Class AbaReasonerCalleeFactory


public class AbaReasonerCalleeFactory extends Object
The AbaReasonerCalleeFactory class provides a factory for creating different instances of Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner callees based on specific commands.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbaReasonerCalleeFactory

      public AbaReasonerCalleeFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getCommands

      public static AbaReasonerCalleeFactory.Command[] getCommands()
      Gets an array of all supported commands.
      An array of Command enums
    • getCallee

      public static <T extends Formula> Callee getCallee(AbaReasonerCalleeFactory.Command cmd, GeneralAbaReasoner<T> reasoner, AbaTheory<T> bbase, Assumption<T> a)
      Creates a new callee instance based on the provided command, ABA reasoner, ABA theory, and assumption.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of formula used in ABA
      cmd - The command for which the callee is created
      reasoner - The ABA reasoner instance
      bbase - The ABA theory instance
      a - The assumption
      The created callee instance
      RuntimeException - If the command is not found