 0).
      additional_clauses - additional clauses in text form to be added (already correctly formatted in CNF!)
      "true" if the set is consistent.
    • isInstalled

      public abstract boolean isInstalled()
      Description copied from class: SatSolver
      Return whether the solve ris installed
      Specified by:
      isInstalled in class SatSolver
      whether the solve ris installed