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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- D3 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DALAL - net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.ConsequenceOperation
- DalalDistance - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis
This class models the dalal distance measure between possible worlds, see e.g.
- DalalDistance() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.DalalDistance
- DALALHIT - net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureFactory.Measure
- DALALMAX - net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureFactory.Measure
- DALALSUM - net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureFactory.Measure
- DC - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
- DC_ADM - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_CF - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_CF2 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_CO - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_GR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_ID - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_PR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_SST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_ST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DC_STG - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DDPCounterexampleTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.RankingReasonerTest
- DE - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
- DE_ADM - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_CF - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_CF2 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_CO - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_GR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_ID - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_PR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_SST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_ST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DE_STG - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DEBUG - net.sf.tweety.commons.TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel
- debugStream - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- debugStream - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParserTokenManager
- debugStream - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- debugStream - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2ParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- debugStream - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.POParserTokenManager
- debugStream - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.UPParserTokenManager
Debug output.
- Deduction<T extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.syntax
An argument derived from an ABA theory.
- Deduction(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.syntax.Deduction
Constructs a new deduction.
- Deduction(String, AbaRule<T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.syntax.Deduction
Constructs a new deduction.
- Deduction(String, AbaRule<T>, Collection<Deduction<T>>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.syntax.Deduction
Constructs a new deduction.
- DeductionTest1() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.AbaTest
- DeductionTest2() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.AbaTest
- DeductiveArgument - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics
Instances of this class represent arguments in the sense of Definition 3.1 in
Philippe Besnard and Anthony Hunter. - DeductiveArgument(Collection<? extends PlFormula>, PlFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.DeductiveArgument
Creates a new deductive argument with the given support and claim.
- DeductiveArgumentation - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.examples
- DeductiveArgumentation() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.examples.DeductiveArgumentation
- DeductiveArgumentationFramework - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax
This class implements a bipolar abstract argumentation theory with support in a deductive sense.
- DeductiveArgumentationFramework() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax.DeductiveArgumentationFramework
Default constructor; initializes empty sets of arguments, attacks and supports
- DeductiveArgumentationTest - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar
- DeductiveArgumentationTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.DeductiveArgumentationTest
- DeductiveArgumentNode - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics
Extends a deductive argument by a unique identifier.
- DeductiveArgumentNode(Collection<? extends PlFormula>, PlFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.DeductiveArgumentNode
Creates a new deductive argument node with the given support and claim (a unique ID is generated)
- DeductiveArgumentNode(DeductiveArgument) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.DeductiveArgumentNode
Creates a new deductive argument node from the given deductive argument (a unique ID is generated)
- DeductiveEnvironment - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
This class models the environment for agents in a game of deductive argumentation.
- DeductiveEnvironment(PlBeliefSet) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.DeductiveEnvironment
Creates a new grounded environment.
- DeductiveExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.examples
For testing purposes.
- DeductiveExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.examples.DeductiveExample
- DeductiveKnowledgeBase - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.syntax
Instances of this class represent deductive knowledge bases, i.e.
- DeductiveKnowledgeBase() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.syntax.DeductiveKnowledgeBase
Creates a new (empty) knowledge base.
- DeductiveKnowledgeBase(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.syntax.DeductiveKnowledgeBase
Creates a new knowledge base with the given set of formulas.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParserConstants
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2ParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.POParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.UPParserConstants
Lexical state.
- DEFAULT_MAXIMAL_FORMULA_LENGTH - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.commons.FormulaSampler
This constant specifies the default length for sampled formulas.
- DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_BELIEFBASE_LENGTH - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.commons.BeliefSetSampler
This constant specifies the default maximum length for sampled belief bases.
- DEFAULT_MINIMUM_BELIEFBASE_LENGTH - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.commons.BeliefSetSampler
This constant specifies the default minimum length for sampled belief bases.
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.adf.semantics.test.LinkTypeTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.RankingReasonerTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.RankingsTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.test.DlParserTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.test.DlReasonerTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.test.FolParserTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.ml.MleanCoPTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.ml.MlParserTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.ml.MlReasonerTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.ml.SPASSTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.test.PlParserTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.qbf.test.QbfTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.qbf.test.QCIRTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.qbf.test.QDIMACSTest
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2ParserTest
- DefaultBaseExpansionOperator<T extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.beliefdynamics
This class implements the default base expansion operator, ie.
- DefaultBaseExpansionOperator() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.beliefdynamics.DefaultBaseExpansionOperator
- DefaultBehavior() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.revision.CredibilityRevision.DefaultBehavior
- DefaultCompatibilityMeasure - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.mln.analysis
This class represents the default compatibility measure that uses a coherence measure.
- DefaultCompatibilityMeasure(AbstractCoherenceMeasure) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.mln.analysis.DefaultCompatibilityMeasure
Creates a new compatibility measure.
- DefaultCondensedProbabilityDistributionWriter - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.writers
This class implements a simple writer for writing condensed probability distributions.
- DefaultCondensedProbabilityDistributionWriter() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.writers.DefaultCondensedProbabilityDistributionWriter
Creates a new writer.
- DefaultCondensedProbabilityDistributionWriter(CondensedProbabilityDistribution) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.writers.DefaultCondensedProbabilityDistributionWriter
Creates a new writer for the given condensed probability distribution.
- DefaultDungTheoryGenerator - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.util
Implements a customizable Dung theory generator.
- DefaultDungTheoryGenerator(DungTheoryGenerationParameters) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.util.DefaultDungTheoryGenerator
Creates a new generator with the given parameters.
- DefaultFormulaStream<S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.commons.streams
This class models a default stream on the formulas of a given collection.
- DefaultFormulaStream(Collection<S>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.streams.DefaultFormulaStream
Creates a new default stream with the given formulas that ends after all formulas have been streamed.
- DefaultFormulaStream(Collection<S>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.streams.DefaultFormulaStream
Creates a new default stream with the given formulas.
- DefaultGraph<T extends Node> - Class in net.sf.tweety.graphs
Instance of this class represent graphs with nodes of type T
- DefaultGraph() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.graphs.DefaultGraph
Creates an empty graph.
- defaultification(Program) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Creates the defaultification p_d of a given program p.
- DefaultificationTest - Class in net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax
- DefaultificationTest(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultificationTest
Create the test case
- DefaultInconsistencyListener - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams
A simple implementation of an inconsistency listener that simply prints out each event to standard output.
- DefaultInconsistencyListener() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams.DefaultInconsistencyListener
- DefaultMeReasoner - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.reasoner
This class implements a maximum entropy reasoner for probabilistic conditional logic.
- DefaultMeReasoner(OptimizationRootFinder) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.reasoner.DefaultMeReasoner
- DefaultMultipleBaseExpansionOperator<T extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.beliefdynamics
This class implements the default multiple base expansion operator, ie.
- DefaultMultipleBaseExpansionOperator() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.beliefdynamics.DefaultMultipleBaseExpansionOperator
- DefaultNegation - Class in net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax
This class represents a default negated literal, i.e.
- DefaultNegation - Class in net.sf.tweety.math.func.fuzzy
Implements the default fuzzy negation x -> x-1
- DefaultNegation() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.math.func.fuzzy.DefaultNegation
- DefaultNegation(ASPBodyElement) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultNegation
Creates new default negation with the given literal.
- DefaultObservation - Class in net.sf.tweety.machinelearning
A default observation is a vector of double values.
- DefaultObservation() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.machinelearning.DefaultObservation
- DefaultProbabilityDistributionWriter - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.writers
This class implements a simple writer for writing probability distributions.
- DefaultProbabilityDistributionWriter() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.writers.DefaultProbabilityDistributionWriter
Creates a new writer.
- DefaultProbabilityDistributionWriter(RpclProbabilityDistribution<?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.writers.DefaultProbabilityDistributionWriter
Creates a new writer for the given probability distribution.
- DefaultProcessTree - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.semantics
Computes the extensions of a default theory
- DefaultProcessTree(DefaultTheory) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.semantics.DefaultProcessTree
constructs a default process tree out of the default theory t
- defaultReasoner - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.reasoner.FolReasoner
Empty default reasoner
- defaultReasoner - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.ml.reasoner.AbstractMlReasoner
Empty default prover
- DefaultRule - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax
Models a default rule in Reiter's default logic, see [R.
- DefaultRule() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultRule
an empty Default Rule
- DefaultRule(FolFormula, Collection<FolFormula>, FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultRule
Creates a new DefaultRule
- DefaultRule(FolFormula, FolFormula, FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultRule
Creates a new DefaultRule
- DefaultSequence - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.semantics
sequence of defaults
- DefaultSequence(DefaultSequence, DefaultRule) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.semantics.DefaultSequence
constructs a sequence by appending d to ds
- DefaultSequence(DefaultTheory) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.semantics.DefaultSequence
constructs an empty sequence of defaults of the default theory dt
- DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams
Implements a stream-based inconsistency measure on a given class of inconsistency measurement processes.
- DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure(Class<? extends InconsistencyMeasurementProcess<S>>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams.DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new inconsistency measure based on the given process class.
- DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure(Class<? extends InconsistencyMeasurementProcess<S>>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams.DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new inconsistency measure based on the given process class and the given configuration options for that process.
- DefaultSubsetIterator<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.commons.util
Iterates over all subsets of a given sets.
- DefaultSubsetIterator(Set<T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.util.DefaultSubsetIterator
Creates a new subset iterator for the given set.
- DefaultTheory - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax
Models a default theory in Reiter's default logic, see [R.
- DefaultTheory() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultTheory
constructs empty default theory
- DefaultTheory(FolBeliefSet, Collection<DefaultRule>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultTheory
constructs a default theory from a knowledge base and a set of defaults
- DefeasibleInferenceRule<T extends Invertable> - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.syntax
- DefeasibleInferenceRule() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.syntax.DefeasibleInferenceRule
Constructs an empty instance
- DefeasibleInferenceRule(T, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.syntax.DefeasibleInferenceRule
Constructs a defeasible inference rule p => c
- DefeasibleLogicProgram - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax
This class models a defeasible logic program (DeLP).
- DefeasibleLogicProgram() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleLogicProgram
Default constructor; initializes empty delpFacts, strict and defeasible rules and empty comparison criterion.
- DefeasibleLogicProgram(DefeasibleLogicProgram) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleLogicProgram
constructor; initializes this program with the given program
- defeasibleNotClonable() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestRules
- DefeasibleRule - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax
This class models a defeasible rule in defeasible logic programming.
- DefeasibleRule(FolFormula, Set<FolFormula>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleRule
Initializes the defeasible rule with the given parameters
- defeasibleRules() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestRules
- Defeat - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks
This attack notion models the defeat relation; A is defeated by B iff claim(B) |- \neg support(A).
- Defeat - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This notion of attack models the defeat relation.
- DEFEATED - net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics.DialecticalTree.Mark
- defeatersWhenNull1() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestDTree
- defeatersWhenNull2() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestDTree
- DefeatingRebuttal - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks
This attack notion models the defeating rebuttal relation; A is defeated by B iff claim(B) |- \neg claim(A).
- DEFENDED_NOT_IN_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.semantics.OrderingSemantics
- defends(Collection<Assumption<T>>, Assumption<T>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Checks whether a set of arguments defends an argument.
- DEFENSEPRECEDENCE - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
- DelpAnswer - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics
Wrapping a generic answer from a reasoner in order to allow UNDECIDED in addition to the traditional YES and NO.
- DelpAnswer() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics.DelpAnswer
- DelpAnswer.Type - Enum in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics
- DelpArgument - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax
This class models a DeLP argument which comprises of a set of defeasible rules (the support) and a literal (the conclusion).
- DelpArgument(Set<DefeasibleRule>, FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DelpArgument
constructor; initializes this argument with the given parameters
- DelpArgument(FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DelpArgument
constructor; initializes the conclusion of this argument with the given literal
- DeLPExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.examples
DeLP example code
- DeLPExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.examples.DeLPExample
- DelpFact - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax
This class implements a fact in defeasible logic programming which encapsulates a literal.
- DelpFact(FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DelpFact
Default constructor; initializes this fact with the given literal
- DelpParser - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser
This class implements a parser for defeasible logic programs.
- DelpParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
- DelpParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
- DelpParser(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
- DelpParser(Reader) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
- DelpParser(DelpParserTokenManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
- DelpParserConstants - Interface in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser
Token literal values and constants.
- DelpParserTokenManager - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser
Token Manager.
- DelpParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserTokenManager
- DelpParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserTokenManager
- DelpReasoner - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.reasoner
This reasoner performs default dialectical reasoning on some given DeLP.
- DelpReasoner(ComparisonCriterion) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.reasoner.DelpReasoner
Creates a new DelpReasoner for the given delp.
- DelpRule - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax
This method is the superclass for both a strict rule and a defeasible rule in defeasible logic programming and captures their common attributes and methods.
- DelpService - Class in net.sf.tweety.web.services
Web service for defeasible logic programming.
- DelpService() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.web.services.DelpService
- DEPENDENT - net.sf.tweety.arg.adf.semantics.link.LinkType
- Derivation<T extends Rule<?,?>> - Class in net.sf.tweety.commons.util.rules
This class models a derivation, i.e.
- Derivation(List<T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.util.rules.Derivation
Creates a new derivation with the given sequence of rules.
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.AbsoluteValue
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Constant
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Difference
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Exp
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Fraction
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Logarithm
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Maximum
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Minimum
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Power
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Product
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Root
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Sum
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Term
Differentiates the term with respect to the given variable.
- derive(Variable) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Variable
- DESCENDING - net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.semantics.NumericalArgumentRanking.SortingType
largest ranking value is ranked first
- DescendingNumericalRankingTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.RankingsTest
- description() - Method in enum net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.parser.FileFormat
Returns the description of the file format.
- description() - Method in enum net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
Returns the description of the sub-problem.
- description() - Method in enum net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.semantics.OrderingSemantics
Returns the description of the ordering semantics.
- description() - Method in enum net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
Returns the description of the semantics.
- determineAttackRelations(Collection<AspicArgument<T>>, Comparator<AspicArgument<T>>, RuleFormulaGenerator<T>) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.semantics.AspicAttack
Checks for defeats in a list of arguments
- DF - net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureFactory.Measure
- DfInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis
This class implements the family of "Measures of the Degree of Inconsistency" from [Mu,Liu,Jin, Bell.
- DfInconsistencyMeasure(SimpleFunction<double[], Double>, MusEnumerator<S>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.DfInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new inconsistency measure.
- DfInconsistencyMeasureExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.examples
Example code illustrating the Df inconsistency measure.
- DfInconsistencyMeasureExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.examples.DfInconsistencyMeasureExample
- DHitInconsistencyMeasure<T extends Interpretation<B,S>,B extends BeliefBase,S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis
This class implements the d-hit inconsistency measure from [Grant, Hunter.
- DHitInconsistencyMeasure(InterpretationDistance<T, B, S>, InterpretationIterator<S, B, T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.DHitInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new d-sum inconsistency measure using the given distance and interpretations provided from the given interpretation iterator.
- DialecticalTree - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics
This class implements a node of a dialectical tree from DeLP.
- DialecticalTree(DelpArgument) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics.DialecticalTree
constructor; initializes this dialectical tree node as a root with given argument
- DialecticalTree.Mark - Enum in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.semantics
- DialogueTrace<S,T extends java.util.Collection<S>> - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues
Objects of this class represent traces of dialogue in an argumentation game, ie.
- DialogueTrace() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.DialogueTrace
- Difference - Class in net.sf.tweety.math.term
This class models a difference between two terms.
- Difference(Term, Term) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Difference
Creates a new difference with the given terms.
- DimacsParser - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.parser
Parser a file in Dimacs format into a PlBeliefSet.
- DimacsParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.parser.DimacsParser
- DirectDefeat - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks
This attack notion models the direct defeat relation; A is defeated by B iff there is c in support(A) with claim(B) |- \neg c.
- DirectedEdge<T extends Node> - Class in net.sf.tweety.graphs
Instances of this class represent directed edges.
- DirectedEdge(T, T) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.graphs.DirectedEdge
Creates a new directed edge for the given nodes.
- DirectGameProtocol - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim
This class implements a direct protocol for argumentation games.
- DirectGameProtocol(MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.DirectGameProtocol
- DirectGameProtocolGenerator - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim
Creates direct game protocols.
- DirectGameProtocolGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.DirectGameProtocolGenerator
- DirectionalAspicReasoner<T extends Invertable> - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.reasoner
Computes a restricted AF by only considering relevant arguments to a query.
- DirectionalAspicReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.reasoner.DirectionalAspicReasoner
Creates a new instance
- DirectionalAspicReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner, double) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.reasoner.DirectionalAspicReasoner
Creates a new instance
- directionalReasonerTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.AspicTest
- DirectionalReasonerTest - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.examples
Test runtime of module-based vs.
- DirectionalReasonerTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.aspic.examples.DirectionalReasonerTest
- DirectUndercut - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks
This attack notion models the direct undercut relation; A is defeated by B iff there is c in support(A) with claim(B) == \neg c.
- DISABLE_PREAMBLE_ZERO - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.qbf.writer.QdimacsWriter
Removes zero at the end of the problem line (workaround for some solvers).
- disable_tracing() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
- disable_tracing() - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParser
- disable_tracing() - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParser
- disable_tracing() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Parser
Disable tracing.
- disable_tracing() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.POParser
- disable_tracing() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.UPParser
Disable tracing.
- disagree(Set<FolFormula>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleLogicProgram
Checks whether the given set of literals disagree with respect to the strict part of this program.
- DiscussionBasedRankingReasoner - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.reasoner
This class implements the "Discussion-based" argument semantics approach as proposed by [Amgoud, Ben-Naim.
- DiscussionBasedRankingReasoner() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.reasoner.DiscussionBasedRankingReasoner
- DiscussionBurdenExample() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.RankingReasonerTest
- DiscussionExample() - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.examples.RaPostulateExample
- Disjunctable - Interface in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
Formulas implementing this interface can be connected using OR.
- Disjunction - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.syntax
The classical disjunction of first-order logic.
- Disjunction - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.syntax
This class represents a disjunction in propositional logic.
- Disjunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.syntax.Disjunction
Creates a new (empty) disjunction.
- Disjunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.syntax.Disjunction
Creates a new (empty) disjunction.
- Disjunction(Collection<? extends RelationalFormula>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.syntax.Disjunction
Creates a new disjunction with the given inner formulas.
- Disjunction(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.syntax.Disjunction
Creates a new disjunction with the given inner formulas.
- Disjunction(RelationalFormula, RelationalFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.syntax.Disjunction
Creates a new disjunction with the two given formulae
- Disjunction(PlFormula, PlFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.syntax.Disjunction
Creates a new disjunction with the two given formulae
- Disjunction() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Parser
- DISJUNCTION() - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.LogicalSymbols
- DisjunctionAcceptanceCondition - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.adf.syntax.acc
- DisjunctionAcceptanceCondition(Collection<AcceptanceCondition>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.adf.syntax.acc.DisjunctionAcceptanceCondition
- DisjunctionAcceptanceCondition(AcceptanceCondition, AcceptanceCondition) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.adf.syntax.acc.DisjunctionAcceptanceCondition
- DisjunctionTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.test.PlParserTest
- DisjunctionToHead() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.translators.aspfol.ASPFOLTranslatorTest
- display() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.BeliefState
Pretty print of this belief state.
- display() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T1BeliefState
- display() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T2BeliefState
- display() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T3BeliefState
- display() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.sim.SimulationResult
Gives a pretty print of the results.
- displayHelp() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestDeLP
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.AggregatingNorm
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.EntropyNorm
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ManhattanNorm
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.MaximumNorm
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.PNorm
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ProbabilisticAggregatingNorm
- distance(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ProbabilisticPNorm
- distance(PossibleWorld, PossibleWorld) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.DalalDistance
- distance(PossibleWorld, PossibleWorld) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.PossibleWorldDistance
- distance(PlFormula, PossibleWorld) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.PossibleWorldDistance
- distance(ProbabilityFunction<T>, ProbabilityFunction<T>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.EntropyNorm
- distance(S, T) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.commons.analysis.DrasticDistance
- distance(S, T) - Method in interface net.sf.tweety.commons.analysis.InterpretationDistance
Measures the distance between a formula and some interpretation by taking the minimal distance from all models of the formula to the given interpretation.
- distance(T, T) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.commons.analysis.DrasticDistance
- distance(T, T) - Method in interface net.sf.tweety.commons.analysis.InterpretationDistance
Measures the distance between the two given interpretations.
- distance(T, T) - Method in interface net.sf.tweety.math.norm.Norm
The distance between the two object, i.e.
- DistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis
This class models the distance minimization inconsistency measure as proposed in [Thimm,UAI,2009], extended by the use of different p-norms.
- DistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure(OptimizationRootFinder) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.DistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new measure for p=1.
- DistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure(OptimizationRootFinder, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.DistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new measure for the given p.
- DistanceMinimizationMachineShop - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis
This consistency restorer uses the distance minimization inconsistency measure to restore consistency.
- DistanceMinimizationMachineShop() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.DistanceMinimizationMachineShop
Creates a new restorer for p=1.
- DistanceMinimizationMachineShop(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.DistanceMinimizationMachineShop
Creates a new restorer for the given p.
- DistanceMinimizationMachineShop(OptimizationRootFinder) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.DistanceMinimizationMachineShop
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.AbstractRealVectorNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.AggregatingNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.EntropyNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ManhattanNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.MaximumNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.PNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ProbabilisticAggregatingNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ProbabilisticPNorm
- distanceTerm(Vector<Term>, Vector<Term>) - Method in interface net.sf.tweety.math.norm.RealVectorNorm
The distance between the two objects as a term.
- distanceTerm(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.AbstractRealVectorNorm
- distanceTerm(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.AggregatingNorm
- distanceTerm(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.EntropyNorm
- distanceTerm(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ProbabilisticAggregatingNorm
- distanceTerm(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.norm.ProbabilisticPNorm
- distanceTerm(Term[], Term[]) - Method in interface net.sf.tweety.math.norm.RealVectorNorm
The distance between the two objects as a term.
- distanceToZero() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.matrix.Matrix
Returns the distance of this matrix to the zero matrix.
- DISTDEFENSEPRECEDENCE - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
- Distribution(RpclSemantics, FolSignature) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParser
- Distribution(RpclSemantics, FolSignature) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParser
- DIV - net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator
- DIV - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
- DIV - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2ParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- diverse - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
- divide(Double) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.probability.Probability
Divides this probability by given value returns the result.
- divide(Probability) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.probability.Probability
Divides this probability by other and returns the result.
- Division - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.divisions
A pair <P,V> is a division of AAF G w.r.t.
- Division(Extension, Extension) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.divisions.Division
Creates a new division for the given parameters.
- DivisionExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.examples
Example code for working with divisions
- DivisionExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.examples.DivisionExample
- DL - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
- DL_ADM - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_CF - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_CF2 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_CO - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_GR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_ID - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_PR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_SST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_ST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DL_STG - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DlAxiom - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax
The common abstract class for axioms of the description logic ALC.
- DlAxiom() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax.DlAxiom
- DlBeliefSet - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax
This class models a knowledge base for description logics.
- DlBeliefSet() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax.DlBeliefSet
Creates a new and empty description logics knowledge base.
- DlBeliefSet(Set<DlAxiom>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax.DlBeliefSet
Creates a new description logics knowledge base with the given set of axioms.
- DlExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.examples
Examples for using the description logic syntax classes and parser.
- DlExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.examples.DlExample
- DlInterpretation - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.semantics
This class models an interpretation for description logics.
- DlInterpretation(Collection<AssertionalAxiom>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.semantics.DlInterpretation
Create a new DL interpretation with the given set of concept and role assertions that represent the mapping of concept names and role names to the domain.
- DlParser - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.parser
This class implements a parser for the description logic ALC (attributive concept language with complements).
- DlParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.parser.DlParser
- DlParserTest - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.test
JUnit Test class for description logics parser.
- DlParserTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.test.DlParserTest
- DlReasonerTest - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.test
JUnit Test class for NaiveDLReasoner.
- DlReasonerTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.test.DlReasonerTest
- DlSignature - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax
This class models a description logic signature.
- DlSignature() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax.DlSignature
Creates an empty signature.
- DlSignature(Collection<?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax.DlSignature
Creates a signature with the given objects (individuals, concepts, roles or formulas).
- DlSignature(Set<AtomicConcept>, Set<AtomicRole>, Set<Individual>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.dl.syntax.DlSignature
Creates a signature with the given concept names, role names and individuals.
- DLVSolver - Class in net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.reasoner
Wrapper class for the DLV answer set solver command line utility.
- DLVSolver(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.reasoner.DLVSolver
Constructs a new instance pointing to a specific DLV solver.
- DLVSolver(String, Shell) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.reasoner.DLVSolver
Constructs a new instance pointing to a specific DLV solver.
- DLVTest - Class in net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.analysis
Test class for DLV.
- DLVTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.analysis.DLVTest
- DLVTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2ParserTest
- DMaxInconsistencyMeasure<T extends Interpretation<B,S>,B extends BeliefBase,S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis
This class implements the d-max inconsistency measure from [Grant, Hunter.
- DMaxInconsistencyMeasure(InterpretationDistance<T, B, S>, InterpretationIterator<S, B, T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.DMaxInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new d-max inconsistency measure using the given distance and interpretations provided from the given interpretation iterator.
- DN - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
- DN - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.semantics.OrderingSemantics
- DN_ADM - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_CF - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_CF2 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_CO - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_GR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_ID - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_PR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_SST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_ST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DN_STG - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DOMINANCE - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.postulates.ImPostulate
The DOMINANCE postulate
- doMove(ArgumentationEnvironment, DialogueTrace<Argument, Extension>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T1BeliefState
- Done() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
- Done() - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
- Done() - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Reset buffer when finished.
- Done() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Reset buffer when finished.
- Done() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.io.SimpleCharStream
- doQuery(MarkovLogicNetwork, FolFormula, FolSignature) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.mln.reasoner.AlchemyMlnReasoner
- doQuery(MarkovLogicNetwork, FolFormula, FolSignature) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.mln.reasoner.SimpleMlnReasoner
- DOT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
- DOT - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2ParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- DoubleCategory - Class in net.sf.tweety.machinelearning
A category for multi-class classification using a double as identifier.
- DoubleCategory(double) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.machinelearning.DoubleCategory
Creates a new category with the given value.
- doubleValue() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.ComplexNumber
- doubleValue() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.probability.Probability
- doubleValue() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Term
Computes the actual value of this term if it contains no variables.
- DPandQPCounterexampleTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.rankings.RankingReasonerTest
- DRASTIC - net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureFactory.Measure
- DrasticDistance<T extends Interpretation<B,S>,B extends BeliefBase,S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.commons.analysis
This class models the drastic distance measure between interpretations, see [Grant, Hunter.
- DrasticDistance() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.analysis.DrasticDistance
- DrasticInconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory> - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.analysis
- DrasticInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis
This class models the drastic inconsistency measure.
- DrasticInconsistencyMeasure() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.analysis.DrasticInconsistencyMeasure
- DrasticInconsistencyMeasure(BeliefSetConsistencyTester<S>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.DrasticInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new drastic inconsistency measure.
- drasticWithAttackReturnsOne() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.GraphStructureInconsistencyMeasure
- drasticWithNoAttackReturnsZero() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.GraphStructureInconsistencyMeasure
- DS - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
- DS_ADM - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_CF - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_CF2 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_CO - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_GR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_ID - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_PR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_SST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_ST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DS_STG - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DSumInconsistencyMeasure<T extends Interpretation<B,S>,B extends BeliefBase,S extends Formula> - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis
This class implements the d-sum inconsistency measure from [Grant, Hunter.
- DSumInconsistencyMeasure(InterpretationDistance<T, B, S>, InterpretationIterator<S, B, T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.DSumInconsistencyMeasure
Creates a new d-sum inconsistency measure using the given distance and interpretations provided from the given interpretation iterator.
- DSumMeasureExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.examples
- DSumMeasureExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pl.examples.DSumMeasureExample
- dtree() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestQueries
- DualSetSignature<T,S> - Class in net.sf.tweety.commons
This class models a signature as two sets of formulas.
- DualSetSignature() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.DualSetSignature
Creates a new empty signature.
- DualSetSignature(Set<T>, Set<S>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.commons.DualSetSignature
Creates a new signature with the given sets of formulas.
- DummyAgent - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents
A dummy agent is an agent that cannot act.
- DummyAgent(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.DummyAgent
Creates a new dummy agent with the given name.
- DummyAgentGenerator - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim
Generates dummy lottery agents.
- DummyAgentGenerator(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.DummyAgentGenerator
- DummyLotteryAgent - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries
Audience agents (do nothing) for argumentation games.
- DummyLotteryAgent(String, DungTheory, Semantics) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.DummyLotteryAgent
- dump(String) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.SimpleNode
- DungEntity - Interface in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax
This interface captures common methods of arguments and attacks of abstract argumentation theories.
- DungSignature - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax
This class captures the signature of a Dung theory, i.e.
- DungSignature() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax.DungSignature
Creates a new (empty) Dung signature.
- DungSignature(Collection<? extends Argument>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax.DungSignature
Creates a new signature with the given set of arguments.
- DungSignature(Argument) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax.DungSignature
Creates a new signature with the single given argument.
- DungTheory - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax
This class implements an abstract argumentation theory in the sense of Dung.
- DungTheory() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Default constructor; initializes empty sets of arguments and attacks
- DungTheory(Graph<Argument>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Creates a new theory from the given graph.
- DungTheoryGenerationParameters - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.util
This class lists some parameters for Dung theory generation.
- DungTheoryGenerationParameters() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.util.DungTheoryGenerationParameters
- DungTheoryGenerator - Interface in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.util
Class implementing this interface provide the capability to generate Dung theories.
- DungTheoryGeneratorExample - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.examples
Example code for generating dung theories and exporting them to apx format.
- DungTheoryGeneratorExample() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.examples.DungTheoryGeneratorExample
- DX - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
- DX_ADM - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_CF - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_CF2 - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_CO - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_GR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_ID - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_PR - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_SST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_ST - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DX_STG - net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- DynamicBordaScoringPreferenceAggregator<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation
Creates an aggregator for dynamic veto scoring
- DynamicBordaScoringPreferenceAggregator(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicBordaScoringPreferenceAggregator
constructor for a new veto aggregator
- DynamicLaw - Class in net.sf.tweety.action.description.syntax
A dynamic law in C has the form caused F if G after U where F is a propositional formula over the set of fluent names (called headFormula) G is a propositional formula over the set of fluent names (called ifFormula) U is a propositional formula over the set of fluent names and the set of action names (called afterFormula)
- DynamicLaw() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
Constructs a new empty dynamic law.
- DynamicLaw(FolFormula, FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
Creates a new dynamic law of the form caused headFormula after afterFormula
- DynamicLaw(FolFormula, FolFormula, Set<GroundingRequirement>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
Creates a new dynamic law of the form caused headFormula after afterFormula requires requirements
- DynamicLaw(FolFormula, FolFormula, FolFormula) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
Creates a new dynamic law of the form: caused headFormula if ifFormula after afterFormula
- DynamicLaw(FolFormula, FolFormula, FolFormula, Set<GroundingRequirement>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
Creates a new dynamic law of the form: caused headFormula if ifFormula after afterFormula requires requirements
- DynamicPluralityScoringPreferenceAggregator<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation
Creates an dynamic aggregator with plurality scoring
- DynamicPluralityScoringPreferenceAggregator() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicPluralityScoringPreferenceAggregator
calls the super-constructor with argument used for plurality scoring aggregation
- DynamicPreferenceAggregator<T> - Interface in net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation
This interface is meant to be used for the dynamic aggregation of some generic preference orders
- DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation
This Demo-class provides a basic implementation similar to the ScoringPreferenceAggregator but dynamic aggregation instead of static
- DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator(WeightVector) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator
Constructor with given weight vector
- DynamicVetoScoringPreferenceAggregator<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation
Creates an dynamic aggregator for veto scoring
- DynamicVetoScoringPreferenceAggregator(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicVetoScoringPreferenceAggregator
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