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This page and TweetyProject is maintained by Matthias Thimm.

TweetyProject is collaboratively developed by several contributors. Thanks go to Lars Bengel, Linda Briesemeister, Federico Cerutti, Sebastian Franke, Nils Geilen, Anna Gessler, Timothy Gillespie, Taha Gunes, Mathias Hofer, Sandra Hoffmann, Sebastian Homann, Tim Janus, Jonas Klein, Benedikt Knopp, Patrick Krümpelmann, Daniel Letkemann, Nico Potyka, Nikola Raevski, Tjitze Rienstra, Julian Sander, Jonas Schumacher, Dmitry Shishkin, Stefan Tittel, Thomas Vengels, Ivan Nicola Viragine, Bastian Wolf.

If you are interested in participating in the development of TweetyProject or have general comments and/or questions please write an e-mail to

Last updated 23.01.2025, Matthias Thimm | Terms