Uses of Class
Packages that use PlBeliefSet
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
Constructors in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifierConstructorDescriptionDeductiveEnvironment
(PlBeliefSet universalTheory) Creates a new grounded environment. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.semantics
Subclasses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.semanticsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Instances of this class represent nodes in the compilation of a knowledge base, i.e. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax
Subclasses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntaxModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Instances of this class represent deductive knowledge bases, i.e. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax
Subclasses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntaxModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class describes a causal knowledge base.class
This class describes a causal model.class
This class describes a knowledge base. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Methods in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner that return PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractSatExtensionReasoner.getPropositionalCharacterisation
(DungTheory aaf) Creates a propositional representation of the set of labelings of the given Dung theory that are consistent with the given semantics. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.argumentative
Constructors in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.argumentative with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifierConstructorDescriptionArgumentativeTransformationFunction
(Categorizer categorizer, Accumulator accumulator, PlBeliefSet beliefSet, boolean isSkeptical) Creates a new argumentative transformation function. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics
Classes in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics with type parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ProbabilityDistribution<T extends Interpretation<PlBeliefSet,
PlFormula>> This class represents a probability distribution on some logical languageMethods in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics with type parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <S extends Interpretation<PlBeliefSet,
ProbabilityDistribution<S> ProbabilityDistribution.convexCombination
(double[] factors, ProbabilityDistribution<S>[] creators) Computes the convex combination of the given probability distributions P1,...,PN with parameters factors, i.e.static <S extends Interpretation<PlBeliefSet,
ProbabilityDistribution<S> ProbabilityDistribution.getUniformDistribution
(Set<S> interpretations, Signature sig) Returns the uniform distribution on the given interpretations.Method parameters in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProbabilityDistribution.probability
(Interpretation<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> w) Gets the probability of the given Herbrand interpretation (this is just an alias for get(Object o). -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Classes in that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class refines interpretation distances to distance on possible worlds.class
comptes all minimal models given a set of modelsFields in with type parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionSimplePrimeImplicantEnumerator.minModelProvider
minimal model providerSimpleMinimalModelProvider.modelProvider
model providerSimpleMinimalModelProvider.modelProvider
model providerMethods in that return PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionContensionSatInconsistencyMeasure.getSATEncoding
(Collection<PlFormula> kb, int upper_bound) DHitSatInconsistencyMeasure.getSATEncoding
(Collection<PlFormula> kb, int upper_bound) DMaxSatInconsistencyMeasure.getSATEncoding
(Collection<PlFormula> kb, int upper_bound) DSumSatInconsistencyMeasure.getSATEncoding
(Collection<PlFormula> kb, int upper_bound) Methods in that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetMethods in with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPrimeImplicantBasedInconsistencyMeasure.getConflicts
(PlBeliefSet beliefSet) Return the conflicts of the prime implicantsSimpleMinimalModelProvider.getMinModels
(PlBeliefSet f) PrimeImplicantEnumerator.getPrimeImplicants
(PlBeliefSet forms) Return the prime implicantsSimplePrimeImplicantEnumerator.getPrimeImplicants
(PlBeliefSet forms) Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifierConstructorDescriptionSimpleMinimalModelProvider
(ModelProvider<?, PlBeliefSet, InterpretationSet<Proposition, PlBeliefSet, PlFormula>> modelProvider) standard constructor with model providerSimpleMinimalModelProvider
(ModelProvider<?, PlBeliefSet, InterpretationSet<Proposition, PlBeliefSet, PlFormula>> modelProvider) standard constructor with model providerSimplePrimeImplicantEnumerator
(MinimalModelProvider<Proposition, PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> minModelProvider) Constructor -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Parser a file in Dimacs format into a PlBeliefSet.class
This class implements a parser for propositional logic.Methods in that return PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDimacsParser.parseBeliefBase
(Reader reader) PlParser.parseBeliefBase
(Reader reader) Methods in that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Parser
<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> PlParserFactory.getParserForFormat
(PlParserFactory.Format f) Retrieves an appropriate parser for the given format. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Classes in that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract class for propositional logic reasoners.Methods in with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract Boolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefbase, PlFormula formula) SatReasoner.query
(PlBeliefSet beliefbase, PlFormula formula) SimplePlReasoner.query
(PlBeliefSet beliefbase, PlFormula formula) -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Classes in that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract class for specifying SAT solvers.class
enumerates all models naivlyclass
enumerates all models naivlyMethods in that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSimpleModelEnumerator.getModel
(PlBeliefSet bbase) SimpleModelEnumerator.getModels
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas) Return all models satifying the formulasSimpleModelEnumerator.getModels
(PlBeliefSet bbase) CmdLineSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, Map<Proposition, Integer> prop_index, Map<Integer, Proposition> prop_inverted_index, List<String> additional_clauses) DimacsMaxSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas) DimacsMaxSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> hardConstraints, Map<PlFormula, Integer> softConstraints) interpretation of formulasabstract Interpretation
<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> DimacsMaxSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> hardConstraints, Map<PlFormula, Integer> softConstraints, Map<Proposition, Integer> prop_index, Map<Integer, Proposition> prop_inverted_index) Return the interpetationDimacsSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas) If the collection of formulas is consistent this method returns some model of it or, if it is inconsistent, null.abstract Interpretation
<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> DimacsSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, Map<Proposition, Integer> prop_index, Map<Integer, Proposition> prop_inverted_index, List<String> additional_clauses) If the collection of formulas is consistent this method returns some model of it or, if it is inconsistent, null.abstract Interpretation
<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> MaxSatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> hardConstraints, Map<PlFormula, Integer> softConstraints) Returns an interpretation with maximal weight on the soft constraints (or null if the hard constraints are not satisfiable)OpenWboSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> hardConstraints, Map<PlFormula, Integer> softConstraints, Map<Proposition, Integer> prop_index, Map<Integer, Proposition> prop_inverted_index) Sat4jSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas, Map<Proposition, Integer> prop_index, Map<Integer, Proposition> prop_inverted_index, List<String> additional_clauses) abstract Interpretation
<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> SatSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas) If the collection of formulas is consistent this method returns some model of it or, if it is inconsistent, null.SatSolver.getWitness
(BeliefSet<PlFormula, ?> bs) SatSolver.getWitness
(PlFormula formula) SimpleDpllSolver.getWitness
(Collection<PlFormula> formulas) Methods in with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSimpleModelEnumerator.getModel
(PlBeliefSet bbase) SimpleModelEnumerator.getModels
(PlBeliefSet bbase) Method parameters in with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(Interpretation<PlBeliefSet, PlFormula> interpretation, Collection<PlFormula> hardConstraints, Map<PlFormula, Integer> softConstraints) Returns the cost of the given interpretation, i.e. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A fuzzy interpretation for propositional logic.class
Wrapper for the PossibleWorld providing better representation mechanisms, it knows all the possible propositions (the signature) and therefore provides a complete representation that maps a boolean to the Proposition.class
This class represents a possible world of propositional logic, i.e.class
A three-valued interpretation for propositional logic from Priest's three valued logic (3VL) [Priest, G.: Logic of paradox.Classes in that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Iterates effectively over all interpretation sets worlds of a given signature.Methods in that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPossibleWorldIterator.reset()
(Collection<? extends Formula> formulas) Methods in with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) boolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) boolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) boolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlBeliefSet.getSyntaxComponents()
Returns the set of syntax components of this belief set, i.e. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A simple sampler for propositional belief bases.class
Generates random propositional belief base with a given inconsistency measure (for the contension inconsistency measure) and of a given size.class
Generates random propositional belief base with a given inconsistency measure (for the Hs inconsistency measure) and of a given size.class
Generates random propositional belief base with a given inconsistency measure (for the MI inconsistency measure) and of a given size.class
This sampler generates random belief sets by selecting, for each formula a random set of possible worlds as its models.class
A sampler for uniform random k-SAT instances.class
This sampler implements a random generation algorithm for generating formulas, based on the syntax tree of propositional formulas.Classes in that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Provides an iterator on all syntactically equivalent knowledge bases.class
This sampler enumerates all possible propositional belief bases of the given signature.class
Generates all syntactic variations of knowledge basesclass
Enumerates all belief bases from a text file; the file contains one belief base per line.Methods in that return PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic PlBeliefSet
(Collection<Proposition> atoms, int atMost) Returns a naive SAT encoding of the given cardinality constraint.CardinalityConstraintEncoder.getSatEncoding()
Returns a SAT encoding of this cardinality constraint.CardinalityConstraintEncoder.getSatEncoding
(String name) Returns a SAT encoding of this cardinality constraint.static PlBeliefSet
(Collection<Proposition> atoms, int atMost, String name) Returns a SAT encoding of the given cardinality constraint based on the method of [
Returns the next belief
Methods in with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic BitSet
(PlBeliefSet bs) Creates a bitset representation of the given belief set. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in
Constructors in with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifierConstructorDescriptionPlWriter
(PlBeliefSet plBeliefSet) Creates a new PlWriter for the given belief set. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.parser
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.parserModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class implements a parser for the QCIR (Quantified CIRcuit) format.Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.parser that return PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQbfParser.parseBeliefBase
(Reader reader) QCirParser.parseBeliefBase
(Reader reader) QdimacsParser.parseBeliefBase
(Reader reader) -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.reasoner
Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.reasoner with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionNaiveQbfReasoner.query
(PlBeliefSet beliefbase, PlFormula formula) -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semantics
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semanticsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class represents a possible world of quantified boolean logic, i.e.Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.semantics with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) Checks whether this interpretation satisfies the given formula. -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.writer
Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.writer with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQdimacsWriter.printBase
(PlBeliefSet kb) Return Kb in string format -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditionalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class models a four-valued interpretation for propositional logic Formulas are interpreted using completions Every atom is assigned one of the four truth values: TRUE, FALSE, UNDECIDED, INCONSISTENTclass
This class models a three-valued interpretation for propositional logic Formulas are interpreted using completions Every atom is assigned one of the three truth values: TRUE, FALSE, UNDECIDED.Classes in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class iterates over all 4-valued interpretations of a given signature.Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFourValuedWorldIterator.reset()
(Collection<? extends Formula> formulas) Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional with parameters of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) boolean
(PlBeliefSet beliefBase) -
Uses of PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision
Subclasses with type arguments of type PlBeliefSet in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevisionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Adapted from "PlParser" for the use of 3-valued logic (WeakNegation and Indecision-Operator):class
This class models a three-valued interpretation for propositional logic from Priest's three valued logic (3VL) [Priest, G.: Logic of paradox.Classes in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision that implement interfaces with type arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class iterates effectively over all interpretation sets worlds of a given signature.Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision that return PlBeliefSetMethods in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision that return types with arguments of type PlBeliefSetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPriestWorldIterator.reset()
(Collection<? extends Formula> formulas) Methods in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision with parameters of type PlBeliefSet