
  • Class
    The AbaGetSemanticsResponse class extends the Response class and represents a response containing information about the supported semantics for Assumption Based Argumentation (ABA).
    The AbaReasonerCalleeFactory class provides a factory for creating different instances of Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner callees based on specific commands.
    Enumeration of supported commands for ABA reasoner.
    The AbaReasonerGetModelCallee class extends the Callee class and represents a callee responsible for obtaining some model from an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
    The AbaReasonerGetModelsCallee class extends the Callee class and represents a callee responsible for obtaining multiple models from an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
    The AbaReasonerPost class represents a data structure for sending post requests to an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
    The AbaReasonerQueryCallee class extends the Callee class and represents a callee responsible for querying an assumption in Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA).
    The AbaReasonerResponse class extends the Response class and represents the response data structure for an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
    The GeneralAbaReasonerFactory class is an abstract factory class for creating instances of Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoners with different semantics.
    An enumeration of all available semantics for ABA reasoners.