Class DHitSatInconsistencyMeasure

All Implemented Interfaces:
PostulateEvaluatable<PlFormula>, InconsistencyMeasure<BeliefSet<PlFormula,?>>

public class DHitSatInconsistencyMeasure extends SatBasedInconsistencyMeasure
This class presents a sat-encoding-based implementation of the hit-distance measure of [Grant and Hunter, “Analysing inconsistent information using distance-based measures” Int. J. Approx. Reasoning, 2017]. The hit-distance measure calculates an interpretation such that the number of distances greater than 0 to the models of each formula is minimal. The value of the inconsistency is than exactly this number of distances.
Note: This implementation may produce different results than DHitInconsistencyMeasure in a few cases because the latter implements a slightly different interpretation of the measure.
Anna Gessler