Class McscInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of formulas
All Implemented Interfaces:
PostulateEvaluatable<S>, InconsistencyMeasure<BeliefSet<S,?>>

public class McscInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula> extends BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure<S>
This class implements the approach of [Meriem Ammoura, Badran Raddaoui, Yakoub Salhi, Brahim Oukacha. On Measuring Inconsistency Using Maximal Consistent Sets. ECSQARU'15].
This implementation actually uses a different characterization of the measure proposed in the paper above. Instead of using maximal consistent subsets the implementation uses minimal correction sets (note that there is a 1:1 correspondence between the two).
Matthias Thimm