Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionRepresents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class models an attack between two arguments.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionRepresents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an attack between two arguments.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an attack between two arguments.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class captures the signature of a Dung theory, i.e.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class models an attack between two arguments.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its argument with a claimimplements claim based theory see: The Complexity Landscape of Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks (Wolfgang Dvoˇr´ak Alexander Greßler Anna Rapberger StefanWoltran )This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.implementation of incomplete argumentation frameworks
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's argument with a claimimplements claim based theory see: The Complexity Landscape of Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks (Wolfgang Dvoˇr´ak Alexander Greßler Anna Rapberger StefanWoltran )This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class models an attack between two arguments.a claim for an argumentan argument with a claimThis interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class captures the signature of a Dung theory, i.e.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class models an attack between two arguments.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class models an attack between two arguments.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class models an attack between two arguments.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.This class captures the signature of a Dung theory, i.e.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.This class models an attack between two arguments.This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
ClassDescriptionThis class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.