Class OptimizationStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:
Formula, ComplexLogicalFormula, LogicStructure, SimpleLogicalFormula

public class OptimizationStatement extends ASPBodyElement
This class represents an optimization statement. Optimization statements represent sets of weak constraints with the goal of finding an optimal answer set wrt. to the constraints.
Anna Gessler
  • Constructor Details

    • OptimizationStatement

      public OptimizationStatement(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction function)
      Creates a new empty OptimizatonStatement with the given function.
      function - the function
    • OptimizationStatement

      public OptimizationStatement(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction function, List<OptimizationElement> optElements)
      Creates a new empty OptimizatonStatement with the given function and the given optimization elements (term-literal tuples with weight and priority).
      function - the function
      optElements - list of OptimizationElements
    • OptimizationStatement

      public OptimizationStatement(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction function, Term<?> weight, List<Term<?>> terms, List<ASPBodyElement> literals)
      Creates a new OptimizatonStatement with the given function, weight and single term-literal tuple.
      function - function
      weight - weight
      terms - terms
      literals - literals
    • OptimizationStatement

      public OptimizationStatement(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction function, Term<?> weight, int priority, List<Term<?>> terms, List<ASPBodyElement> literals)
      Creates a new OptimizatonStatement with the given function, weight, priority and single term-literal tuple.
      function - function
      weight - weight
      priority - priority
      terms - terms
      literals - literals
    • OptimizationStatement

      public OptimizationStatement(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction function, OptimizationElement element)
      Creates a new OptimizatonStatement with the given function and single term-literal tuple.
      function - the target function
      element - some element
  • Method Details

    • setElements

      public void setElements(List<OptimizationElement> elements)
      Sets the optimization elements of this optimization statement.
      elements - the optimization elements
    • getElements

      public List<OptimizationElement> getElements()
      Return the optimization elements of this optimization statement
      the optimization elements of this optimization statement
    • getOptimizeFunction

      public ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction getOptimizeFunction()
      Return the optimize function of this optimization statement
      the optimize function of this optimization statement
    • setOptimizeFunction

      public void setOptimizeFunction(ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction function)
      Sets the optimization function.
      function - function
    • isLiteral

      public boolean isLiteral()
      true if the formula represents a literal in the language or false otherwise
    • getTerms

      public Set<Term<?>> getTerms()
      a set containing all terms of this logical structure
    • getTerms

      public <C extends Term<?>> Set<C> getTerms(Class<C> cls)
      Description copied from interface: LogicStructure
      Processes the set containing all terms of type C. This method uses the equals method of the given Class and therefore does not add terms which are sub classes of type C to the set.
      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of terms
      cls - The Class structure containing type information about the searched term
      A set containing all terms of type C of this logical structure
    • substitute

      public OptimizationStatement substitute(Term<?> t, Term<?> v)
      Description copied from interface: ComplexLogicalFormula
      Substitutes all occurrences of term "v" in this formula by term "t" and returns the new formula.
      Specified by:
      substitute in interface ComplexLogicalFormula
      Specified by:
      substitute in class ASPBodyElement
      t - the term to be substituted.
      v - the term to substitute.
      a formula where every occurrence of "v" is replaced by "t".
    • getPredicates

      public Set<Predicate> getPredicates()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Processes the set of all predicates which appear in this formula
      Specified by:
      getPredicates in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      Specified by:
      getPredicates in class ASPElement
      all predicates that appear in this formula
    • getSignature

      public FolSignature getSignature()
      Description copied from interface: Formula
      Returns the signature of the language of this formula.
      Specified by:
      getSignature in interface Formula
      Specified by:
      getSignature in class ASPElement
      the signature of the language of this formula.
    • getAtoms

      public Set<ASPAtom> getAtoms()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Processes the set of all atoms which appear in this formula
      Specified by:
      getAtoms in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      Specified by:
      getAtoms in class ASPElement
      The set of all atoms
    • clone

      public OptimizationStatement clone()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Creates a deep copy of this formula
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ComplexLogicalFormula
      Specified by:
      clone in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      Specified by:
      clone in class ASPElement
      the cloned formula
    • getLiterals

      public SortedSet<ASPLiteral> getLiterals()
      Description copied from class: ASPBodyElement
      Returns all literals in this element in form of a SortedSet. Literals are atoms or strict negations of atoms.
      Specified by:
      getLiterals in class ASPBodyElement
      all the literals used in the rule element
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • printToClingo

      public String printToClingo()
      Description copied from class: ASPElement
      Returns a representation of this ASP element in clingo (potassco) syntax. See for more information.
      printToClingo in class ASPElement
      String representation in clingo syntax
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Specified by:
      equals in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      equals in class Object