All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- T1BeliefState - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
This belief state consists of a simple recursive opponent model.
- T1BeliefState(Extension<DungTheory>, UtilityFunction<Argument, Extension<DungTheory>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T1BeliefState
Creates a new T1-belief-state with the given parameters and without nesting.
- T1BeliefState(Extension<DungTheory>, UtilityFunction<Argument, Extension<DungTheory>>, T1BeliefState) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T1BeliefState
Creates a new T1-belief-state with the given parameters.
- T1Configuration - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim
This class encapsulates configuration options for generating T1 belief states.
- T1Configuration() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim.T1Configuration
Default Constructor
- T2BeliefState - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
This belief state consists of a probability distribution over other opponent models.
- T2BeliefState(Extension<DungTheory>, UtilityFunction<Argument, Extension<DungTheory>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T2BeliefState
Creates a new T2-belief-state with the given parameters and without nesting.
- T2BeliefState(Extension<DungTheory>, UtilityFunction<Argument, Extension<DungTheory>>, ProbabilityFunction<T2BeliefState>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T2BeliefState
Creates a new T2-belief-state with the given parameters.
- T2Configuration - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim
This class encapsulates configuration options for generating T2 belief states.
- T2Configuration() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim.T2Configuration
Default Constructor
- T3BeliefState - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
This belief state consists of a probability distribution over other opponent models with virtual arguments.
- T3BeliefState(Extension<DungTheory>, UtilityFunction<Argument, Extension<DungTheory>>, Set<Argument>, Set<Attack>, RecognitionFunction, ProbabilityFunction<T3BeliefState>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T3BeliefState
Creates a new T3-belief-state with the given parameters.
- T3Configuration - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim
This class encapsulates configuration options for generating T3 belief states.
- T3Configuration() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim.T3Configuration
Default Constructor
- TabuSearch - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
implements a simple Tabu Search without long term memory for combinatorics problems
- TabuSearch(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.TabuSearch
- TabuSearchOnConstrProb - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
implements a simple Tabu Search without long term memory for optimization problems
- TabuSearchOnConstrProb(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.TabuSearchOnConstrProb
- TabuSearchOnConstrProbEx - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for Tabu search.
- TabuSearchOnConstrProbEx() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TabuSearchOnConstrProbEx
- Task - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax
A class to represent tasks in a BPMN Model
- Task() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Task
Create a new instance
- TaskParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn
Parse a task of a BPMN model
- TaskParser(RootParser) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.TaskParser
Create a new instance
- TaskStep - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.query
TaskStep class
- TaskType - Enum Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax
Possible types of tasks in a BPMN model
- taut1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.LingelingTest
- taut1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.MinisatTest
- taut1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.PicosatTest
- Tautology - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax
A tautological formula.
- Tautology - Class in
A tautological formula.
- Tautology() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Tautology
Creates a new tautology.
- Tautology() - Constructor for class
Creates a new tautology.
- TAUTOLOGY - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.AcceptanceCondition
This constant is an alias for
, its only purpose is readability. - TAUTOLOGY() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.LogicalSymbols
Returns the symbol for tautology.
- TautologyAcceptanceCondition - Enum Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc
TautologyAcceptanceCondition enum
- TautologyAsQueryTest() - Method in class
- TautologyTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.FolParserTest
- TautologyTest() - Method in class
- TCoNorm - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.func.fuzzy
Represents a T-norm in fuzzy logic, i.e., a generalization of a logical conjunction on values in [0,1].
- TCoNorm() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.func.fuzzy.TCoNorm
- tearDown() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.test.ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest
Perform post-test clean-up.
- tearDown() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.LingelingTest
- tearDown() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.MinisatTest
- tearDown() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.test.PicosatTest
- tempFolder - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestDeLP
- tempFolder - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestKBParsing
- Term - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.term
This class models a mathematical term.
- Term<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
A term of a logical language, that can be given as argument for logical constructs like atoms or functors.
- Term() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Term
- Term() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
- Term(DefeasibleLogicProgram, FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
Parses a term (either a variable or a constant) from the input.
- TermAdapter<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax
Abstract base class implementing the substitute(), getSort(), getTerms(), and containsTermsOfType() methods in a way it is useful for terms.
- TermAdapter(T) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TermAdapter
Default-Ctor: Creates an TermAdapter with the Sort "Thing"
- TermAdapter(T, Sort) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TermAdapter
Ctor: Creates a TermAdapter with the given Sort
- Terminate - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.EventType
- TerminationFunction - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.syntax
Interface for the termination function of
. - Terms() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
- test() - Method in class
- test(Classifier, TrainingSet<S, T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.ClassificationTester
Measures the performance of the given classifier on the given test set.
- test(Trainer<S, T>, TrainingSet<S, T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.ClassificationTester
This method takes a trainer and a training set and returns the performance (in the range [0,1]) of the trained classifier on the training set (e.g.
- test(Trainer<S, T>, TrainingSet<S, T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.CrossValidator
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.Prover9Test
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.SPASSTest
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.TPTPTest
- test1() - Method in class
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.test.RDLJUnitTest
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.analysis.AspInconsistencyMeasureTest
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriTest
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.test.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerTest
- test1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.test.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverTest
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.Prover9Test
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.SPASSTest
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.TPTPTest
- test2() - Method in class
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.test.RDLJUnitTest
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriTest
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.test.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerTest
- test2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.test.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverTest
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.Prover9Test
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.SPASSTest
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.TPTPTest
- test3() - Method in class
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.test.RDLJUnitTest
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriTest
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.test.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerTest
- test3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.test.SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverTest
- test4() - Method in class
- test4() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.test.RDLJUnitTest
- test4() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriTest
- test5() - Method in class
- test5() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.test.RDLJUnitTest
- test6() - Method in class
- test7() - Method in class
- test8() - Method in class
- test9() - Method in class
- testAddAll() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.EqualsTester
add all test
- testAllKppADFInstances() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testAllValid() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testArgumentationKnowledgeBase() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.ArgumentationReasonerTest
- testArgumentationReasoner() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.ArgumentationReasonerTest
- TestArguments - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Testing argument syntax.
- TestArguments() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestArguments
- testAtomPairEquality1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.PairTest
- testAtomPairEquality2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.PairTest
- testAtomPairUnquality1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.PairTest
- testAtomPairUnquality2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.PairTest
- testAttack() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
- testAttackFailsWeakMaximality() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunctionTest
- testAttacking() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.test.LinkTypeTest
- testBordaScoringPreferenceAggregator_1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.test.ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest
testing borda scoring preference aggregator
- testCloneEqualAtom() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.EqualsTester
clone equals test
- TestConditionalStructure - Class in
- TestConditionalStructure() - Constructor for class
- testDefaultificationOfAlreadyDefaulticated() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultificationTest
defaultification of already defaultified test
- testDefeat() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
- testDefeatFailsWeakMaximality() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunctionTest
- TestDeLP - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Testing the command line stuff for DeLP.
- TestDeLP() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestDeLP
- testDependent() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.test.LinkTypeTest
- testDisjunctionFact() - Method in class
- testDisjunctionFOLtoProp() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.TranslateTest
- TestDTree - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Testing dialectical trees.
- TestDTree() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestDTree
- testELPAtom() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.EqualsTester
elp atom test
- testEnumerationChordlessCircuits1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.util.GraphUtilTest
- testEquality1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.test.AccEqualityTest
- testEquality2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.test.AccEqualityTest
- testExcludeSubsets1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeTwoValuedSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeTwoValuedSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeTwoValuedSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets4() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets4() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeTwoValuedSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets5() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeTwoValuedSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testExcludeSubsets6() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.ExcludeTwoValuedSubinterpretationsIteratorTest
- testFailsWeakMaximality() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.NaiveLiteralTransformationFunctionTest
- testFOLToPropAtomTranslation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.TranslateTest
- testFOLToPropAtomTranslationFAILCauseArgs() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.TranslateTest
- TestFormulaParsing - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Testing DeLP formula parsing.
- TestFormulaParsing() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestFormulaParsing
- testIntegerPairEquality() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.PairTest
- testIterator1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.test.InterpretationIteratorTest
- TestKBParsing - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Parsing DeLPs.
- TestKBParsing() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestKBParsing
- testKrue2008Ex1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.revision.CredibilityTest
- testKrue2008Ex2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.revision.CredibilityTest
- testLiteralReasoner() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.ArgumentationReasonerTest
- testMissingDot1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testMissingDot2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testMissingDot3() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testMissingDot4() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testNestedConjunction() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.TranslateTest
- TestNicePossibleWorld - Class in
- TestNicePossibleWorld() - Constructor for class
- testNoLinebreak() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testNoWhitespace() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testPluralityScoringPreferenceAggregator_1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.test.ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest
testing plurality scoring preference aggreagator
- testProgram() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.EqualsTester
program test
- testPropToFOLAtomTranslation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.TranslateTest
- testQuantification() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPRuleTest
- TestQueries - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Testing some example KBs with various queries.
- TestQueries() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestQueries
- testRange() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.test.VariableTest
- testRebut() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
- testRedundant() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.test.LinkTypeTest
- testRule() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.EqualsTester
rule test
- TestRules - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp
Tests for rules: facts, strict and defeasible rules.
- TestRules() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestRules
- testSimpleDefaultifcation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultificationTest
defaultification test
- testStrongAttack() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
- testStrongAttackFailsWeakMaximalityForEvenCycles() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunctionTest
- testStrongUndercut() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
- testSupporting() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.test.LinkTypeTest
- TestToQuadraticForm - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
testing the function to model a quadratic function to quadratic form
- TestToQuadraticForm() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TestToQuadraticForm
- testUndefinedArgumentInACC() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.parser.test.KppADFFormatParserTest
- testUndercut() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
- testUnequality1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.test.AccEqualityTest
- testUnequality2() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.test.AccEqualityTest
- testVetoScoringPreferenceAggregator_1() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.test.ScoringPreferenceAggregatorTest
testing veto scoring preference aggregator
- TextfileIterator - Class in
Enumerates all belief bases from a text file; the file contains one belief base per line.
- TextfileIterator(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new iterator based on the given file.
- TFUZZY_MEASURE - Static variable in class
static constant for the T-version of the measure
- TGF - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.FileFormat
- TgfFilenameFilter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser
Filename filter for TGF files.
- TgfFilenameFilter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.TgfFilenameFilter
- TgfParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser
Parses abstract argumentation frameworks given in the trivial graph format which is given by the following BNF (start symbol is S):
where "ARGUMENT" represents any string (without blanks) as a terminal symbol. - TgfParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.TgfParser
- TgfWriter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.writer
Writes an abstract argumentation framework into a file of the TGF format.
- TgfWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.writer.TgfWriter
- Theory(FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
Parses a defeasible logic program from a given signature.
- TheoryLearner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning
Improved version of the MaxSAT algorithm from: Niskanen, Andreas, Johannes Wallner, and Matti Järvisalo.
- TheoryLearner(Collection<Argument>, Semantics, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.TheoryLearner
- THING - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Default sort for unsorted first-order logics
- ThreeValuedBitSet - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util
Inspired by
but with three values. - ThreeValuedBitSet(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.ThreeValuedBitSet
Creates a new bitset with the specified size and all values undefined.
- ThreeValuedWorld - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional
This class models a three-valued interpretation for propositional logic Formulas are interpreted using completions Every atom is assigned one of the three truth values: TRUE, FALSE, UNDECIDED.
- ThreeValuedWorld() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
Creates an empty 3-valued world
- ThreeValuedWorld(ThreeValuedWorld) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
Creates a new world which is a copy of the given world
- ThreeValuedWorld.TruthValue - Enum Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional
The three truth values.
- time(double) - Method in class
Sets the time for this object and returns the instance of AbaReasonerResponse.
- time(double) - Method in class
Sets the time taken for the DeLP operation.
- time(double) - Method in class
Sets the duration or time taken to evaluate the inconsistency and returns this response object for method chaining.
- time(int) - Method in class
Sets the time taken for the Dung reasoner operation (in seconds).
- timeout - Static variable in class GroundedTest
- timeout - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.GroundedTest
The timeout for the simulation in seconds (default: six hours).
- timeout - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.GroundedTest2
Timeout duration for each simulation run in seconds.
- timeout - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.LotteryDialogueTest
The timeout duration for each simulation run in seconds.
- timeout - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.LotteryDialogueTest2
- timeout() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureResult
Creates an
indicating a timeout. - timeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout in seconds for the ABA reasoner post request.
- timeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value (in seconds) specified in the DeLP request.
- timeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout value (in seconds) specified in the DeLP response.
- timeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the timeout for the operation specified in the post and returns this instance for method chaining.
- TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureResult.Status
- TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
- TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
- Timer - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.EventType
- TIMES - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.AggregateFunction
Calculates the product of the elements.
- TIMES - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator
Represents the multiplication operator (*).
- TIMES - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
- TIMES - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- TMP_FILE_FOLDER - Static variable in class
- TMP_FILE_FOLDER - Static variable in class
- TNorm - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.func.fuzzy
Represents a T-norm in fuzzy logic, i.e., a generalization of a logical conjunction on values in [0,1].
- TNorm() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.func.fuzzy.TNorm
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Attack
- toAbbreviation() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.AttackStrategy
Returns the abbreviated identifier of this notion of attack, i.e.
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentAttack
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentRebut
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Defeat
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Rebut
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongAttack
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongConfidentAttack
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongUndercut
- toAbbreviation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Undercut
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.MultiAgentSystem
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.UnionSetView
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Returns an array containing all the arguments in this set.
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Extension
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this signature.
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
- toArray() - Method in class
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
- toArray() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
returns an array containing all objects
- toArray(C[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
- toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
- toArray(Object[]) - Method in class
- toArray(R[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
- toArray(R[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
- toArray(R[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
- toArray(S[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.MultiAgentSystem
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.UnionSetView
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Returns an array containing all the arguments in this set; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Extension
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
returns all elements in an array
- toASP(Disjunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates a FOL Disjunction into an ASP ClassicalHead.
- toASP(FolAtom) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates a FolAtom to its corresponding ASPAtom.
- toASP(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates a FolFormula to an ASPLiteral.
- toASP(Negation) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates a Negation from FOL into a StrictNegation for ASP.
- toASP(NLPProgram) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp.AspNlpTranslator
Translate the given NLP-program into an ASP-program.
- toASP(NLPRule) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp.AspNlpTranslator
Translates the given NLP-rule into an ASP Program.
- toBlakeCanonicalForm() - Method in class
This method returns this formula in Blake canonical form.
- toCl(NLPProgram) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.clnlp.ClNLPTranslator
Translate the given NLP-program into a conditional belief set.
- toCl(NLPRule) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.clnlp.ClNLPTranslator
Translates the given NLP-rule into a conditional.
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
This method returns this belief set in conjunctive normal form (CNF).
- toCnf() - Method in class
This method returns this formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF).
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class
- toCnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
In this case, this method returns this quantified boolean formula's cnf kernel.
- toCnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
In this case, this method returns this quantified boolean formula's cnf kernel.
- toCnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.Indecision
- toCnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.WeakNegation
- toCollection() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
Returns a collection containing all of the elements in this signature.
- toDAF() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
translates this NAF into the corresponding framework with support in a deductive sense only works for NAFs which contain only binary support relations See Cayrol, Lagasquie-Schiex.
- toDefeasible() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
- toDefinite() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.CActionDescription
Calculates a new action description which describes the same transition system and contains only definite causal laws.
- toDefinite() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.CLaw
Returns an equivalent definite causal law.
- toDefinite() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
- toDefinite() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
- toDnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolFormula
Makes a disjunctive normal form of this formula.
- toDnf() - Method in class
This method returns this formula in disjunctive normal form (DNF).
- toDotFormat() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Returns this transition system in dot-format with collapsed transitions, which may be further processed using a graph drawing library such as graphviz.
- toDungTheory() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.DeductiveArgumentationTest
- toDungTheory() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.StructuredArgumentationFramework
Constructs a (pure) Dung theory from this structured argumentation framework.
- ToDungTheoryMethodTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.AbaTest
- toEAF() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
translates this necessity argumentation framework into an evidential argumentation framework Translation algorithm from: Polberg, Oren.
- toFOL(Conjunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given propositional Conjunction to a FOL Conjunction
- toFOL(Disjunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given propositional Disjunction to a FOL Disjunction
- toFOL(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Return FolFormula toFOL
- toFOL(Proposition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given proposition into a FOL-Atom
- toFOL(ASPAtom) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates an ASPAtom to its corresponding FolAtom.
- toFOL(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates an ASPLiteral to a FolFormula.
- toFOL(ClassicalHead) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates a ClassicalHead (ASP disjunction) to a FOL Disjunction.
- toFOL(StrictNegation) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates a StrictNegation into a Negation for FOL.
- toggleOutputWhitelist(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.ClingoSolver
Activates or deactivates the option to use a whitelist of predicates.
- token - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
Current token.
- token - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParser
Current token.
- token - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParser
Current token.
- token - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Current token.
- token - Variable in class
Current token.
- token - Variable in class
Current token.
- Token - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser
Describes the input token stream.
- Token - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser
Describes the input token stream.
- Token - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser
Describes the input token stream.
- Token - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Describes the input token stream.
- Token - Class in
Describes the input token stream.
- Token() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.Token
No-argument constructor
- Token() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
No-argument constructor
- Token() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
No-argument constructor.
- Token() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.Token
Constructs a new
with no initial kind or image. - Token() - Constructor for class
No-argument constructor for
. - Token(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image.
- Token(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image.
- Token(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified kind.
- Token(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.Token
Constructs a new
with the specified kind. - Token(int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new token for the specified kind.
- Token(int, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image and Kind.
- Token(int, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image and Kind.
- Token(int, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
Constructs a new token for the specified kind and image.
- Token(int, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.Token
Constructs a new
with the specified kind and image. - Token(int, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new token for the specified kind and image.
- token_source - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParser
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParser
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Variable in class
Generated Token Manager.
- token_source - Variable in class
Generated Token Manager.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParserConstants
Literal token values for easy reference.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclCondensedProbabilityDistributionParserConstants
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.RpclProbabilityDistributionParserConstants
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Variable in exception class
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface
Literal token values.
- tokenImage - Static variable in interface
Literal token values.
- tokenize(Stack<Object>, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.parser.DlParser
This method reads one character from the given reader and appropriately tokenizes it.
- TokenMgrError - Exception Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError - Exception Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError - Exception Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError - Exception Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError - Exception Class in
Token Manager Error.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.TokenMgrError
No arg constructor.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.TokenMgrError
No arg constructor.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.TokenMgrError
No arg constructor.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.TokenMgrError
No arg constructor.
- TokenMgrError() - Constructor for exception class
No-argument constructor for
. - TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a new
with detailed information about a lexical error. - TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a
with detailed information about the lexical error. - TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a new
with detailed information about a lexical error. - TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a new
with detailed information about a lexical error. - TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for exception class
Full constructor for
, generating a detailed lexical error message. - TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a new
with a specified error message and reason code. - TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a
with a specified error message and reason code. - TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a new
with a specified error message and reason code. - TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.TokenMgrError
Constructs a new
with a specified error message and reason code. - TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for exception class
Constructor for
with a specified message and reason code. - TOLERANCE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.EvaluationInconsistencyListener
- toLibsvmProblem() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.TrainingSet
Returns a svm_problem (the data data model of libsvm) of this training set.
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Equation
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Inequation
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Statement
Brings both terms into linear form.
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Constant
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Difference
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Fraction
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.FunctionalTerm
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Maximum
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Minimum
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Product
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Term
Converts this term into a linear normal form, i.e.
- toLinearForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Variable
- toMap(Interpretation) - Static method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.Interpretation
- toNAF() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.DeductiveArgumentationFramework
translates this DAF into the corresponding framework with support in a necessary sense See Cayrol, Lagasquie-Schiex.
- toNAF() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
translates this EAF into the corresponding NAF can only translate framework which contain only binary attacks translation algorithm from: Polberg, Oren.
- toNewEAFTheory() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.InducibleEAF
- toNLP(ClBeliefSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.clnlp.ClNLPTranslator
Translate the given conditional belief set into a NLP-program.
- toNLP(Program) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp.AspNlpTranslator
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Conjunction
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Disjunction
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Equivalence
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ExclusiveDisjunction
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolAtom
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolFormula
Makes the negation normal form of this formula.
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Negation
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.SpecialFormula
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
This method returns this formula in negation normal form (NNF).
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.Indecision
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.WeakNegation
- toNnf() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPNot
- toNormalizedForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Equation
- toNormalizedForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Inequation
- toNormalizedForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Statement
Normalizes this constraint, i.e.
- toNormalizedForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem
Normalizes this problem, i.e.
- toNumericalValue(Boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.algebra.BooleanSemiring
Converts a Boolean weight to its numerical representation.
- toNumericalValue(NonNumericSemiring.SemiringElement) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.algebra.NonNumericSemiring
Converts a non-numeric weight to its numerical representation.
- toNumericalValue(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.algebra.Semiring
Converts a value in a semiring to a numerical representation.
- toOutputString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.CActionDescription
Returns a string representation of this action description in human readable form, which may be written to a file or printed on screen.
- TopConcept - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax
This class models the top concept (universal concept) in description logics.
- TopConcept() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.TopConcept
Creates a new TopConcept.
- topElement() - Method in class
Returns the top element of this semantics.
- topElement() - Method in class
- toProbabilityDistribution() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.CondensedProbabilityDistribution
Converts this condensed probability distribution into an ordinary probability distribution.
- toPropositional(Conjunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given FOL Conjunction to a propositional Conjunction
- toPropositional(Disjunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given FOL Disjunction to a propositional Disjunction
- toPropositional(ExclusiveDisjunction) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given FOL Exclusive Disjunction to a propositional Exclusive Disjunction
- toPropositional(FolAtom) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Translates the given FOL-Atom into a Proposition
- toPropositional(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.FOLPropTranslator
Return PlFormula toPropositional
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Constant
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Difference
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Fraction
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.FunctionalTerm
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Maximum
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Minimum
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Power
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Product
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Term
Return a quadratic form
- toQuadraticForm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Variable
- toQuadraticFormHelper(Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GurobiOptimizer
Return a list of products from a quadratic term in normal form
- toStrict() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
- toStrictRule() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleRule
returns the translation of this rule as a strict rule
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.DynamicLaw
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.StaticLaw
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.grounding.VarConstNeqRequirement
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.grounding.VarsNeqRequirement
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.AlwaysQuery
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.HoldsQuery
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.NecessarilyQuery
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.QueryProposition
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.SActionQuery
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.ActionSignature
Provides a string representation of the action signature.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.FolAction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.FolActionName
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.FolFluentName
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.State
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.Transition
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.Agent
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.DirectGameProtocol
Provides a string representation of the protocol.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.DummyAgentGenerator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.ProbabilisticLotteryAgentGenerator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.RandomLotteryAgentGenerator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.UtilityBasedAgentGenerator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.GroundedGameProtocol
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.GroundedGameUtilityFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.sim.GroundedGameAgentGenerator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T1BeliefState
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T2BeliefState
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.DummyAgent
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Assumption
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Deduction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.InferenceRule
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Negation
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.BinaryAcceptanceCondition
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.ContradictionAcceptanceCondition
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.NegationAcceptanceCondition
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.TautologyAcceptanceCondition
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.Argument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.ThreeValuedBitSet
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.order.SimpleAspicOrder
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner.DirectionalAspicReasoner
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner.RandomAspicReasoner
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics.AspicAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics.SimpleAspicOrder
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.AnalysisType
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Pretty print of the EAFTheory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Returns a string representation of the
. - toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.Attack
Provides a string representation of the attack.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.BinaryAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.BinarySupport
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EAFTheory
Pretty print of the EAFTheory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EAttack
Returns the attack object in string format for debug purposes
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.InducibleEAF
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NamedPEAFTheory
Print the NamedPEAFTheory for debugging purposes
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Argument
Returns Argument as a string (good for debugging)
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Attack
Returns Attack as a string (good for debugging)
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Support
Returns Argument as a string (good for debugging)
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.SetSupport
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.Support
Returns a string representation of the support relation.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.caf.syntax.ConstrainedArgumentationFramework
Generates a string representation of the framework.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.semantics.DeductiveArgument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlLogicArgument
Returns a string representation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Returns a string representation of this rule.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.Token
Returns the image.
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.semantics.DelpAnswer.Type
Returns the textual description of the answer type.
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.semantics.DialecticalTree.Mark
Returns a single-character string representation of the
. - toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.semantics.DialecticalTree
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DefeasibleLogicProgram
Returns a string representation of the collection of rules.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpArgument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpRule
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.InducedArgument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoArgument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoBoxModality
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoDiamondModality
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoGraphBoxModality
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoGraphDiamondModality
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoNegation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoRelation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.ClausalAttackConstraint
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.Input
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax.SimpleAttackConstraint
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.FileFormat
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.AbstractArgumentationInterpretation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Extension
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Labeling
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.MinMaxNumbering
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.StratifiedLabeling
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationState
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.Argument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.Attack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.Claim
return the name
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.ClaimArgument
reurn string representation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.DefaultDungTheoryGenerator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.DungTheoryGenerationParameters
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.ExtendedAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Attack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentRebut
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Defeat
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Rebut
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongConfidentAttack
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongUndercut
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Undercut
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.syntax.Argument
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries.ArgumentationLottery
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries.LdoArgumentationLottery
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.AbstractPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.CoherentPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.FoundedPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.InvolutaryPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.JustifiablePASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.NeutralPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.OptimisticPASemantics
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.PASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.RationalPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.SemiFoundedPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.SemiOptimisticPASemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.syntax.ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAttack
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Generates a string representation of the framework.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.mas.InformationObject
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefBase
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.DualSetSignature
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.postulates.PostulateEvaluationReport
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.QuadrupleSetSignature
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Signature
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.TripleSetSignature
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Pair
returns a string representation of a pair as "(obj1, obj2)"
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.LatticePartialOrder
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.comparator.Order
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.DefaultGraph
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.DirectedEdge
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.DirHyperGraph
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.Graph
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.HyperDirEdge
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.HyperGraph
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleNode
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.UndirectedEdge
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.DfInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.DHitInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.DMaxInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.DrasticInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.DSumInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.EtaInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.HsInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.MicInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.MiInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.InconsistencyMeasurementProcess
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.InconsistencyUpdateEvent
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.WindowInconsistencyMeasurementProcess
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.error.LanguageException.LanguageExceptionReason
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.FunctionalTerm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Functor
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.LogicProgram
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.RelationalFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.StringTerm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TermAdapter
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AtomicConcept
Returns a string representation of this atomic concept.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AtomicRole
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.BottomConcept
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.Complement
Returns a string representation of this complement.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.ConceptAssertion
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.DlSignature
Returns the signature as a string in the order individuals - concept names - role names.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.EquivalenceAxiom
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.ExistentialRestriction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.RoleAssertion
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.TopConcept
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.UniversalRestriction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.semantics.HerbrandInterpretation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Contradiction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Equivalence
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolAtom
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolSignature
Returns a string representation of this first-order logic signature.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Implication
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.LogicStructure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Negation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.Tautology
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.Prover9Writer
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.TPTPWriter
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis.AbstractCoherenceMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis.AggregatingCoherenceMeasure
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis.CompatibilityMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis.DefaultCompatibilityMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.syntax.MlnFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.GeneralizedMeMachineShop
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.MinimalViolation2InconsistencyMeasure
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.semantics.ProbabilityDistribution
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.syntax.ProbabilisticConditional
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in enum class
to string
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.semantics.RelationalRankingFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.syntax.RelationalConditional
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.DefaultSequence
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultRule
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.syntax.DefaultTheory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
Returns the image.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.Token
Returns the image.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AbstractRpclSemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AggregatingSemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AveragingSemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.InstanceAssignment
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.ReferenceWorld
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.RpclProbabilityDistribution
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.RpclSemantics
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.syntax.RelationalProbabilisticConditional
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld.TruthValue
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld.TruthValue
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfpossibilistic.PossibilityDistribution
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.Indecision
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted.TruthValue
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.RankingFunctionThreeValued
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.WeakNegation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ParameterisedArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionOperator
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ParameterisedArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionOperator.TransformationType
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleNode
Returns a string representation of this node.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.Token
Returns the image of the token.
- toString() - Method in exception class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.SolverException
Returns a string representation of the exception, which is the textual message provided when the exception was created.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics.AnswerSet
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateHead
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.AggregateFunction
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.BinaryOperator
- toString() - Method in enum class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceElement
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ChoiceHead
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ComparativeAtom
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.DefaultNegation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationElement
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.OptimizationStatement
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPNot
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.FrequentPatternTree.FrequentPatternTreeNode
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.FrequentPatternTree
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.DoubleCategory
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.Episode
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.FixedPolicy
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.NamedAction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.NamedState
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.svm.MultiClassRbfTrainer
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.TrainingParameter
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.ComplexNumber
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.equation.Statement
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.math.func.AggregationFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.func.AverageAggregator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.func.MaxAggregator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.func.MinAggregator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.func.ProductAggregator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.func.SumAggregator
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.matrix.Matrix
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.norm.AggregatingNorm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.norm.ProbabilisticAggregatingNorm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.norm.ProbabilisticPNorm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.problem.OptimizationProblem
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.Probability
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.ProbabilityFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AbsoluteValue
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Difference
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Exp
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.FloatConstant
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Fraction
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.FunctionalTerm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.IntegerConstant
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Logarithm
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Maximum
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Minimum
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Power
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Product
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Root
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Sum
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Term
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Variable
- toString() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.preferences.BinaryRelation
returns a String with the elements of this set
- toString() - Method in class
Returns the string image of the token.
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
returns a String with the elements of this set
- toString() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.ranking.Functions
returns a string representation for this ranking function
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the Ping object.
- toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of this Post object.
- toString(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
returns a string representation of this belief set
- toString(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.FrequentPatternTree.FrequentPatternTreeNode
Returns a string representation of the node with
leading white spaces - toString(String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleNode
Returns a string representation of this node with a specified prefix.
- toSvmNode() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.DefaultObservation
Converts this observation into an array of `svm_node` objects.
- toSvmNode() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.Observation
Returns the svm_node (the data model of libsvm) representation of this observation.
- total - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.ConcurrentApproxAnalysis
- total - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.ConcurrentExactAnalysis
- TOTAL - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
The TOTAL postulate
- toUndirectedGraph() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
convert the graph into a undirected graph
- TPTPParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser
This class implements a parser for the TPTP syntax that parses single fol formulas and knowledge bases (TPTP problem files or axiom files).
- TPTPParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.parser.TPTPParser
- TPTPParserExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.examples
Examples for using TPTPParser.
- TPTPParserExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.examples.TPTPParserExample
- TPTPTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test
JUnitTest to test TPTP printer and EProver implementation
- TPTPTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.test.TPTPTest
- TPTPWriter - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer
Prints single first-order logic formulas and full knowledge bases to TPTP format.
- TPTPWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.TPTPWriter
Creates new TPTPWriter
- TPTPWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.writer.TPTPWriter
Creates new TPTPWriter
- TRACE - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.commons.TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel
- train(TrainingSet<DefaultObservation, DoubleCategory>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.svm.MultiClassRbfTrainer
- train(TrainingSet<DefaultObservation, DoubleCategory>, ParameterSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.svm.MultiClassRbfTrainer
- train(TrainingSet<S, T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.ParameterTrainer
- train(TrainingSet<S, T>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.Trainer
Trains a classifier on the given training set.
- train(TrainingSet<S, T>, ParameterSet) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.ParameterTrainer
- train(TrainingSet<S, T>, ParameterSet) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.Trainer
Trains a classifier on the given training set with the given parameters
- Trainer<S,
T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning -
The `Trainer` interface represents a generic trainer that can train a classifier on a given set of observations and categories.
- TrainingParameter - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning
A single parameter for a training method.
- TrainingParameter(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.TrainingParameter
Creates a new training parameter with the given values and actual value as default value.
- TrainingParameter(String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.TrainingParameter
Creates a new training parameter with the given values.
- TrainingSet<S,
T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning -
A set of observations together with their category.
- TrainingSet() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.TrainingSet
Default Constructor
- transform(Collection<PlFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.argumentative.ArgumentativeTransformationFunction
- transform(Collection<ASPRule>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.NaiveLiteralTransformationFunction
- transform(Collection<ASPRule>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunction
- transform(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.MultipleTransformationFunction
Transforms the given set of formulas for selective revision.
- transform(BiFunction<Argument, AcceptanceCondition, AcceptanceCondition>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf.AbstractDialecticalFramework
Creates a new
with acceptance conditions transformed based on both the argument and its acceptance condition. - transform(Function<AcceptanceCondition, AcceptanceCondition>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf.AbstractDialecticalFramework
Creates a new
with acceptance conditions transformed using the provided function. - transform(AcceptanceCondition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.AbstractCollector
- transform(AcceptanceCondition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.AbstractTransformer
- transform(AcceptanceCondition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.FixPartialTransformer
- transform(AcceptanceCondition) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.Transformer
Transforms the given acceptance condition into another structure.
- transform(AcceptanceCondition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.TseitinTransformer
- transform(Transformer<AcceptanceCondition>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf.AbstractDialecticalFramework
Creates a new
with acceptance conditions transformed using aTransformer
. - transform(ASPRule) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.NaiveLiteralTransformationFunction
"Transforms" the single fact by either accepting or rejecting it.
- transform(ASPRule) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ScepticalLiteralTransformationFunction
"Transforms" the single rule by either accepting or rejecting it.
- transform(T) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.TransformationFunction
Transforms the given formula for selective revision.
- TransformationFunction<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision
This interface represents a transformation function for selective revision [Ferme:1999].
- Transformer<R> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform
Transforms an acceptance condition into an arbitrary structure.
- transformToShortCircuit() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Transform the Petri net to the short-circuited version, where the final place and initial place are linked via a transition
- Transition - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem
Represents a transition in an action transition system, which is a representation of the execution of an action which causes a state change from a source state to a target state.
- Transition - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax
A class to describe transitions in a Petri net
- Transition(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Transition
Create a new transition
- Transition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Transition
Create a new transition
- Transition(State, FolAction, State) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.Transition
Creates a new transition with the given parameters.
- TRANSITION_TO_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Ark.Direction
- TransitionSystem - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem
This class represents an action transition system for a fixed action signature with a set of states and a set of transitions between states.
- TransitionSystem(Set<State>, Set<Transition>, ActionSignature) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Creates a new transition system.
- TransitionSystem(Set<State>, ActionSignature) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Creates a new transition system.
- TransitionSystem(ActionSignature) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Creates a new empty transition system with the given ActionSignature.
- translate(List<Program>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.revision.CredibilityRevision
Translates the given list of programs to the credibility logic program.
- translateAssociative(A, Class<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translates the given source associative formula into an instance of the target associative formula class.
- translateAtom(Atom, Class<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translates the given source atom into an instance of the target atom class.
- translatePredicate(Predicate, Class<C>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translates the given source predicate into an instance of the given predicate class.
- translateRule(Rule<? extends SimpleLogicalFormula, ? extends SimpleLogicalFormula>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translates the given source rule into an instance of the target rule class.
- TranslateTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop
Tests the FOLPropTranslator
- TranslateTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.folprop.TranslateTest
- translateTwoDisjunctions() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp.ASPNLPTranslatorTest
- translateUsingMap(SimpleLogicalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Translates the given formula using the translation map, handling custom logic for negations if needed.
- translateUsingMap(SimpleLogicalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translates the given source formula using the translation map.
- TranslationTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar
- TranslationTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.TranslationTest
- Translator - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators
Allows translation between different logic languages, sub classes have to implement the translation between complex formulas but this base class provides methods to translate, predicates, Atoms, Associative formulas and Rules.
- Translator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Creates a new Translator instance and initializes the translation map.
- transpose() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.matrix.Matrix
Transposes this matrix, i.e.
- TravelingSalesman - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
implements the traveling salesman problem.
- TravelingSalesman(ArrayList<ElementOfCombinatoricsProb>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithAntOpt - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for the ant colony algorithm using isula for combinatrics problems
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithAntOpt() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman_solvedWithAntOpt
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithGeneticOpt - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithGeneticOpt() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman_solvedWithGeneticOpt
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithIteratedLocalSearch - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithIteratedLocalSearch() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman_solvedWithIteratedLocalSearch
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithSimAn - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithSimAn() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman_solvedWithSimAn
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithStochasticLocalSearch - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithStochasticLocalSearch() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman_solvedWithStochasticLocalSearch
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithTabuSearch - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
- TravelingSalesman_solvedWithTabuSearch() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesman_solvedWithTabuSearch
- TravelingSalesmanEx2 - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
- TravelingSalesmanEx2() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.TravelingSalesmanEx2
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
Removes duplicates (identical formulas) from conjunctions and disjunctions and removes duplicate negations.
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class
- trim() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ExistsQuantifiedFormula
- trim() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.syntax.ForallQuantifiedFormula
- trim() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.Indecision
- trim() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.WeakNegation
- Triple<E,
F, - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons.utilG> -
This class implements a simple triple of elements.
- Triple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Triple
Initializes an empty triple.
- Triple(E, F, G) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.Triple
Initializes the elements of this triple with the given parameters
- TripleSetSignature<T,
S, - Class in org.tweetyproject.commonsU> -
This class models a signature as three sets of formulas.
- TripleSetSignature() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.TripleSetSignature
Creates a new empty signature.
- TRUE - Enum constant in enum class
- TRUE - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.FourValuedWorld.TruthValue
- TRUE - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.ThreeValuedWorld.TruthValue
- TRUE - Enum constant in enum class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted.TruthValue
- TruthfulArgumentationAgent - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured
This class models a truthful argumentation agent, i.e.
- TruthfulArgumentationAgent(StructuredArgumentationFramework, UtilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured.TruthfulArgumentationAgent
Creates a new (non-single-step) agent with the given (local) view and utility function.
- TruthfulArgumentationAgent(StructuredArgumentationFramework, UtilityFunction, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.structured.TruthfulArgumentationAgent
Creates a new agent with the given (local) view and utility function.
- TseitinTransformer - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform
TseitinTransformer class
- TT_ASSOC - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translation type for associative formula
- TT_ATOM - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translation type for atom
- TT_NEGATION - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Constant representing translation type for negation
- TT_PREDICATE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translation type for predicate
- TT_RULE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.Translator
Translation type for rule
- TuplesExample() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.examples.RankingPostulatesExample
Evaluates the TuplesRankingReasoner against all postulates and prints the results.
- TuplesRankingReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
This class implements the "tuples*" argument ranking approach as proposed by [Cayrol, Lagasquie-Schiex.
- TuplesRankingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.TuplesRankingReasoner
Default Constructor
- TWEETY - Enum constant in enum class
- TWEETY_CLI_DEFAULT_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
- TweetyCli - Class in org.tweetyproject.cli
This class implements a simple command line interface for accessing the functionalities provided by the TweetyProject libraries.
- TweetyCli() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
- TweetyConfiguration - Interface in org.tweetyproject.commons
This interface contains some configuration options for Tweety.
- TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel - Enum Class in org.tweetyproject.commons
The possible log levels.
- TweetyPlugin - Interface in org.tweetyproject.plugin
This class provides the base for each plugin's functionality
- TweetyServer - Class in org.tweetyproject.web
Uses the Grizzly HTTP server to instantiate the TweetyProject server that provides API access to TweetyProject services.
- TweetyServer() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.web.TweetyServer
- TwoValuedInterpretationIterator - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation
TwoValuedInterpretationIterator class
- TwoValuedInterpretationIterator(Collection<Argument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.TwoValuedInterpretationIterator
- TwoValuedModelSatEncoding - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.encodings
This class implements a SAT encoding for two-valued models in an Abstract Dialectical Framework (ADF).
- TwoValuedModelSatEncoding(AbstractDialecticalFramework, PropositionalMapping) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.encodings.TwoValuedModelSatEncoding
Constructs a new TwoValuedModelSatEncoding for the given Abstract Dialectical Framework (ADF) and propositional mapping.
- TypedStructure - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
This interface defines method which are given by every TypedStructure like a Predicate or an Functor.
- TypedStructureAdapter - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax
The abstract parent for predicates and functors implementing the TypedStructure interface.
- TypedStructureAdapter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
Default-Ctor: Creating empty typed structure
- TypedStructureAdapter(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
Initializes a structure of arity zero with the given name;
- TypedStructureAdapter(String, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
Initializes a structure with the given name and of the given arity.
- TypedStructureAdapter(String, List<Sort>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
Initializes a structure with the given name and the given list of argument sorts.
- TypesTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.qbf.test.QbfTest
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form