Package org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax

package org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
  • Class
    This class represents an aggregate.
    This class models an aggregate element, meaning a set of terms and a set of naf literals (= literals or default negated literals).
    This class is a variant of the basic ASP rule head.
    This class represents an arithmetic term in the ASP-Core-2 format.
    This class models an atom, which is a basic structure for building literals and rules for logic programs.
    This class is a common base class for ASP formulas that can be part of an ASP rule body (premise of a rule): Literals (i.e.
    This class acts as an abstract base class for elements of ASP rules.
    This class is a common base class for ASP formulas that can be part of an ASP rule head.
    This class defines common functionality for literals, meaning atoms or strictly negated atoms.
    This class collects some common operators used in ASP terms as well as the possible function names for aggregates.
    The following aggregate functions are supported by the ASP-Core-2 standard and by Tweety.
    The arithmetic operators that are supported by the ASP-Core-2 standard: PLUS (+), MINUS (-), TIMES (*), DIV (/)
    In addition, the following operators from Clingo and DLV are supported: MODULO (\)
    The binary comparative operators that are supported by the ASP-Core-2 standard and by Tweety: LT (<), LEQ (<=), EQ (==), NEQ (!=), GT (>), GEQ (>=)
    Additional special predicates of the clingo syntax that have no direct representation in the DLV or ASP-Core-2 format.
    Additional special predicates of the DLV syntax that have no direct representation in the Clingo or ASP-Core-2 format.
    An enum representing optimization functions: MINIMIZE and MAXIMIZE.
    This class models a rule in ASP.
    This class represents an element of a choice atom.
    This class is a variant of the basic ASP rule head.
    This formula represents the head of an disjunctive rule which is a disjunction of literals.
    This class represents a comparative atom, meaning an expression of the form 't x u' where t,u are terms and x is in {<, <=, ==, !=, >, >=}.
    Defaultification test
    This class represents a default negated literal, i.e.
    tests equality
    This class represents an element of an optimization statement, meaning a term-literal tuple that is associated with a weight and optionally a priority (level).
    This class represents an optimization statement.
    This class models an ASP-Core-2 program, meaning a set of rules and optionally a query.
    This class models the strict negation of an atom (as opposed to a default negation: DefaultNegation).