Class WeaklyAdmissibleReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Argument,DungTheory,Extension<DungTheory>>, PostulateEvaluatable<Argument>, QualitativeReasoner<DungTheory,Argument>, Reasoner<Boolean,DungTheory,Argument>

public class WeaklyAdmissibleReasoner extends AbstractExtensionReasoner
Reasoner for weak admissibility the reasoner reduces the number of sets we have to check by computing candidate sets instead of checking all sets. a candidate set of an Extension E is a conflict-free set S, which contains at least one attacker of E and contains only arguments relevant to E and itself. An argument is considered relevant to E iff it attacks any argument in the same component as E. see: Baumann, Brewka, Ulbricht: Revisiting the foundations of abstract argumentation-semantics based on weak admissibility and weak defense.
Lars Bengel