Class NConsInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula>

Type Parameters:
S - The type of formulas
All Implemented Interfaces:
PostulateEvaluatable<S>, InconsistencyMeasure<BeliefSet<S,?>>

public class NConsInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula> extends BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure<S>
This class implements an inconsistency measure based on "n-consistency" proposed in [Doder,Raskovic,Markovic,Ognjanovic. Measures of inconsistency and defaults. IJAR 51:832-845, 2010.] A knowledge base K is called maximal n-consistent (for a natural number n) if every subset of K of size n is consistent, and this is not true for n+1. As a measure of inconsistency we define I(K) = |K|-n (in order to have I(K)=0 for consistent K). We use a simple characterization of this measure: K is maximal n-consistent iff n+1 is the size of the smallest minimal (wrt. set cardinality) inconsistent subset of K (if K is inconsistent, otherwise n=|K|).
Matthias Thimm